Web services og polymorfi
Hej Eksperter,Jeg får nedenstående fejl når jeg kalde min web service, hvor jeg sender et objekt som nedarver fra en abstrakt klasse. Er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig?
The type WebLookupService.Service.CommandQueueService was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically
IService service = new CommandQueueService(".\\TestQueue");
RegistrationServiceProxy.Instance.Register(service); //<-- Fejler
namespace WebLookupService
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class WebLookupService : WebService
private readonly RegistrationService registrationService;
private readonly Service.LookupService lookupService;
public WebLookupService()
Services services = new Services();
registrationService = new RegistrationService(services);
lookupService = new Service.LookupService(services);
public void Register(IService service)
namespace WebLookupService.Service
public abstract class IService
public abstract void Stop();
public abstract int GetLoad();
public abstract ServiceTypes GetServiceType();
namespace WebLookupService.Service
public abstract class ICommandQueueSendService : IService
public abstract void sendCommand(ICommand command);
namespace WebLookupService.Service
public class RegistrationServiceProxy : IRegistration
private static readonly ServiceProxy.WebLookupService serviceProxy;
private static readonly RegistrationServiceProxy instance;
public static RegistrationServiceProxy Instance
get { return instance; }
static RegistrationServiceProxy()
instance = new RegistrationServiceProxy();
serviceProxy = new ServiceProxy.WebLookupService();
serviceProxy.Url = "http://localhost/Service1.asmx";
private RegistrationServiceProxy()
public string WebServiceURL
get { return serviceProxy.Url; }
serviceProxy.Url = value;
public void Register(IService service)