Avatar billede cydone Nybegynder
08. august 2001 - 16:37 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Et Ram Problem (engelsk)

Jeg har en ven som har et lille problem med sin RAM, tænkte på experten, at der måske var nogle der kunne hjælpe, her er spørgsmålet!

there are two related problems; my motherboard isnt accepting my new 256 DIMM, so i wanted to flash the BIOS
but to do that, i need to create a boot disk, which is where the second problem comes in
when i try to read anything off my floppy drive, all i get is corrupted gobbletigook

so i need to figure out what the problem with reading my floppy drive is, but have no clue because ive replaced most of the components (other than the mtrbrd)

i dont actually need to fix the floppy drive if there is a way to get my motherboard to accept the new 256 SDRAM without flashing the BIOS

so, i either need someone to suggest what may be causing it to read the floppy corrupted, or to tell me how to get it to accept the new DIMM without flashing the BIOS


Håber nogen kan hjælpe.

(My 256 dimm???)

I må meget gerne svare på engelsk!

Avatar billede jimmynielsen Novice
08. august 2001 - 16:46 #1
make sure your motherboard supports 256 DIMM ram - if you can copy the flash program & datafile from the network, you can boot to command-prompt from your windows CD and then change location to your harddrive and flash the bios.
Avatar billede palomino Nybegynder
08. august 2001 - 17:26 #2
Why do you need to creat a bootdisk?? Can\'t you just boot from the harddrive and then use \"dos prompt in safe mode\"??

And you are sure that the motherboard supports 256MB dimms??

If your motherboard doesn\'t support the 256MB dimm, an upgrade of your bios won\'t help either. It is the chipset which decides what kind of ram-modules you can use.

Maybe you are using a PC133 dimm, and the motherboard only supports PC100 dimms...

Avatar billede tonnybrandt Nybegynder
08. august 2001 - 17:26 #3
Normally Ram is one of the easiest thing to upgrade, so i would suspect that the computer doesn\'t support it. Post tha make and model of your motherboard and we can check if it is supported.
For the bootdisk, here is one specifically for flashing bios http://www.bootdisk.com/drdfiles/drdflash.exe
Avatar billede vuffe Nybegynder
08. august 2001 - 17:40 #4
what kind of ram is i? PC-66/100/133 or EDO. Many old motherboards don´t support 256 MB ram. Make sure that you are not using two different types of ram. make also sure that your motherboard support the speed (MHz) of the ram, maybe you have to go into your bios and set the Mhz of the ram. The largest of your ram\'s must be plugged in the first socket at yuor motherboard.
how much is your Front Side Bus at?
Can you tell me the name of you motherboard?
Avatar billede cydone Nybegynder
09. august 2001 - 03:37 #5
well, i went into the setup and theres a few things i have to ask about before i start muckin around (well, it may be a wee bit late, but stil...)

first off, for the \"OS select for RAM > 64\" it is set to \"non-OS2\"
what does this mean, and should it be set to \"OS2\"?

second, my \"DRAM Clock\" is set to \"CPU\"
should it be set to \"CPU + 33\"?

my CPU settings are:
\"Detected CPU Speed: 600\"
\"Clock Frequency: 66.8\"
\"Clock Ratio: 3.5\"
\"Setup CPU Speed: 233\"

are the \'detected\' and \'setup\' speeds supposed to be different?

does any of this have anything to do with my 256 PC133 SDRAM not working properly? (reads as 128 if its in slot 1, and 512 anywhere else and causes crashes)

thanks again,
Avatar billede tonnybrandt Nybegynder
09. august 2001 - 08:25 #6
No i don\'t think so. The best thing you can do right now, is tell us the make and model of the motherboard, otherwise we are just guessing.
Avatar billede vuffe Nybegynder
09. august 2001 - 14:21 #7
yes tell us the name of the motherboard.
Have you other blocks of ram in your computer? and in the case - could you specify them for us?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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