Avatar billede grave Nybegynder
26. januar 2001 - 12:27 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning

Brugere og Grupper

Hvordan trækker jeg en liste ud over de brugere der er i de forskellige grupper i mit domain, til en text fil ell. lign.
Avatar billede nca Juniormester
26. januar 2001 - 14:39 #1
Du skal bruge programmet AddUsers fra NT ressource Kit. Herunder en kopi af syntaksen:

addusers [ \\\\computername ] { /c [/p:{l | c | e | d}] | /d | /e } filename [/s:x] [/?]

is the computer on which you want to create user accounts or from which you want to write user accounts. if you do not specify a computer name, addusers will use the local computer by default.
creates user accounts, local groups, and global groups as specified by filename.
followed by l, c, e, or d, or any combination of the four, sets the following account-creation options (must be used in conjuction with /c):
users do not have to change passwords at next logon.
users cannot change passwords.
passwords never expire (implies l option).
accounts are disabled.
if you do not specify this option, all accounts will be created with the usermgr.exe defaults.
dumps (writes) user accounts, local groups, and global groups to filename.
note that choosing to dump current user accounts does not save the account\'s passwords or any security information for the accounts. to back up security information for accounts, a tape backup should be used.
also, note that since password information is not saved in a user account dump, using the same file to create accounts will cause all passwords of newly created accounts to be empty. all created users will be required to change their password at logon by default.
deletes user accounts as specified by filename.
Caution Be careful when erasing user accounts, as it is not possible to recreate the user account with the same SID. This option, however, cannot erase built-in default accounts.
Also, be aware that when a local or global group is included in the text file, the /e switch does not just remove the user from the group, but also eliminates the entire group.
is the comma-delimited input/output file that addusers will use for data.
changes the character used for separating fields in the file. the x should be replaced with the new character to be used for separating fields. for example, /s:~ would make the \"~\" (tilde) the field-separation character.
if this option is not specified, the default separator, a comma (\",\"), is used.
displays a usage screen with this syntax

Avatar billede pmd Nybegynder
09. februar 2001 - 12:01 #2
Hvad er der galt med gode gamle \"net group\"???
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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