Capgemini Danmark A/S
Security ConsultantSocialpædagogernes Landsforbund
Konsulent med solide implementeringskompetencer til digital udvikling (tidsbegrænset stilling)Netcompany A/S
IT ConsultantNordic RCC
Application Architect at the heart of the Nordic Green TransitionSEGES Innovation
UX/UI Designer til digitale produkt teamsIntempus
ImplementeringskonsulentRiskpoint A/S (Riskpoint Solutions Limited)
Application Support SpecialistCognizant Technology Solutions Denmark ApS
Deskside Support EngineerKMD A/S
Senior Full Stack Developer .NetPolitiets Efterretningstjeneste
CNE-specialist til PET's indhentningsafdelingConscia & Palo Alto
Konica Minolta