Avatar billede playnice Nybegynder
22. maj 2010 - 21:14 Der er 1 løsning

10 pr. side fra array i asp

Er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig med at ændre denne side fra at vise alle lokaler til at vise 10 pr. side
Mvh. Henrik

<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/INCLUDE/dbconn.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/INCLUDE/incFunctions.asp"-->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
if session("subscriber") = 1 then
    strNewsletterText = "Mailadressen er allerede tilmeldt"
end if

Dim intCounter
Dim formCount
Dim arrCounter
Dim arrTempCounter
Dim intRegion
Dim ids(9000)
Dim intIdsCounter
Dim arrAllLocations(7,9000)

intIdsCounter = 0
intRegionID = request.QueryString("rid")

if intRegionID <> "" then
    if strSQLADD = "" then
        strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " WHERE tblRegion.id = " & intRegionID
    end if
end if

intCounter = 0

strFormName = request.Form("formName")

if strFormName = "simpleForm" then
    for each item in request.Form
        if item = "locationTypes" then
            if not request.Form(item) = "" then
                locationTypes = request.Form(item)
                if strSQLADD <> "" then
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " AND tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (" & locationTypes & ")"
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " WHERE tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (" & locationTypes & ")"
                end if
                session("locationTypes") = locationTypes
            end if
        end if
        if item = "city" then
            if not request.Form(item) = "0" then
                strCity = request.Form(item)
                if strSQLADD <> "" then
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " AND tblCity.Name = '" & strCity & "'"
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " WHERE tblCity.Name = '" & strCity & "'"
                end if
            end if
        end if
        if item = "region" then
            if not request.Form(item) = "0" then
                strRegion = request.Form(item)
                if strSQLADD <> "" then
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " AND tblRegion.id = " & strRegion
                    strSQLADD = strSQLADD & " WHERE tblRegion.id = " & strRegion
                end if
            end if
        end if
        'rw(request.Form.Key(item) & "-" & request.Form(item))
        'rw(locationTypes & "-" & strCity & "-" & strRegion)
end if

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblLocation.Id, tblLocation.locationName, tblLocation.LocationAddress, " &_
          "tblLocation.LocationAddressSub, tblPostalCode.Name, tblCity.Name AS CityName, " &_
          "tblCountry.Name AS Countryname, tblOrder.PaymentApproved AS PA " &_
          "FROM tblRegion INNER JOIN tblPostalCode " &_
          "ON tblRegion.Id = tblPostalCode.RegionId INNER JOIN tblCity " &_
          "ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblCity.PostalCodeId INNER JOIN tblCountry " &_
          "ON tblRegion.CountryId = tblCountry.Id INNER JOIN tblLocation " &_
          "ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblLocation.LocationPostalCodeID INNER JOIN tblLocationLocationType " &_
          "ON tblLocation.Id = tblLocationLocationType.LocationId " &_
          "INNER JOIN tblOrder " &_
          "ON tblLocation.Id = tblOrder.LocationId " &_
          "INNER JOIN tblOrderLine " &_
          "ON tblOrder.Id = tblOrderLine.OrderId"
          if strSQLAdd <> "" then
            strSQLAddPaymentBusiness = " AND tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (1,2) AND " &_
                                      "(GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate) AND " &_
                                      "tblOrderLine.ProductId = 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL ORDER by PA desc"
            strSQLAddPaymentDiff = " AND tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (1,2) AND " &_
                                  "(GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate) AND " &_
                                  "tblOrderLine.ProductId <> 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL ORDER by PA desc"
            strSQLAddPaymentBusiness = " WHERE tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (1,2) AND " &_
                                      "(GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate) AND " &_
                                      "tblOrderLine.ProductId = 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL ORDER by PA desc"
            strSQLAddPaymentDiff = " WHERE tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId IN (1,2) AND " &_
                                      "(GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate) AND " &_
                                      "tblOrderLine.ProductId <> 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL ORDER by PA desc"
          end if
'Finder alle lokaler der har et aktivt business produkt
strSQLSpecial = strSQL & strSQLAdd & strSQLAddPaymentBusiness

set objRS = objConn.Execute(strSQLSpecial)

'sendEmail Application("defaultmailsender"), Application("defaultMailname"), "fckmax@hotmail.com", "test", myArray(0) & myArray(1)
if not objrs.EOF then
    arrLocations = objRS.getRows()
end if

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT tblLocation.Id, tblLocation.locationName, tblLocation.LocationAddress, " &_
          "tblLocation.LocationAddressSub, tblPostalCode.Name, tblCity.Name AS CityName, " &_
          "tblCountry.Name AS Countryname, tblOrder.PaymentApproved AS PA " &_
          "FROM tblRegion INNER JOIN tblPostalCode " &_
          "ON tblRegion.Id = tblPostalCode.RegionId INNER JOIN tblCity " &_
          "ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblCity.PostalCodeId INNER JOIN tblCountry " &_
          "ON tblRegion.CountryId = tblCountry.Id INNER JOIN tblLocation " &_
          "ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblLocation.LocationPostalCodeID INNER JOIN tblLocationLocationType " &_
          "ON tblLocation.Id = tblLocationLocationType.LocationId " &_
          "INNER JOIN tblOrder " &_
          "ON tblLocation.Id = tblOrder.LocationId " &_
          "INNER JOIN tblOrderLine " &_
          "ON tblOrder.Id = tblOrderLine.OrderId"
'Finder alle lokaler der har et andet aktivt produkt end business         
strSQLSpecial2 = strSQL & strSQLAdd & strSQLAddPaymentDiff
'sendEmail Application("defaultmailsender"), Application("defaultMailname"), "fckmax@hotmail.com", "test", strSQLSpecial & "<br /><br /><br />" & strSQLSpecial2
set objRS = objConn.Execute(strSQLSpecial2)

if not objrs.EOF then
    arrLocations2 = objRS.getRows()
end if
        "tblLocation.Id, tblLocation.locationName, tblLocation.LocationAddress, tblLocation.LocationAddressSub, tblPostalCode.Name, " &_
        "tblCity.Name AS CityName, tblCountry.Name AS Countryname " &_
        "FROM tblRegion INNER JOIN " &_
        "tblPostalCode ON tblRegion.Id = tblPostalCode.RegionId INNER JOIN " &_
        "tblCity ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblCity.PostalCodeId INNER JOIN " &_
        "tblCountry ON tblRegion.CountryId = tblCountry.Id INNER JOIN " &_
        "tblLocation ON tblPostalCode.Id = tblLocation.LocationPostalCodeID INNER JOIN " &_
        "tblLocationLocationType ON tblLocation.Id = tblLocationLocationType.LocationId"
'Finder alle lokaler
strSQL2 = strSQL2 & strSQLAdd & " ORDER BY Id desc"

set objRS = objConn.Execute(strSQL2)

'sendEmail Application("defaultmailsender"), Application("defaultMailname"), "fckmax@hotmail.com", "test", myArray(0) & myArray(1)
if not objrs.EOF then
    arrLocations3 = objRS.getRows()
end if
Dim intArrAllLocationsSize
intArrAllLocationsSize = 0

if isArray(arrLocations) then                       
    for arrCounter=0 to Ubound(arrLocations,2)
        blnSkip = false
        for arrTempCounter=0 to Ubound(ids)
            if ids(arrTempCounter) = arrLocations(0,arrCounter) then
                blnSkip = true
            end if
        if not blnSkip then'læg lokalet i det store array hvis der er tale om et id der ikke har været anvendt tidligere..
            ids(intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(0,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(1,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(1,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(2,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(2,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(3,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(3,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(4,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(4,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(5,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(5,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(6,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations(6,arrCounter)
            intIdsCounter = intIdsCounter + 1
            intArrAllLocationsSize = intArrAllLocationsSize + 1
        end if
end if   
if isArray(arrLocations2) then                       
    for arrCounter=0 to Ubound(arrLocations2,2)
        blnSkip = false
        for arrTempCounter=0 to Ubound(ids)
            if ids(arrTempCounter) = arrLocations2(0,arrCounter) then
                blnSkip = true
            end if
        if not blnSkip then'læg lokalet i det store array hvis der er tale om et id der ikke har været anvendt tidligere..
            ids(intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(0,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(1,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(1,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(2,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(2,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(3,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(3,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(4,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(4,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(5,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(5,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(6,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations2(6,arrCounter)
            intIdsCounter = intIdsCounter + 1
            intArrAllLocationsSize = intArrAllLocationsSize + 1
        end if
end if

if isArray(arrLocations3) then                       
    for arrCounter=0 to Ubound(arrLocations3,2)
        blnSkip = false
        for arrTempCounter=0 to Ubound(ids)
            if ids(arrTempCounter) = arrLocations3(0,arrCounter) then
                blnSkip = true
            end if
        if not blnSkip then'læg lokalet i det store array hvis der er tale om et id der ikke har været anvendt tidligere..
            ids(intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(0,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(0,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(1,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(1,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(2,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(2,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(3,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(3,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(4,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(4,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(5,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(5,arrCounter)
            arrAllLocations(6,intIdsCounter) = arrLocations3(6,arrCounter)
            intIdsCounter = intIdsCounter + 1
            intArrAllLocationsSize = intArrAllLocationsSize + 1
        end if
end if

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title><%setTitle %></title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/include/css/meetin_show.css" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/include/css/jd.gallery.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    <script language="javascript" src="/include/js/scripts.js"></script>

    <script language="javascript" src="/include/js/gfv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script language="javascript" src="/include/js/autocomplete.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script language="javascript" src="/include/js/gallery/mootools.v1.11.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script language="javascript" src="/include/js/gallery/jd.gallery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function dOnload()
    var subscriber = '<%= session("subscriber") %>';
        if (subscriber==1)
    window.status = '<%= Application("Debug")%>';

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function startGallery() {
    var myGallery = new gallery($('myGallery'), {
    timed: true,
    showCarousel: false,
    showArrows: false
    window.addEvent('domready', startGallery);

<body onload="dOnload();">
    <div id="divPageContainer">
        <div id="divPageLeftColumn">
        <a href="http://www.....dk">
            <div id="divPageHeader">
            <div id="divPageLeftContent">
                <div id="divPageLeftMenu">
                    <% arrBanner = getBanner(5,10,120,600) %>
                    <% response.Write(arrBanner) %>
                <div id="divPageMainContentADVSearch">
                        <%'*************Tager et lokale af gangen og viser det..*****
                        blnEven = true
                        if isArray(arrAllLocations) then
                        'fra 0 til array lenght-1
                        'for arrCounter=0 to intArrAllLocationsSize-1
                          for arrCounter=10 to 19
                            if blnEven then
                                rowSelected = "searchResultListOdd"
                                blnEven = false
                                rowSelected= "searchResultListEven"
                                blnEven = true
                            end if
                            strSQLLocationType = "SELECT tblLocationType.Name " &_
                                "FROM tblLocationType INNER JOIN tblLocationLocationType ON tblLocationType.Id = tblLocationLocationType.LocationTypeId " &_
                                "INNER JOIN tblLocation ON tblLocationLocationType.LocationId = tblLocation.Id " &_
                                "WHERE tblLocation.id = " & arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter)
                            set objRS3 = objConn.Execute(strSQLLocationType)
                            strType = ""
                            if not objRS3.EOF then
                                strType = objRS3("Name")
                                if strType = "Mødelokale" then
                                    strType = "Mødelokale"
                                elseif strType = "Selskabslokale" then
                                    strType = "Festlokale"
                                end if
                            end if
                            if not objRS3.EOF then
                                    strType = "Mødelokale & Festlokale"
                            end if
                            intLocationId = arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter)
                            strSQLDoubleHeight = "SELECT tblorder.id AS OrderID " &_
                                    "FROM tblOrder INNER JOIN tblLocation ON tblOrder.LocationId = tblLocation.Id " &_
                                    "INNER JOIN tblOrderLine ON tblOrder.Id = tblorderline.OrderId " &_
                                    "WHERE tblLocation.id = " & intLocationId & " AND (tblOrderLine.ProductId = 22 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL " &_
                                    "AND (GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate) " &_
                                    "OR tblOrderLine.ProductId = 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL " &_
                                    "AND (GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate))"
                            set objRS2 = objConn.Execute(strSQLDoubleHeight)
                            if not objRS2.EOF then
                                'sendEmail Application("defaultmailsender"), Application("defaultMailname"), "fckmax@hotmail.com", "test", "<br><br>" & intLocationId
                                'dobbelthøjde i søgeresultat - ellers almindelig højde som skrives nede i else-delen..
                                <table class="doubleHeightResult" border="0">
                                <tr valign="top" class="<%=rowSelected %>" onmouseover="this.className='searchResultListMark'"
                                onmouseout="this.className='<%= rowSelected %>'" onclick="goToURL('/include/showLocation.asp?id=<%=arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter) %>');">
                                <td class="doubleHeightResult" width="80px">
                                    <img src="<%=getResultListPicture(arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter))%>" width="60px" height="60px" /></td>
                                <td class="doubleHeightResult" width="420px">
                                        <%=arrAllLocations(1,arrCounter) %>
                                    </b><span style="float: right;"><% response.Write(strType) %>&nbsp;</span>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(2,arrCounter) %>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(3,arrCounter) %>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(4,arrCounter) %>
                                    &nbsp;<%= arrAllLocations(5,arrCounter) %>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<%=arrAllLocations(6,arrCounter) %><br />
                            <%else %>
                        <table class="" border="0">
                            <tr valign="top" class="<%=rowSelected %>" onmouseover="this.className='searchResultListMark'"
                                onmouseout="this.className='<%= rowSelected %>'" onclick="goToURL('/include/showLocation.asp?id=<%=arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter) %>');">
                                <td width="80px">
                                    <img src="<%=getResultListPicture(arrAllLocations(0,arrCounter))%>" width="60px" height="60px" /></td>
                                <td width="420px">
                                        <%=arrAllLocations(1,arrCounter) %>
                                    </b><span style="float: right;"><% response.Write(strType) %>&nbsp;</span>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(2,arrCounter) %>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(3,arrCounter) %>
                                    <br />
                                    <%=arrAllLocations(4,arrCounter) %>
                                    &nbsp;<%= arrAllLocations(5,arrCounter) %>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<%=arrAllLocations(6,arrCounter) %><br />
                            <%end if
                        blnEven = false
                        if rowSelected = "searchResultListEven" then
                            blnEven = true
                        end if
                        end if
                        if intArrAllLocationsSize = 0 then 'Hvis der ingen lokaler fundet er..
                            <b>Din søgning gav desværre intet resultat...</b>
                        end if
        <div id="divPageRightColumn">
            <div id="divPageRightLogin" language="javascript" ondragleave="return divPageRightLogin_ondragleave()">
                <%if(session("uiGlobalUserID") = "") then %>
                <form action="/include/login.asp" name="form" method="post" show_alert="0" onsubmit="return Validate(this);">
                    <div class="expandTable">
                        <div class="expandHeader" onclick="tableExpand(this.childNodes.item(0))">
                            <%=getLoginBoxText() %></div>
                        <div class="expandContent">
                                    Brugernavn (email)</label><span class="validationMessage" id="brugernavnError"></span><br />
                                <input type="text" name="brugernavn" class="formfeltLogin" validate="not_empty|email"
                                    msg="Indtast brugernavn" error_container="brugernavnError" /><br />
                                    Kodeord</label><br />
                                <input type="password" name="kodeord" class="formfeltLogin" validate="not_empty"
                                    msg="Indtast kodeord" />
                            <div class="divLoginForgotPassword">
                                <a href="/include/newpassword.asp">Glemt password?</a>
                            <div class="divLoginForgotPassword">
                                <a href="/include/newCustomer.asp">Ny bruger?</a>
                            <div class="divButtonRight">
                                <input type="Submit" value="login" class="button" />
                <%else %>
                <div class="expandTable">
                    <div class="expandHeader" onclick="tableExpand(this.childNodes.item(0))">
                        <%=getLoginBoxTextLoggedIn() %></div>
                    <div class="expandContent">
                            <div class="headline">
                                Fornavn:<%=session("nvcUserFirstname") %><br />
                                Efternavn:<%=session("nvcUserLastname") %><br />
                                Emailadresse:<%=session("nvcUserEmailAddress") %><br />
                                Oprettet d.:<%=session("nvcUserActivatedDate") %><br />
                        <div class="divChangePassword">
                            <a href="/include/changepassword.asp">Skift kodeord?</a>
                        <div class="divChangePassword">
                            <a href="/include/logoff.asp">Log af</a>
                <%end if %>
            <div id="divPolariodContainer">
                <div id="myGallery">
                        Dim my_num,max,min

                        strSQLAdd = ""
                        if my_num = "1" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by OrderID"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "2" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by OrderID desc"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "3" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by locationId"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "4" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by locationId desc"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "5" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by PaymentApproved"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "6" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by PaymentApproved desc"
                        end if
                        if my_num = "7" then
                        strSQLAdd = " Order by PaymentApproved desc"
                        end if
                        strSQL = "SELECT tblorder.id AS OrderID, tblorder.locationid AS LocID, tblOrder.PaymentApproved " &_
                        "FROM tblOrder INNER JOIN tblLocation ON tblOrder.LocationId = tblLocation.Id " &_
                        "INNER JOIN tblOrderLine ON tblOrder.Id = tblorderline.OrderId " &_
                        "WHERE tblOrderLine.ProductId = 9 AND tblOrder.PaymentApproved IS NOT NULL " &_
                        "AND GETDATE() BETWEEN tblOrderLine.StartDate AND tblOrderLine.EndDate" & strSQLAdd
                        set objRSOrderID = objConn.Execute(strSQL)
                        while (not objRSOrderID.EOF)
                            oid = objRSOrderID("OrderID")
                            lid = objRSOrderID("LocID")
                            strSQL2 = "SELECT tblLocationProductImages.imgField FROM tblLocationProductImages " &_
                                      "WHERE tblLocationProductImages.LocationId = " & lid & " AND tblLocationProductImages.orderid = -1 AND tblLocationProductImages.productid = -1"
                            set objRSImage = objConn.Execute(strSQL2)
                            if not objRSImage.EOF then
                                strImage = objRSImage("imgField")
                            end if
                            strSQL3 = "SELECT tblLocation.locationdescription as LD, tblLocation.locationName as LN " &_
                                      "FROM tblLocation WHERE tblLocation.Id = " & lid
                            set objRSLoc = objConn.Execute(strSQL3)
                            if not objRSLoc.EOF then
                                strDescription = objRSLoc("LD")
                                strDescription = Mid(strDescription, 1, 100) & "..."
                                strLocName = objRSLoc("LN")
                            end if
                            <div class="imageElement">
                            <h3><%=strLocName %><br /><%=strDescription %></h3>
                            <a href="showLocation.asp?id=<%=lid %>" title="<%=strLocName %>" class="open"></a>
                            <center><img src="/upload/location/<%=strImage %>" width="272px" height="200px" class="full" STYLE="cursor: pointer" />
            <div id="divPageRightNewsletter">
                <form action="/include/xt_newsletter.asp" name="newsletterForm" method="post" show_alert="0"
                    onsubmit="return Validate(this);">
                    <div class="expandTableNewsletter">
                        <div id="newsLetterCheck" class="expandHeaderNewsletter" onclick="tableExpandNewsletter(this.childNodes.item(0));">
                        <div class="expandContentNewsletter">
                                    Email</label><span id="newsletterError" class="validationMessage"><%=strNewsletterText %></span><br />
                                <input type="text" name="newsletterEmail" class="formfeltLogin" validate="not_empty|email"
                                    msg="Indtast brugernavn|Emailen er ikke valid!" error_container="newsletterError" /><br />
                            <div class="divButtonRight">
                                <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Tilmeld" class="button" />&nbsp;
                                <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Afmeld" class="button" />
            <div id="divPageRightArticles">
                <div class="divArticles">
                    <div class="headline" onclick="goToURL('/include/allArticles.asp')" STYLE="cursor: pointer">Artikelsamling</div>
                        <!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/INCLUDE/incArticles.asp"-->
        <div id="divPageRowBottom" onclick="goToURL('/include/about.asp')" STYLE="cursor: pointer" />
        <div id="companyInformation">
            <% companyInfo %>
Avatar billede playnice Nybegynder
23. maj 2010 - 18:00 #1
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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