Avatar billede gummisko Nybegynder
24. maj 2006 - 15:54 Der er 4 kommentarer

Hjælp: server is not configured to allow the direct access to sub

Er der en Apache guru som vil kaste sig over dette problem (mod betaling sæføli):

The server is not configured to allow the direct access to other domains/sub domains - how to do that????????????

Does the directory exist but cannot be seen as such by the script? If not which directory does exist? which permissions is it set to? How is the server configured? Does it run scripts as the true user (e.g. using suexec) or within the Apache process? Did you try turning the error reporting to the maximum (Global configuration).

yes the directory does exist. i have tried different ownerships (root, apache, fptusername)... i have tried to set the files to the owners throughout the entire path. for example.... the path is ... /var/www/vhosts/domain1.com/subdomains/sub1/httpdocs - and every folder along the path is 777. what is interesting is that i can create subsites. like /var/www/vhosts/domain1.com/subsite - works perfect!!! however subdomains and other domains will not work. the company does not want subdirectories only other domains, subdomains as a temporary fix.

i do not not follow the question "how is the server configured"... i am using plesk 8.0 for linux on a vps. i have set error reporting to max and it does not show any additional errors. i do not know if it runs scripts as the true user or within the apache process.

Kan kontaktes på bm snabelA skivehs.dk

På forhånd tak!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar billede showsource Seniormester
24. maj 2006 - 19:20 #1
Uden at vide det, ligner det nu mest at dirs hvorfra et domain skal vises, i systemet er sat "strengt op", altså et mix af hvad bruger må, men også hvad en browser må se.
Avatar billede gummisko Nybegynder
24. maj 2006 - 19:31 #2
skal det forstås sådan at du kan klare dette????

Avatar billede showsource Seniormester
25. maj 2006 - 09:34 #3
Desværre nej!
Avatar billede gummisko Nybegynder
30. maj 2006 - 10:48 #4
okay - vi lukker og slukker
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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