Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 03:22 Der er 24 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Dvale funktion væk

Jeg kan ikke længere sætte min computer i Dvale, den er pist væk. Også inde i strømforsyning... hvordan fr jeg det frem igen, og hvorfor er det der ikke mere ?
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 04:25 #1
Kan det være efter jeg skiftede mit AT kabinet ud med et ATX ?
Avatar billede goulduck Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 07:13 #2
Prøv at kigge i enhedshåndteringen ... det kan være at der er noget at se der ...
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 10:20 #3
Kik lige på din Power Management i bios, se om ACPI og APM er sat til enable!
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 10:21 #4
Du kan næppe have skiftet dit AT ud med ATX uden at sætte et nyt ATX bundkort i.
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 12:26 #5
retaxes: Det kan jeg sagtens, ASUS P2B-B er lavet både til AT og ATX
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 12:30 #6
Aha, jeg var ellers helt sikke på at det ikke fandtes, men så ved jeg det ;o)
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 12:31 #7
Hvad har du ellers fundet ud af, er det gået lidt i stå?
Avatar billede janmansilver Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 13:23 #8
På min gamle IBM PII virkede Dvale funktionen ikke efter jeg havde installeret Windows 2000 på den. Jeg fandt så ud af at mit Windows ikke var sikker på om min maskine understøttede det.

Jeg højreklikkede på skrivebordet og valgte \"properties\". Så valgte jeg fanebladet \"screen saver\" og under det knappen \"power\".

På min gamle maskine ville der så være et faneblad der hed APM eller noget i den stil. vælg det og sæt kryds ved at den skal understøtte det.

På min nye maskinen findes dette faneblad ikke længere så det kan godt være lidt anderledes end jeg beskriver det.

Måske kan det være noget i samme stil med sin maskine. Min gamle maskine ville heller ikke slukke af sig selv før jeg rettede det.
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 13:29 #9
omen> Har du set i bios om du har APM/ACPI og om de er enablet?

Jeg kan ikke stille det i min under kontrolpanel/Strømstyring, så hos mig er det i bios det foregår!

Ellers skal du overveje en biosopgradering!
Avatar billede jakop Nybegynder
01. august 2001 - 14:32 #10
For at få adgang til strømstyring og dvalefunktionen i Windows2000, skal du logge dig på som lokal administrator. Under kontrolpaneler, strømstyring får du nu muligheden for denne funktion. Men husk - du skal være logget på som administrator
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 16:04 #11
retaxes: der står intet om APM/ACPI i min bios... sikkert for gammel. Men davle funktionen har da virket, med mit nuværende bundkort og i windows2000.
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 16:04 #12
jakop: jeg logger også ind som administrator
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 16:18 #13
omen: Så du efter i bios under Powermanagement?
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 16:29 #14
ja... der står intet om det.
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 16:37 #15
så er der næsten kun en bios opdatering tilbage.
Det kunne være du skulle spørge makse, han kender sikkert en måde at få den til at virke!
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 17:37 #16
jeg tror ikke det har noget med min bios at gøre, det virkede før jeg skiftede kabinet
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 17:43 #17
Hvad er forskellem mellem dit gamle kabinet og det nye?
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 19:52 #18
retaxes: det gamle var AT, det nye er ATX
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 19:57 #19
Det står der jo også i din første kommentar! Zzzzzk, sorry
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 20:05 #20
Var lige inde på ASUS site, jeg fandt der, kan det bruges?

  P3C-D | P3C-E | P3C-L | P3C-S | P3C-LS | P3C2000 | P3V4X | P3V133 | P3W | P3W-E | P3B-1394 | P3B-F | P2-99 | P2-99B | P2B | P2B98-XV | P2B-B | P2B-F | P2B-L | P2B-S | P2B-LS | P2B-N | P2B-VM | P2B-D | P2B-DS | P2B-D2 | P2L-B | P2L-M | P2L-N | P2L-VM | P2L97 | P2L97A | P2L97-S | P2L97-DS | P2E-B | P2E-M | P2E-N | P2E-VM | P/I-P65UP8/C-PKND | KN97 | KN97-X | P/I-P65UP5/C-PKND | P2V | P2V-B | P2Z | P2Z-B | P2Z-VM |  Intel® 820 RAMBUS/Camino Chipset

P3C-D (3x RIMM, AGP 4X, 5 PCI, dual CuMine CPU support)
Please use \"RAMBUS RDRAM\" instead of \"SDRAM on a DIMM Riser Card\".
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C-D BIOS Ver. 1020 05/04/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.
Support MP1.4.
P3C-D BIOS Ver. 1009 03/15/2000
Latest Release.


P3C-E (ATX, 2x RIMM, 5 PCI and 1 ISA slots)
Please use \"RAMBUS RDRAM\" instead of \"SDRAM on a DIMM Riser Card\".
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C-E BIOS Ver. 1023 for Software AC \' 97 CODEC 11/22/2000
P3C-E BIOS Ver. 1023 for Onboard/Non-Onboard audio 11/22/2000
Set keyboard to PS/2 mode before VGA initialization.
Fix \"cannot power up system from S5 by PS/2 mouse when USB legacy enabled\".
Fix \"cannot wakup system from S3 by keyboard\".
Fix incorrect size of GART aperture size.
Fix system cannot boot from 720K floppy if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Add microcode update.
Fix Win98se STR will wake up immediately.
Set DMI L2 maximum size to installed size.
Revise hardware monitor.
Fix incorrect PCI latency timer.
P3C-E BIOS Ver. 1020 for Software AC \' 97 CODEC 05/04/2000
P3C-E BIOS Ver. 1020 for Onboard/Non-Onboard audio 05/04/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Update AIC7892 BIOS to revision 257.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.


P3C-L (ATX, 2x RIMM, Intel 82559 LAN))
Please use \"RAMBUS RDRAM\" instead of \"SDRAM on a DIMM Riser Card\".
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C-L BIOS Ver. 1023 11/22/2000
Set keyboard to PS/2 mode before VGA initialization.
Fix \"cannot power up system from S5 by PS/2 mouse when USB legacy enabled\".
Fix \"cannot wakup system from S3 by keyboard\".
Fix incorrect size of GART aperture size.
Fix system cannot boot from 720K floppy if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Add microcode update.
Fix Win98se STR will wake up immediately.
Set DMI L2 maximum size to installed size.
Revise hardware monitor.
Fix incorrect PCI latency timer.
P3C-L BIOS Ver. 1020 05/04/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Update AIC7892 BIOS to revision 257.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.


P3C-S (ATX, 2x RIMM, Adaptec 7892 Ultra 160 SCS)
Please use \"RAMBUS RDRAM\" instead of \"SDRAM on a DIMM Riser Card\".
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C-S BIOS Ver. 1023 11/22/2000
Set keyboard to PS/2 mode before VGA initialization.
Fix \"cannot power up system from S5 by PS/2 mouse when USB legacy enabled\".
Fix \"cannot wakup system from S3 by keyboard\".
Fix incorrect size of GART aperture size.
Fix system cannot boot from 720K floppy if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Add microcode update.
Fix Win98se STR will wake up immediately.
Set DMI L2 maximum size to installed size.
Revise hardware monitor.
Fix incorrect PCI latency timer.
P3C-S BIOS Ver. 1020 05/04/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Update AIC7892 BIOS to revision 257.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.


P3C-LS (ATX, 2x RIMM, Intel 82559 LAN, Adaptec 7892 Ultra 160 SCSI)
Please use \"RAMBUS RDRAM\" instead of \"SDRAM on a DIMM Riser Card\".
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C-LS BIOS Ver. 1023 11/22/2000
Set keyboard to PS/2 mode before VGA initialization.
Fix \"cannot power up system from S5 by PS/2 mouse when USB legacy enabled\".
Fix \"cannot wakup system from S3 by keyboard\".
Fix incorrect size of GART aperture size.
Fix system cannot boot from 720K floppy if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Add microcode update.
Fix Win98se STR will wake up immediately.
Set DMI L2 maximum size to installed size.
Revise hardware monitor.
Fix incorrect PCI latency timer.
P3C-LS BIOS Ver. 1020 05/04/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Update AIC7892 BIOS to revision 257.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.


P3C2000 (ATX, 4x PC100 SDRAM sockets, no audio support)
Discontinued Due to Intel\'s 820 MTH Issue
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3C2000 BIOS Ver. 1021 05/09/2000
Support CPU with clock ratio greater than 8.0x.
Support onboard ADI 1881A codec.
Modify floppy 3-mode setup option.
Fix no sound under Windows DOS Prompt.
Support SmartLink mix with Modem Riser card.
P3C2000 BIOS Ver. 1011a 01/24/2000
Latest Y2K Release.


VIA® Pro133/133A Series

P3V4X (6 PCI, 1 ISA, 1 AGP, AGP 4X, 2GB SDRAM, PC Health Monitoring)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3V4X BIOS Release Ver. 1005 06/15/2000
Change the method for detecting different clock chip.
Change CMOS default year to AC 2000.
P3V4X BIOS Release Ver. 1003 03/15/2000
Remove Set off APM Mode 1.0 checking, fix Win2000 APM cannot shutdown.
Set \"AGP Fast Write\" option default value to disabled.
Add the new menu item \"AGP Fast Write\".


P3V133 (4 PCI, 3 ISA, 1 AGP, AGP 2X, 768MB SDRAM, PC Health Monitoring)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3V133 BIOS Release Ver. 1002 03/15/2000
Add microcode update support for Cu-Mine B-0 stepping.
Fix HCT 9.5 Power Button Override test failure.
Fix PME not enabled for some cards.
Fix PC Probe reading error.
P3V133 BIOS Release Ver. 1001a 12/31/99
First Release.

Intel® 810/810(E) Chipset

P3W (3 PCI, A3 Version, STR, UDMA/66, ATX)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3W BIOS Ver. 1014 11/22/2000
Fix \"Onboard FDC Swap A & B\" setup option has no function.
Fix Windows 98 SE shows resource conflict if ECP and 3BCH/IRQ7 are selected in setup.
Fix Win98 SE wakes up from S3(Suspend-to-RAM) state unexpectedly if USB is powered by +5V.
Fix some PS2 mouses work abnormally after resuming from S1 state.
Fix Genius Netmouse (PS2) cannot be detected.
Fix wrong CPU internal frequency setup options for a CPU with locked frequency multiple.
Fix PS2 keyboard/mouse cannot wake up the system from Suspend-to-RAM state.
Fix USB keyboard/mouse cannot work after Win98 SE restarts in MS-DOS mode if the system resumed from S3(Suspend-to-RAM) state previously.
Support boot from USB floppy and USB ZIP.
Update VGA BIOS.
Fix Windows 98 SE cannot be installed if USB floppy drive is attached.
Fix Windows 98 SE hangs in accessing drive A: if USB floppy drive is attached.
Fix the system cannot boot from a bootable 720K diskette if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Support Intel 1GHz CPU (CPU ID = 686).
Add \"Wakeup key\" setup option for \"Wake Up By PS2 Keyboard\" setup item.
Fix system cannot resume from S3 (Suspend-to-RAM state) if Intel Pentium III 933MHz CPU is used.
P3W BIOS Ver. 1011 04/19/2000
Fill subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID.
Fix booting from floppy drive A: unexpectedly if both supervisor and user passwords are enabled.
Support boot from the BEV (Bootstrap Entry Vector) of onboard LAN.
Fix displaying garbage after loading setup defaults with many disabled items.
Add \"Display Cache\" Enabled/Disabled setup option.
Fix the power button has no function after Windows 98 restarts to MS-DOS mode.
Fix floppy write-protect functions fails in Windows 98.
Fix the system cannot boot from Sony DDU220E DVD-ROM.
Fix the system cannot boot from its LS-120 drive if a CD-R is inserted in its CD-RW (or CD-ROM) drive.
Fix an IDE hard disk having a formatted partition larger than 8.4G bytes cannot be enumerated by OS in \"User Type HDD\" mode.
Fix the system cannot upgrade BIOS successfully if internal graphics is disabled.
Fix PME not enabled for some cards.
Fix Win98SE cannot be installed from CD-ROM if a MR card is plugged in.
Fix ASUS PC Probe shows CPU temperature much higher than the actual one after resuming from Suspend-to-RAM.
Fix PS/2 keyboard cannot wake up the system from Win98 (Japanese) standby mode.
Fix the shadowed option ROMs will be cleared when resuming from S3.
Fix Win 2000 APM cannot shutdown.
Support SmartLink mixed with with AC 97 card.
Update VGA BIOS to vb810301.dat.
Support 566MHz and 850MHz CPU.


P3W-E (5/6 PCI, 133MHz FSB, STR, UDMA/66, ATX)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3W-E BIOS Ver. 1014 11/22/2000
Fix \"Onboard FDC Swap A & B\" setup option has no function.
Fix Windows 98 SE shows resource conflict if ECP and 3BCH/IRQ7 are selected in setup.
Fix Win98 SE wakes up from S3(Suspend-to-RAM) state unexpectedly if USB is powered by +5V.
Fix some PS2 mouses work abnormally after resuming from S1 state.
Fix Genius Netmouse (PS2) cannot be detected.
Fix wrong CPU internal frequency setup options for a CPU with locked frequency multiple.
Fix PS2 keyboard/mouse cannot wake up the system from Suspend-to-RAM state.
Fix USB keyboard/mouse cannot work after Win98 SE restarts in MS-DOS mode if the system resumed from S3(Suspend-to-RAM) state previously.
Support boot from USB floppy and USB ZIP.
Update VGA BIOS.
Fix Windows 98 SE cannot be installed if USB floppy drive is attached.
Fix Windows 98 SE hangs in accessing drive A: if USB floppy drive is attached.
Fix the system cannot boot from a bootable 720K diskette if CPU internal frequency is greater than 667MHz.
Support Intel 1GHz CPU (CPU ID = 686).
Add \"Wakeup key\" setup option for \"Wake Up By PS2 Keyboard\" setup item.
Fix system cannot resume from S3 (Suspend-to-RAM state) if Intel Pentium III 933MHz CPU is used.
P3W-E BIOS Ver. 1011 04/20/2000
Fill subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID.
Fix booting from floppy drive A: unexpectedly if both supervisor and user passwords are enabled.
Support boot from the BEV (Bootstrap Entry Vector) of onboard LAN.
Fix displaying garbage after loading setup defaults when many disabled items.
Add \"Display Cache\" Enabled/Disabled setup option.
Fix the power button has no function after Windows 98 restarts to MS-DOS mode.
Fix floppy write-protect functions fails in Windows 98.
Fix the system cannot boot from Sony DDU220E DVD-ROM.
Fix the system cannot boot from its LS-120 drive if a CD-R is inserted in its CD-RW (or CD-ROM) drive.
Fix an IDE hard disk having a formatted partition larger than 8.4G bytes canno be enumerated by OS in \"User Type HDD\" mode.
Fix the system cannot upgrade BIOS successfully if internal graphics is disabled.
Fix PME not enabled for some cards.
Fix Win98SE cannot be installed from CD-ROM if a MR card is plugged in.
Fix ASUS PC Probe shows CPU temperature much higher than the actual one after resuming from Suspend-to-RAM.
Fix PS/2 keyboard cannot wake up the system from Win98 (Japanese) standby mode.
Fix the shadowed option ROMs will be cleared when resuming from S3.
Fix Win 2000 APM cannot shutdown.
Support SmartLink mixed AC 97 card.
Update VGA BIOS to vb810301.dat.
Support 566MHz and 850MHz CPU.


Intel® 440BX Chipset

P3B-1394 (3 PCI, IEEE-1394, STR, microATX)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3B-1394 BIOS Ver. 2003. 08/03/2000
Update CPU microcode.
Add modem power up option.
Fix power fan reading error.
P3B-1394 BIOS Ver. 2002. 11/02/99
Fix system cannot resume from Win98 APM Suspend Mode.
Support IDE hard disk larger than 32G bytes.


P3B-F (6 PCI/5 PCI, 4 DIMM, Jumperless BIOS, STR, ATX)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P3B-F BIOS Ver. 1006. 06/30/2000
Fix Windows 2000 cannot be installed if all PnP devices in Super I/O are disabled.
Support 566MHz and 850MHz CPU with clock ratio equal or greater than 8.5x.
Revise Coppermine Vcore limit for 128K cache Coppermine.
Fix Hardware Monitor false alarm of CPU vcore when using old celeron CPU.
P3B-F BIOS Ver. 1005. 03/29/2000
Fix ASUS PC Probe shows CPU temperature much higher than the actual one after resuming from Suspend-to-RAM.
Remove Set off APM Mode 1.0 checking, fix Win 2000 APM cannot shut down.
The choice of 3mode floppy can only be disabled and enabled.
Add microcode update for Katmai & Coppermine.
Reserve IRQ 12 for PS/2 device other than mouse in Windows 98 ACPI mode when \"PS/2 mouse function control\" menu item is forced to be \"Enabled\".
Fix IDE hard drive having a formatted partition larger than 8.4G bytes cannot be enumerated by OS in \"User Type HDD\" mode.
Fix the system cannot boot from Sony DDU220E DVD-ROM.
Fix PME not enabled for some cards.
Add keyboard features setting in the setup menu.
Fix system can\'t boot from its LS-120 drive if a CD-R is inserted in its CD-RW (or CD-ROM) drive.
Add L2 disable functionality for Cu-Mine.
Fix yellow exclaimation mark on the display card under Windows 98 ACPI mode when printer port is set to \"Normal\" and \"3BCH\" mode in setup menu.
Patch for SunDisk 3DP3B-10 flash disk.


P2-99 (ATX)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P2-99 BIOS Ver. 1012. 04/20/2000
Add microcode updates.
P2-99 BIOS Ver. 1011.A 10/28/99
Support IDE hard disk larger than 32G bytes.
Fix Microsoft Pre-OS test failure
Microcode update upgrade for PII 653, 672, and 673.
653: 00A->010; 672: 00B->00C; 673: 007->00A.
Fix boot failure with some boot managers installed.


P2-99B (Baby AT)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P2-99B BIOS Ver. 1011. 10/25/99
Fix Russian Y2K test program failed.
No system node report for LPT when it\'s Setup disabled. (LPT port disabled in Windows when it\'s Setup disabled.)
Fix ACPI mode resource not allocated as Setup selected for ECP+EPP/278h/IRQ5 combination.
Fix system failure after Suspend when running Win98 second edition.
Update Symbios BIOS to Rev. 4.12.
Revise Y2K patch.
Fix boot failure with some boot managers installed.
Fix Microsoft Pre-OS test failure.
Support IDE hard disk larger than 32G bytes.
P2-99B BIOS Ver. 1009. 08/09/99
First Release.


- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

Note: Hardware Monitoring represent the presence of Fan, Thermal, Voltage Monitoring in BIOS \"Power Management Setup\".

P2B BIOS Ver.1012 without hardware monitoring. 04/20/2000
P2B BIOS Ver. 1012. 04/20/2000
Add microcode updates.
P2B BIOS Ver.1011 without hardware monitoring. 10/28/99
P2B BIOS Ver. 1011. 10/28/99
Support IDE hard disk larger than 32G bytes.
Revise microcode update support for Cu-Mine processors.
Fix Microsoft Pre-OS test failure
Add microcode update support for Coppermine cA-2 stepping. (681)
Microcode update upgrade for PII 653, 672, and 673.
653: 00A->010; 672: 00B->00C; 673: 007->00A.
Fix boot failure with some boot managers installed.
Fix NMI error generated when some AGP card installed.
Fix Russian Y2K test program failed.


P2B98-XV (onboard VGA, 4P, 2I, optional SCSI BIOS)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P2B98-XV BIOS Ver. 1010. 08/13/99
Add microcode update support for Coppermine cA-0. (CPUID = 680) Upgrade microcode update data for 650, 651, 652, 653, 665, 672 and 673 processors. Revision: 650 -> 40; 651 -> 40; 652 -> 2a; 653 -> 0a; 665 -> 03; 672 ->0b; 673 -> 07 680 -> 0b;
LPT port disabled in Windows when it\'s Setup disabled.
Fix ACPI mode resource not allocated as Setup selected for ECP+EPP/278h/IRQ5 combination.
Fix system failure after Suspend when running Win98 Second edition.
Update Symbios BIOS to Rev 4.12.
Upgrade microcode update for Celeron mA0 stepping (CPUID = 660) to revision 0A.
Revise Y2K patch.


P2B-B (Baby AT)
- BIOS Upgrade and Road Map :

P2B-B BIOS Ver. 1011. 10/28/99
Support IDE hard disk larger than 32G bytes.
Revise microcode update support for Cu-Mine processors.
Fix Microsoft Pre-OS test failure
Microcode update upgrade for PII 653, 672, and 673.
653: 00A->010; 672: 00B->00C; 673: 007->00A.
Fix boot failure with some boot managers installed.
Fix Russian Y2K test program failed.
P2B-B BIOS Ver. 1010. 07/29/99
Fix screen resume failure sometimes when running in ACPI mode.
Revise Y2K patch.
Update Symbios BIOS to Rev 4.12.
Fix system failure after Suspend when running Win98 second edition.
Fix ACPI mode resource not allocated as Setup selected for ECP+EPP2/278h/IRQ5 combination.
Disable LPT port in Windows when it\'s Setup disabled.
Add microcode update support for Coppermine cA-0. (CPU ID=680) Upgrade microcode update data for 650, 651, 652, 653, 655, 672, and 673 processors. Revision: 650 -> 40; 651 -> 40; 652 -> 2a, 653 -> 0a; 665 -> 03; 672 -> 0b; 673 -> 07; 680 -> 0b;
Microcode update for Coppermine 256K upgraded to revision 014.
Support Intel PIII-600MHz CPU. 

Der er altså tale om 2 bios udgaver!
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 20:06 #21
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 20:13 #22
Jeg har allerede den nyeste bios
Avatar billede omen Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 20:15 #23
Nå, vi kommer nok ikke videre i det her. retaxes, du er nok den har prøvet at hjælpe mig mest her, svar lige og du kan få dine 5 point :-)
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 20:17 #24
Det blev til en længere historie ;o)
Avatar billede retaxes Nybegynder
02. august 2001 - 21:20 #25
Takker for points ;o)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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