omskrivning af script
på vejne af spm/709704Nu er pointe hævet til 120! -for det haster lidt, det her..
Det er som sagt en detection af flash 8 på en REN html intro side(så derfor INGEN automatisk redirect!), som skal gøre følgende!:
Dette script skal renses for de andre detections og have ændret outputtet! :-D
det kræver jo faktisk bare en omskrivning af dette script, men fatter hat af JavaScript... outputtet skal stadig være som beskrevet ovenfor, at den skal skrive "Flash 8.0 - installeret" og hvis flash 8.0 ikke er installeret skal den skrive "Du skal installere Flash 8.0" og så skal detectionen af alle de andre plugins meget gerne ryddes af vejen...
(WOOOW, jeg har selv fået den til at detecte 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.8', altså version 8...haha):
<script language="JavaScript">
// initialize a variable to test for JavaScript 1.1.
// which is necessary for the window.location.replace method
var javascriptVersion1_1 = false;
// -->
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
javascriptVersion1_1 = true;
// -->
<script language="JavaScript">
// initialize global variables
var detectableWithVB = false;
var pluginFound = false;
function goURL(daURL) {
// if the browser can do it, use replace to preserve back button
if(javascriptVersion1_1) {
} else {
window.location = daURL;
function redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
// check for redirection
if( redirectURL && ((pluginFound && redirectIfFound) ||
(!pluginFound && !redirectIfFound)) ) {
// go away
return pluginFound;
} else {
// stay here and return result of plugin detection
return pluginFound;
function canDetectPlugins() {
if( detectableWithVB || (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function detectFlash(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('Shockwave','Flash');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.8');
// check for redirection
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectDirector(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('Shockwave','Director');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('SWCtl.SWCtl.1');
// check for redirection
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectQuickTime(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('QuickTime');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = detectQuickTimeActiveXControl();
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectReal(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('RealPlayer');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = (detectActiveXControl('rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control') ||
detectActiveXControl('RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)') ||
detectActiveXControl('RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)'));
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectWindowsMedia(redirectURL, redirectIfFound) {
pluginFound = detectPlugin('Windows Media');
// if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic
if(!pluginFound && detectableWithVB) {
pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1');
return redirectCheck(pluginFound, redirectURL, redirectIfFound);
function detectPlugin() {
// allow for multiple checks in a single pass
var daPlugins = detectPlugin.arguments;
// consider pluginFound to be false until proven true
var pluginFound = false;
// if plugins array is there and not fake
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
var pluginsArrayLength = navigator.plugins.length;
// for each plugin...
for (pluginsArrayCounter=0; pluginsArrayCounter < pluginsArrayLength; pluginsArrayCounter++ ) {
// loop through all desired names and check each against the current plugin name
var numFound = 0;
for(namesCounter=0; namesCounter < daPlugins.length; namesCounter++) {
// if desired plugin name is found in either plugin name or description
if( (navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].name.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) ||
(navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].description.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) ) {
// this name was found
// now that we have checked all the required names against this one plugin,
// if the number we found matches the total number provided then we were successful
if(numFound == daPlugins.length) {
pluginFound = true;
// if we've found the plugin, we can stop looking through at the rest of the plugins
return pluginFound;
} // detectPlugin
// Here we write out the VBScript block for MSIE Windows
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)) {
document.writeln('<script language="VBscript">');
document.writeln('\'do a one-time test for a version of VBScript that can handle this code');
document.writeln('detectableWithVB = False');
document.writeln('If ScriptEngineMajorVersion >= 2 then');
document.writeln(' detectableWithVB = True');
document.writeln('End If');
document.writeln('\'this next function will detect most plugins');
document.writeln('Function detectActiveXControl(activeXControlName)');
document.writeln(' on error resume next');
document.writeln(' detectActiveXControl = False');
document.writeln(' If detectableWithVB Then');
document.writeln(' detectActiveXControl = IsObject(CreateObject(activeXControlName))');
document.writeln(' End If');
document.writeln('End Function');
document.writeln('\'and the following function handles QuickTime');
document.writeln('Function detectQuickTimeActiveXControl()');
document.writeln(' on error resume next');
document.writeln(' detectQuickTimeActiveXControl = False');
document.writeln(' If detectableWithVB Then');
document.writeln(' detectQuickTimeActiveXControl = False');
document.writeln(' hasQuickTimeChecker = false');
document.writeln(' Set hasQuickTimeChecker = CreateObject("QuickTimeCheckObject.QuickTimeCheck.1")');
document.writeln(' If IsObject(hasQuickTimeChecker) Then');
document.writeln(' If hasQuickTimeChecker.IsQuickTimeAvailable(0) Then ');
document.writeln(' detectQuickTimeActiveXControl = True');
document.writeln(' End If');
document.writeln(' End If');
document.writeln(' End If');
document.writeln('End Function');
document.writeln('</scr' + 'ipt>');
// -->
<script language="JavaScript">
if(canDetectPlugins()) {
document.write('<b>Supports Shockwave for Director:</b> ' + detectDirector() + '<br>' +
'<b>Flash 8.0 installeret:</b> ' + detectFlash() + '<br>' +
'<b>Supports QuickTime:</b> ' + detectQuickTime() + '<br>' +
'<b>Supports RealPlayer:</b> ' + detectReal() + '<br>' +
'<b>Supports Windows Media Player:</b> ' + detectWindowsMedia());
Your browser doesn't support JavaScript, so we can't check for plugins.