Avatar billede j-roar-h Nybegynder
23. september 2010 - 16:16 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning



Jeg har et problem med en "accordion", altså en foldud menu.

Problemet er at den ikke resetter når nogen har været inde på siden.

Der jeg gerne vil have den skal gøre er:

Alle drop down menuer skal fungerer sådan at når der trykkes på dem, så kan de åbne sig eller lukke. Når man kommer ind på en side med drop down menuer skal alle pr default være lukkede.
Alle sider skal resette, når brugeren gå videre, til en ny side.

I kan se siden her: http://ringstedtennisklub.dk/Datacompagniet/Nyweb/Kundecases.html

Det kører med denne js kode i head:

<script type="text/javascript">

    headerclass: "silverheader", //Shared CSS class name of headers group
    contentclass: "submenu", //Shared CSS class name of contents group
    revealtype: "click", //Reveal content when user clicks or onmouseover the header? Valid value: "click", "clickgo", or "mouseover"
    mouseoverdelay: 200, //if revealtype="mouseover", set delay in milliseconds before header expands onMouseover
    collapseprev: true, //Collapse previous content (so only one open at any time)? true/false
    defaultexpanded: [0], //index of content(s) open by default [index1, index2, etc] [] denotes no content
    onemustopen: true, //Specify whether at least one header should be open always (so never all headers closed)
    animatedefault: false, //Should contents open by default be animated into view?
    persiststate: true, //persist state of opened contents within browser session?
    toggleclass: ["", "selected"], //Two CSS classes to be applied to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["class1", "class2"]
    togglehtml: ["", "", ""], //Additional HTML added to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively  ["position", "html1", "html2"] (see docs)
    animatespeed: "fast", //speed of animation: integer in milliseconds (ie: 200), or keywords "fast", "normal", or "slow"
    oninit:function(headers, expandedindices){ //custom code to run when headers have initalized
        //do nothing
    onopenclose:function(header, index, state, isuseractivated){ //custom code to run whenever a header is opened or closed
        //do nothing


Og den linker til denne:

//** Accordion Content script: By Dynamic Drive, at http://www.dynamicdrive.com
//** Created: Jan 7th, 08'

//Version 1.3: April 3rd, 08':
//**1) Script now no longer conflicts with other JS frameworks
//**2) Adds custom oninit() and onopenclose() event handlers that fire when Accordion Content instance has initialized, plus whenever a header is opened/closed
//**3) Adds support for expanding header(s) using the URL parameter (ie: http://mysite.com/accordion.htm?headerclass=0,1)

//April 9th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working when page first loads

//Version 1.4: June 4th, 08':
//**1) Added option to activate a header "mouseover" instead of the default "click"
//**2) Bug persistence not working when used with jquery 1.2.6

//Version 1.5: June 20th, 08':
//**1) Adds new "onemustopen:true/false" parameter, which lets you set whether at least one header should be open at all times (so never all closed).
//**2) Changed cookie path to site wide for persistence feature
//**3) Fixed bug so "expandedindices" parameter in oninit(headers, expandedindices) returns empty array [] instead of [-1] when no expanded headers found

//**1) Version 1.5.1: June 27th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working properly when used with jquery 1.2.6

//Version 1.6: Oct 3rd, 08':
//**1) Adds new "mouseoverdelay" param that sets delay before headers are activated when "revealtype" param is set to "mouseover"
//**2) Fixed bug with "onemustopen" param not working properly when "revealtype" is set to "click"

//Version 1.7: March 24th, 09': Adds a 3rd revealtype setting "clickgo", which causes browser to navigate to URL specified inside the header after expanding its contents.

//Version 1.7.1: May 28th, 09': Fixed issue that causes margins/paddings in accordion DIVs to be lost in IE8

var ddaccordion={
    contentclassname:{}, //object to store corresponding contentclass name based on headerclass

    expandone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to expand a particular header
        this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "expand")

    collapseone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to collapse a particular header
        this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "collapse")

    expandall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to expand all headers based on their shared CSS classname
        var $=jQuery
        var $headers=$('.'+headerclass)

    collapseall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to collapse all headers based on their shared CSS classname
        var $=jQuery
        var $headers=$('.'+headerclass)

    toggleone:function(headerclass, selected, optstate){ //PUBLIC function to expand/ collapse a particular header
        var $=jQuery
        var $targetHeader=$('.'+headerclass).eq(selected)
        var $subcontent=$('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]).eq(selected)
        if (typeof optstate=="undefined" || optstate=="expand" && $subcontent.is(":hidden") || optstate=="collapse" && $subcontent.is(":visible"))

    expandit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, useractivated, directclick){
        this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "expand")
        $targetContent.slideDown(config.animatespeed, function(){
            config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), useractivated)
            if (config.postreveal=="gotourl" && directclick){ //if revealtype is "Go to Header URL upon click", and this is a direct click on the header
                var targetLink=($targetHeader.is("a"))? $targetHeader.get(0) : $targetHeader.find('a:eq(0)').get(0)
                if (targetLink) //if this header is a link
                    setTimeout(function(){location=targetLink.href}, 200) //ignore link target, as window.open(targetLink, targetLink.target) doesn't work in FF if popup blocker enabled

    collapseit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, isuseractivated){
        this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "collapse")
        $targetContent.slideUp(config.animatespeed, function(){config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), isuseractivated)})

    transformHeader:function($targetHeader, config, state){
        $targetHeader.addClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.expand : config.cssclass.collapse) //alternate btw "expand" and "collapse" CSS classes
        .removeClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.collapse : config.cssclass.expand)
        if (config.htmlsetting.location=='src'){ //Change header image (assuming header is an image)?
            $targetHeader=($targetHeader.is("img"))? $targetHeader : $targetHeader.find('img').eq(0) //Set target to either header itself, or first image within header
            $targetHeader.attr('src', (state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse) //change header image
        else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="prefix") //if change "prefix" HTML, locate dynamically added ".accordprefix" span tag and change it
            $targetHeader.find('.accordprefix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse)
        else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="suffix")
            $targetHeader.find('.accordsuffix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse)

        var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(headerclass+"=((\\d+)(,(\\d+))*)", "i")) //check for "?headerclass=2,3,4" in URL
        if (result!=null)
        return result //returns null, [index], or [index1,index2,etc], where index are the desired selected header indices

        var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
        if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
            return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
        return null

    setCookie:function(name, value){
        document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"

    document.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
    document.write('.'+config.contentclass+'{display: none}\n') //generate CSS to hide contents
        var persistedheaders=ddaccordion.getCookie(config.headerclass)
        ddaccordion.contentclassname[config.headerclass]=config.contentclass //remember contentclass name based on headerclass
        config.cssclass={collapse: config.toggleclass[0], expand: config.toggleclass[1]} //store expand and contract CSS classes as object properties
        config.revealtype=config.revealtype || "click"
        config.revealtype=config.revealtype.replace(/mouseover/i, "mouseenter")
        if (config.revealtype=="clickgo"){
            config.postreveal="gotourl" //remember added action
            config.revealtype="click" //overwrite revealtype to "click" keyword
        if (typeof config.togglehtml=="undefined")
            config.htmlsetting={location: "none"}
            config.htmlsetting={location: config.togglehtml[0], collapse: config.togglehtml[1], expand: config.togglehtml[2]} //store HTML settings as object properties
        config.oninit=(typeof config.oninit=="undefined")? function(){} : config.oninit //attach custom "oninit" event handler
        config.onopenclose=(typeof config.onopenclose=="undefined")? function(){} : config.onopenclose //attach custom "onopenclose" event handler
        var lastexpanded={} //object to hold reference to last expanded header and content (jquery objects)
        var expandedindices=ddaccordion.urlparamselect(config.headerclass) || ((config.persiststate && persistedheaders!=null)? persistedheaders : config.defaultexpanded)
        if (typeof expandedindices=='string') //test for string value (exception is config.defaultexpanded, which is an array)
            expandedindices=expandedindices.replace(/c/ig, '').split(',') //transform string value to an array (ie: "c1,c2,c3" becomes [1,2,3]
        var $subcontents=$('.'+config["contentclass"])
        if (expandedindices.length==1 && expandedindices[0]=="-1") //check for expandedindices value of [-1], indicating persistence is on and no content expanded
        if (config["collapseprev"] && expandedindices.length>1) //only allow one content open?
            expandedindices=[expandedindices.pop()] //return last array element as an array (for sake of jQuery.inArray())
        if (config["onemustopen"] && expandedindices.length==0) //if at least one content should be open at all times and none are, open 1st header
        $('.'+config["headerclass"]).each(function(index){ //loop through all headers
            if (/(prefix)|(suffix)/i.test(config.htmlsetting.location) && $(this).html()!=""){ //add a SPAN element to header depending on user setting and if header is a container tag
                $('<span class="accordprefix"></span>').prependTo(this)
                $('<span class="accordsuffix"></span>').appendTo(this)
            $(this).attr('headerindex', index+'h') //store position of this header relative to its peers
            $subcontents.eq(index).attr('contentindex', index+'c') //store position of this content relative to its peers
            var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(index)
            var needle=(typeof expandedindices[0]=="number")? index : index+'' //check for data type within expandedindices array- index should match that type
            if (jQuery.inArray(needle, expandedindices)!=-1){ //check for headers that should be expanded automatically (convert index to string first)
                if (config.animatedefault==false)
                ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, false) //Last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
                lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent}
            }  //end check
                config.onopenclose($(this).get(0), parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex')), $subcontent.css('display'), false) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
                ddaccordion.transformHeader($(this), config, "collapse")
        $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("evt_accordion", function(e, isdirectclick){ //assign custom event handler that expands/ contacts a header
                var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex'))) //get subcontent that should be expanded/collapsed
                if ($subcontent.css('display')=="none"){
                    ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, true, isdirectclick) //2nd last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
                    if (config["collapseprev"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){ //collapse previous content?
                        ddaccordion.collapseit(lastexpanded.$header, lastexpanded.$content, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
                    lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent}
                else if (!config["onemustopen"] || config["onemustopen"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){
                    ddaccordion.collapseit($(this), $subcontent, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
        $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind(config.revealtype, function(){
            if (config.revealtype=="mouseenter"){
                var headerindex=parseInt($(this).attr("headerindex"))
                config.revealdelay=setTimeout(function(){ddaccordion.expandone(config["headerclass"], headerindex)}, config.mouseoverdelay || 0)
                $(this).trigger("evt_accordion", [true])
                return false //cancel default click behavior
        $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("mouseleave", function(){
        config.oninit($('.'+config["headerclass"]).get(), expandedindices)
        $(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist on page unload
            var expandedindices=[]
            $('.'+config["contentclass"]+":visible").each(function(index){ //get indices of expanded headers
            if (config.persiststate==true && $('.'+config["headerclass"]).length>0){ //persist state?
                expandedindices=(expandedindices.length==0)? '-1c' : expandedindices //No contents expanded, indicate that with dummy '-1c' value?
                ddaccordion.setCookie(config.headerclass, expandedindices)

samt denne:

var DDSPEED = 10;
var DDTIMER = 15;

// main function to handle the mouse events //
function ddMenu(id,d){
  var h = document.getElementById(id + '-ddheader');
  var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent');
  if(d == 1){
    if(c.maxh && c.maxh <= c.offsetHeight){return}
    else if(!c.maxh){
      c.style.display = 'block';
      c.style.height = 'auto';
      c.maxh = c.offsetHeight;
      c.style.height = '0px';
    c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,1)},DDTIMER);
    h.timer = setTimeout(function(){ddCollapse(c)},50);

// collapse the menu //
function ddCollapse(c){
  c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,-1)},DDTIMER);

// cancel the collapse if a user rolls over the dropdown //
function cancelHide(id){
  var h = document.getElementById(id + '-ddheader');
  var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent');
  if(c.offsetHeight < c.maxh){
    c.timer = setInterval(function(){ddSlide(c,1)},DDTIMER);

// incrementally expand/contract the dropdown and change the opacity //
function ddSlide(c,d){
  var currh = c.offsetHeight;
  var dist;
  if(d == 1){
    dist = (Math.round((c.maxh - currh) / DDSPEED));
    dist = (Math.round(currh / DDSPEED));
  if(dist <= 1 && d == 1){
    dist = 1;
  c.style.height = currh + (dist * d) + 'px';
  c.style.opacity = currh / c.maxh;
  c.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (currh * 100 / c.maxh) + ')';
  if((currh < 2 && d != 1) || (currh > (c.maxh - 2) && d == 1)){
Avatar billede fant0mas Nybegynder
23. september 2010 - 20:00 #1
Når du nu alligevel leger med jQuery, hvorfor så ikke tage et kig på jQuery UI?


Det er ekstremt nemt at konfigurere.
Avatar billede j-roar-h Nybegynder
24. september 2010 - 16:56 #2
Det ser godt ud.

Du skriver der er ekstremt nemt at konfigurere, men jeg kan ikke lige finde ud af hvordan det virker. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal indsætte hvor?
Avatar billede j-roar-h Nybegynder
02. oktober 2010 - 11:15 #3
Jeg har fundet ud af det...

Lav et svar og du får point.
Avatar billede j-roar-h Nybegynder
27. februar 2013 - 13:14 #4
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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