19. januar 2006 - 14:04Der er
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Begrænsninger i tabeller og forespørgsler
Jeg sidder med en database, hvor der skal være mange felter i "hovedtabellen". Jeg har hørt at der kan være 250 felter i en tabel, så jeg har delt hovedtabellen op i flere, som jeg så forbinder med en til en relationer. Mit problem er at jeg p.t. har ca. 150 felter bag "hovedformens" forespørgsel, og jeg kommer da nemt over 250. Så er der en der kan fortælle mig hvormange felter (er det det Thomas Jepsen kalder postsættet) kan der være bag en forespørgsel. Det nytter jo ikke at jeg deler forespørgslen op i flere, hvis man kun max. kan hive 250 felter ned i forespørgselsgitteret. Hvis der er en der kan svare, skal det kunne dokumenteres, evt. henvisning til Microsoft el.desl.
Trine, if you need more than 255 field son one form then I have a feeling that you have a design problem. If the database is normalized then this very likley would leed to a main form with one or more sub forms. In all my 20+ years as a programmer I havnet yet hit the limit.
If for some reason you do need more than 255 then make a related table and then have two suub forms on your main form so that it just looks like one form
>Jensen363, Tak for hjælpen, det var lige det link, jeg skulle bruge. >Terry, Hi Terry, I started up with af TabControl, dividing up into tabs with subforms on, but I couldn't get it to work, with my "search form", so now I'm back to a main form with a query behind that covers all data. I would be very happy if you could look at it sometime. Maybe I should make a new question. Mvh. Trine
>Terry, I would appreciate that, but I will of course try to work some more on it myself first. Requirement specification, yeah right, when I took my Datamatiker uddannelse I worked with them, but the few times I have seen them in real life, they have been insufficient and not worth the paper they were written on. (Maybe if I ever reach to your knees in knowledge I will be so lucky to see some good ones). It's as if the users make up new demands and fields and tables as we get along. Not that it bothers me at all. I just try to solve it along the way, and it's quite exciting too. This db I think it's quite normalized, it's just there are really many informations that hangs directly together with the "Project Number", so the way I see it I have to divide up into one to one relations for the sake of "overskuelighed".I will try the model with a TabControl with subforms connected to the different tabs once more and if it doesn't work out I will haunt you again, I presume you've got the same email adress as earlier. Best regards Trine
Hi Trine I agree that its not very often one see's good documentation and I must admit that its not always something I've been very good at either. But over the years I've found that having one does have a number of advantages.
Yes I still have the same email. I'de better warn you though, that I'm rather busty so I may not be able to respond promptly, but I can promise that I will.
Sorry, better change that to "I'm rather busy" :o)
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