Avatar billede tknudsen Nybegynder
29. november 1999 - 17:06 Der er 4 kommentarer og
1 løsning

afvikling af cmd fra C prg i NT 4.0

i C til dos findes der en kommando(system) som afvikler et andet program. Nu står jeg så i den bizare situation at skulle lave et C program til NT4.0 - er der en kommando i C til dos som kan anvendes ligesom system ?
Avatar billede bjarke Nybegynder
29. november 1999 - 17:18 #1
Nu kender jeg ikke NT, men hvorfor kan du ikke bruge system()?

Ellers er her nogle andre funktioner - aner ikke om du kan bruge dem...

# spawn... functions

The spawn... functions let your program run other files (child processes)
and return control to your program when those processes finish.

Prototype in  process.h

Use these spawn... functions when you know how many separate arguments
you'll have:

  int spawnl(int mode, char *path,
            char *arg0, ..., NULL);
  int spawnle(int mode, char *path,
              char *arg0, ..., NULL,
              char *envp[]);
  int spawnlp(int mode, char *path,
              char *arg0, ..., NULL);
  int spawnlpe(int mode, char *path,
              char *arg0, ..., NULL,
              char *envp[]);

These spawn... functions are used when you don't know in advance how many
separate arguments you will have:

  int spawnv(int mode, char *path,
            char *argv[]);
  int spawnve(int mode, char *path,
              char *argv[], char *envp[]);
  int spawnvp(int mode, char *path,
              char *argv[]);
  int spawnvpe(int mode, char *path,
              char *argv[], char *envp[]);

The letters at the end of each spawn... function identify which variation is

  Ltr    Variation used
  p  ³ search the DOS path for child
  l  ³ spawn passed a fixed list of args
  v  ³ spawn passed a variable list of args
  e  ³ spawn passes an envp ptr, allowing
      ³  you to alter the environment the
      ³  child will have

On a successful execution, the return value is the child process's exit
status (0 for normal termination). If the child specifically calls exit with
a nonzero argument, its exit status can be set to a nonzero value.

If the process can't be spawn...ed successfully, the spawn... functions will
return -1.

# exec... functions

The exec... functions let your program run other files (child processes).

When an exec... call succeeds, the child process overlays the parent
process. There must be sufficient memory available for loading and executing
the child process.

Prototype in  process.h

Use these exec... functions when you know how many separate arguments you'll

  int execl(char *path, char *arg0, .., NULL);
  int execle(char *path, char *arg0, .., NULL,
            char **env);
  int execlp(char *path, char *arg0, ..);
  int execlpe(char *path, char *arg0, ..,
              NULL, char **env);

These exec... functions are used when you don't know in advance how many
separate arguments you will have:

  int execv(char *path, char *argv[]);
  int execve(char *path, char *argv[],
            char **env);
  int execvp(char *path, char *argv[]);
  int execvpe(char *path, char *argv[],
              char **env);

The letters at the end of each exec... function identify which variation is

  Ltr  ³ Variation used
  p  ³ search the DOS path for child
  l  ³ exec passed a fixed list of args
  v  ³ exec passed a variable list of args
  e  ³ exec passes an envp ptr, allowing
      ³ you to alter the environment the
      ³ child will have

If successful, the exec functions do not return. On error, the exec
functions return -1 and set errno.
Avatar billede tknudsen Nybegynder
30. november 1999 - 09:25 #2
bjarke >> ehh - jeg har fundet ud af at hvis jeg afvikler .exe filen er alles gut. Det er nær jeg vil debugge det gør galt - der sker der ingenting. Jeg har oplevet det får hvor jeg ville øndre mode con via system...
Avatar billede tknudsen Nybegynder
30. november 1999 - 09:26 #3
Avatar billede bjarke Nybegynder
30. november 1999 - 10:22 #4
ok, jeg kunne heller ikke forstå hvorfor det ikke skulle virke :)
Avatar billede finne Nybegynder
02. december 1999 - 11:30 #5
CreateProcess() er den egentlige funktion hvis du skal bruge rent Win32.

Hvis du er mere til crossplatform, vil
jeg foreslå system() kaldet som starter en os-shell.

En os-shell er i windows afhængig af extension så hvis du skriver system("http://www.mindpass.com/") vil dette launche din browser.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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