Avatar billede Simon_Ortmann Nybegynder
30. marts 2010 - 15:35

Paste special som link virker ikke korrekt

Paste as link does not work correct
Or did I misunderstand something?
I have an excel macro that modify the aspect ratio of a graph to fit the placeholders in a powerpoint template. If the graph is embedded then it works perfect. But when the graph is on a separate graph sheet it makes an error. Here is the excel graph:


Beside modifying the aspect ratio by decreasing the height the margins are adjusted as well.
Here I have pasted the graph to power point 2 times - above as a link and below with a simple paste.


When it is pasted as link (top placeholder) you can only see a little of the top of the graph. While pasted normally (bottom placeholder) it is correct and with the correct aspect ratio.
Anyone have an idea if there is a way to avoid this.

Jeg har også spurgt på MSDN, derfor på engelsk. Men den korte version på dansk er at indsæt speciel som link af en excel graf ikke virker i powerpoint, når excel grafen ligger som en separat graf og man har ændret på størrelsen af grafen.


Simon Ortmann
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