Do any of the fields (IOTag and SigCode) exist in the query qryIOToCopy? If so then you should select the individual fields. Also the fields must be selected in the correct column order so that they match those in th edestination table.
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26. marts 2008 - 09:28#6
Du skal lave en SELECT DISTINCT det er et nøglefelt, der kommer en duplicate af!~)
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26. marts 2008 - 09:29#7
dvs. at det kan også være fordi at du forsøger at inserte et nøglefelt, som allerede eksisterer...
spg - der er alt for mange felter, desuden virker det når jeg kun har een post i IO-tabel. () er uden betydning! terry - begge er med i forspørgelsen. For alle poster gælder det at IOTag er ens og SigCode er forskellig?! spg - Jeg afprøver hvorvidt SELECT DISTINCT kan anvendes
I suggest that you copy the contents of sqlstr to a query. You can do this by placing a breakpoint just before you run DoCmd...
Then in the debug window (CTRL+G) write
This will give you the SQL which will be execute. Try copying the SELECT part into a query to see which values you receive and which you can compare against the values already in the destination table.
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