Brun toner? For mig et nyt begreb indenfor billedejustering. Uden at det bliver for teknisk, så bør du indledningsvis lege med levels, curves samt diverse adjustment-layers og opnå et passende udtryk i billedet. Det vil kræve en del tålmodighed og kan i værste fald kræve nogle timers arbejde.
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Slettet bruger
09. september 2009 - 18:00#2
Mon ikke det du søger er dette. Jeg har CS4 i lagpaletten vælger du ikonet for nyt fill og ajustment layer. Vælg Black and White. Øverst i venstre hjørne kan du hakke af i Tint. Det giver den gammeldags brune farve. Du kan nu justere til den farve du vil have Når du er færdig, skal du gemme som jpg fil, så fotomandne kan læse filen.
The Channel Mixer command lets you modify a color channel using a mix of the current color channels. With this command, you can do the following:
•Make creative color adjustments not easily done with the other color adjustment tools. •Create high-quality grayscale images by choosing the percentage contribution from each color channel. •Create high-quality sepia-tone or other tinted images. •Convert images to and from alternative color spaces, such as YCbCr, which is used in digital video. •Swap or duplicate channels. To mix color channels:
•In the Channels palette, select the composite color channel. •Choose Image > Adjustments > Channel Mixer. •For Output Channel, choose the channel in which to blend one or more existing (or source) channels. (See Restricting blending to channels (Photoshop).) •Drag any source channel's slider to the left to decrease the channel's contribution to the output channel or to the right to increase it, or enter a value between -200% and +200% in the text box. Using a negative value inverts the source channel before adding it to the output channel. •Drag the slider or enter a value for the Constant option. This option adds a black or white channel of varying opacity--negative values act as a black channel, positive values act as a white channel. •Select Monochrome to apply the same settings to all the output channels, creating a color image that contains only gray values. Use the Channel Mixer with the Monochrome option applied to control the amount of detail and contrast in the images you plan to convert to grayscale.
If you select and then deselect the Monochrome option, you can modify the blend of each channel separately, creating a handtinted appearance.
Snakker vi om at du gerne vil farve billedet i en brunlig tone? Også kendt som sephia eller duotone? I så fald skal kan du i CS3 smide et hue/saturation adjustmentlayer på billedet, og via hue/saturation-indstillingerne opnå den effekt du efterlyser. Det er CS3-varianten af hov-sa's svar.
Hvis du ikke ønsker billedet i en brunlig tone, så skal ønsket nok forklares en smule bedre.
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Slettet bruger
09. september 2009 - 20:41#6
I CS3 gør du det samme som i CS4, men tinten ligger bare nederst til venstre
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