ja her er feks nogen danske du kan bruge DK Denmark GPS.FreeBSD.dk ( Location: Slagelse, Denmark Geographic Coordinates: 55:24:22.03N, 11:20:22.98E Synchronization: NTP V4 GPS with rubidium timebase Service Area: As network paths make it sensible Access Policy: open access to servers, please, no client use Contacts: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org) Note: timestamps better than +/-50 nsec DK Denmark GPS.dix.dk ( Location: Lyngby, Denmark Geographic Coordinates: 55:47:03.36N, 12:03:21.48E Synchronization: NTP V4 GPS with OCXO timebase Service Area: Networks BGP-announced on the DIX Access Policy: open access to servers, please, no client use Contacts: Poul-Henning Kamp (phk@FreeBSD.org) Note: timestamps better than +/-5 usec.
vi kunne teste det ved at jeg prøvede at update fra dig hvis du giver mig din ip .. om man kan connecte kommer an på om du har firewall og feks router .. for så skal du åbne dens port .. og du skal forwarde porten til maskinen.
8 Apr 18:57:37 ntpdate[61218]: no server suitable for synchronization found
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