Avatar billede 44nato44 Nybegynder
20. juli 2007 - 18:20 Der er 6 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

Sorter 2 Dim Array med decimal tal


Jeg bruger sortering algoritmen forneden, men fordi jeg har decimal tal saa sorter den ikke ordentligt.

Forneden er de tal den sorter paa, saa det skulle gerne vaere 3, 3,5 , 10 etc


Er der nogen som har en ide hvorfor det hersen sker ?

Mange Tak

Sub QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiBound,SortField,SortDir)
  '== Sort a multi dimensional array on SortField            ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== This procedure is adapted from the algorithm given in: ==
  '==    ~ Data Abstractions & Structures using C++ by ~    ==
  '==    ~ Mark Headington and David Riley, pg. 586    ~    ==
  '== Quicksort is the fastest array sorting routine for    ==
  '== unordered arrays.  Its big O is n log n                ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== Parameters:                                            ==
  '== vec      - array to be sorted                        ==
  '== SortField - The field to sort on (1st dimension value) ==
  '== loBound and hiBound are simply the upper and lower    ==
  '==  bounds of the array's "row" dimension. It's probably ==
  '==  easiest to use the LBound and UBound functions to    ==
  '==  set these.                                          ==
  '== SortDir  - ASC, ascending; DESC, Descending          ==
  if not (hiBound - loBound = 0) then
      Dim pivot(),loSwap,hiSwap,temp,counter
      Redim pivot (Ubound(vec,2))
      SortDir = UCase(SortDir)

      '== Two items to sort
      if hiBound - loBound = 1 then
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            if FormatCompare(vec(loBound,SortField),vec(hiBound,SortField)) > FormatCompare(vec(hiBound,SortField),vec(loBound,SortField)) then Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
            if FormatCompare(vec(loBound,SortField),vec(hiBound,SortField)) < FormatCompare(vec(hiBound,SortField),vec(loBound,SortField)) then Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
        end if
      End If

      '== Three or more items to sort
      For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
        pivot(counter) = vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter)
        vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter) = vec(loBound,counter)
        vec(loBound,counter) = pivot(counter)

      loSwap = loBound + 1
      hiSwap = hiBound

        '== Find the right loSwap
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            while loSwap < hiSwap and FormatCompare(vec(loSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) <= FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(loSwap,SortField))
              loSwap = loSwap + 1
            while loSwap < hiSwap and FormatCompare(vec(loSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) >= FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(loSwap,SortField))
              loSwap = loSwap + 1
        end if
        '== Find the right hiSwap
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            while FormatCompare(vec(hiSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) > FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(hiSwap,SortField))
              hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
            while FormatCompare(vec(hiSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) < FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(hiSwap,SortField))
              hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
        end if
        '== Swap values if loSwap is less then hiSwap
        if loSwap < hiSwap then Call SwapRows(vec,loSwap,hiSwap)
      loop while loSwap < hiSwap

      For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
        vec(loBound,counter) = vec(hiSwap,counter)
        vec(hiSwap,counter) = pivot(counter)

      '== Recursively call function .. the beauty of Quicksort
        '== 2 or more items in first section
        if loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiSwap-1,SortField,SortDir)
        '== 2 or more items in second section
        if hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(vec,hiSwap+1,hiBound,SortField,SortDir)
  end if
End Sub  'QuickSort

Sub SwapRows(ary,row1,row2)
  '== This proc swaps two rows of an array    ==

  Dim x,tempvar
  For x = 0 to Ubound(ary,2)
    tempvar = ary(row1,x)
    ary(row1,x) = ary(row2,x)
    ary(row2,x) = tempvar
End Sub  'SwapRows

function FormatCompare(sOne,sTwo)
  '==  Checks sOne & sTwo, returns sOne as a  ==
  '==  Numeric if both pass isNumeric, if not  ==
  '==  returns sOne as a string.              ==

    if (isNumeric(Trim(sOne)) AND isNumeric(Trim(sTwo))) then
        FormatCompare = CDbl(Trim(sOne))
        FormatCompare = Trim(sOne)
    end if
end function

Sub PrintArray(vec,loRow,hiRow,markCol)
  '== Print out an array  Highlight the column ==
  '==  whose number matches param markCol      ==

  Dim ColNmbr,RowNmbr
  For RowNmbr = loRow to hiRow
    Response.Write "<tr>"
    For ColNmbr = 0 to (Ubound(vec,2) - 1)
      If ColNmbr = markCol then
        Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""FFFFCC"">"
        Response.Write "<td>"
      End If
      Response.Write vec(RowNmbr,ColNmbr) & "</td>"

Response.Write "<td>" & vec(RowNmbr,ColNmbr) & "</td>"
    Response.Write "</tr>"
End Sub  'PrintArray
Avatar billede meltinis Nybegynder
26. juli 2007 - 00:16 #1
hmm... nu har jeg ikke kigget hele koden igennem, men et umiddelbart gæt ville være at koden ikke kan håndtere decimaltal - du kan evt. prøve at gange med 10 inden og dividere med 10 efter... så burde du fjerne problemet (hvis du forventer at få flere decimaler skal du naturligvis gang og dividere så det passer). Det er ikke den mest elegante løsning, men det burde virke, hvis decimalerne er problemet!
Avatar billede spradebassen Nybegynder
06. august 2007 - 01:04 #2
Her er et eksempel som godt kan decimaltal.
Det har yderligere den fordel at koden ikke fylder ret meget og er nem at læse.
Avatar billede spradebassen Nybegynder
06. august 2007 - 01:16 #3
PS. er er en vejledning til at opsætte asp til at køre python scripts
med <%@ LANGUAE = Python%>
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. august 2007 - 02:28 #4
Din kode burde faktisk virke.

Det er ikke dansk komma versus engelsk decimal punktum der driller dig ??
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. august 2007 - 02:28 #5
Sub QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiBound,SortField,SortDir)
  '== Sort a multi dimensional array on SortField            ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== This procedure is adapted from the algorithm given in: ==
  '==    ~ Data Abstractions & Structures using C++ by ~    ==
  '==    ~ Mark Headington and David Riley, pg. 586    ~    ==
  '== Quicksort is the fastest array sorting routine for    ==
  '== unordered arrays.  Its big O is n log n                ==
  '==                                                        ==
  '== Parameters:                                            ==
  '== vec      - array to be sorted                        ==
  '== SortField - The field to sort on (1st dimension value) ==
  '== loBound and hiBound are simply the upper and lower    ==
  '==  bounds of the array's "row" dimension. It's probably ==
  '==  easiest to use the LBound and UBound functions to    ==
  '==  set these.                                          ==
  '== SortDir  - ASC, ascending; DESC, Descending          ==
  if not (hiBound - loBound = 0) then
      Dim pivot(),loSwap,hiSwap,temp,counter
      Redim pivot (Ubound(vec,2))
      SortDir = UCase(SortDir)

      '== Two items to sort
      if hiBound - loBound = 1 then
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            if FormatCompare(vec(loBound,SortField),vec(hiBound,SortField)) > FormatCompare(vec(hiBound,SortField),vec(loBound,SortField)) then Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
            if FormatCompare(vec(loBound,SortField),vec(hiBound,SortField)) < FormatCompare(vec(hiBound,SortField),vec(loBound,SortField)) then Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound)
        end if
      End If

      '== Three or more items to sort
      For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
        pivot(counter) = vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter)
        vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter) = vec(loBound,counter)
        vec(loBound,counter) = pivot(counter)

      loSwap = loBound + 1
      hiSwap = hiBound

        '== Find the right loSwap
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            while loSwap < hiSwap and FormatCompare(vec(loSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) <= FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(loSwap,SortField))
              loSwap = loSwap + 1
            while loSwap < hiSwap and FormatCompare(vec(loSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) >= FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(loSwap,SortField))
              loSwap = loSwap + 1
        end if
        '== Find the right hiSwap
        if (SortDir = "ASC") then
            while FormatCompare(vec(hiSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) > FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(hiSwap,SortField))
              hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
            while FormatCompare(vec(hiSwap,SortField),pivot(SortField)) < FormatCompare(pivot(SortField),vec(hiSwap,SortField))
              hiSwap = hiSwap - 1
        end if
        '== Swap values if loSwap is less then hiSwap
        if loSwap < hiSwap then Call SwapRows(vec,loSwap,hiSwap)
      loop while loSwap < hiSwap

      For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2)
        vec(loBound,counter) = vec(hiSwap,counter)
        vec(hiSwap,counter) = pivot(counter)

      '== Recursively call function .. the beauty of Quicksort
        '== 2 or more items in first section
        if loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiSwap-1,SortField,SortDir)
        '== 2 or more items in second section
        if hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(vec,hiSwap+1,hiBound,SortField,SortDir)
  end if
End Sub  'QuickSort

Sub SwapRows(ary,row1,row2)
  '== This proc swaps two rows of an array    ==

  Dim x,tempvar
  For x = 0 to Ubound(ary,2)
    tempvar = ary(row1,x)
    ary(row1,x) = ary(row2,x)
    ary(row2,x) = tempvar
End Sub  'SwapRows

function FormatCompare(sOne,sTwo)
  '==  Checks sOne & sTwo, returns sOne as a  ==
  '==  Numeric if both pass isNumeric, if not  ==
  '==  returns sOne as a string.              ==

    if (isNumeric(Trim(sOne)) AND isNumeric(Trim(sTwo))) then
        FormatCompare = CDbl(Trim(sOne))
        FormatCompare = Trim(sOne)
    end if
end function

Sub PrintArray(vec,loRow,hiRow,markCol)
  '== Print out an array  Highlight the column ==
  '==  whose number matches param markCol      ==
  Response.Write "<table border>"
  Dim ColNmbr,RowNmbr
  For RowNmbr = loRow to hiRow
    Response.Write "<tr>"
    For ColNmbr = 0 to (Ubound(vec,2) - 1)
      If ColNmbr = markCol then
        Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""FFFFCC"">"
        Response.Write "<td>"
      End If
      Response.Write vec(RowNmbr,ColNmbr) & "</td>"
    Response.Write "<td>" & vec(RowNmbr,ColNmbr) & "</td>"
    Response.Write "</tr>"
  Response.Write "</table>"
End Sub  'PrintArray

Dim a(4,1)
a(0,0) = 10.0
a(1,0) = 3.0
a(2,0) = 10.0
a(3,0) = 3.50
a(4,0) = 10.0
a(0,1) = 1
a(1,1) = 2
a(2,1) = 3
a(3,1) = 4
a(4,1) = 5
Response.Write "Before sort:"
call PrintArray(a, 0, 4, 3.50)
call QuickSort(a, 0, 4, 0, "ASC")
Response.Write "After sort:"
call PrintArray(a, 0, 4, 3.50)

Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
06. august 2007 - 02:29 #6
Before sort:
10 1
3 2
10 3
3.5 4
10 5
After sort:
3 2
3.5 4
10 5
10 1
10 3
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
22. september 2007 - 21:52 #7
OK ?
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
30. august 2008 - 01:42 #8
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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