Avatar billede bette-arne Nybegynder
11. april 2005 - 13:48 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning

Multiple ns server on same server

Hello ..

I have ns1.domain.com .. on microsoft DNS, and its working ok !

I need that this server also can be used to answer for ns.domain2.com and ns.domain3.com .. and more.. 

When i make a new zone right now it auto make 1 x ns record that is ns1.domain.com. But if the zone i make ns is ns1.domain2.com . so this is a problem..

SOA is no problem, Just that the

How do i make this work ?

I use dnscmd ..
dnscmd localhost /zoneadd  test.com /primary /file test.com.dns
dnscmd localhost /config test.com /AllowUpdate 1
dnscmd localhost /recordadd test.com @ 300 SOA ns1.domain2.com hostmaster.domain2.com 2005041116 86400 7200 604800 300
dnscmd localhost /recordadd test.com @ 300 NS ns2.domain2.com
dnscmd localhost /recordadd test.com @ 300 NS ns1.domain2.com
echo y|dnscmd localhost /recorddelete test.com @ 300 NS ns1.domain.com (deleted the ns1.domain.com ns record, it works but ...)
dnscmd  /zonereload test.com (return of the ns1.domain.com )

Zone file test.com.dns

@                      NS    ns2.domain2.dk.
@                      NS    ns1.domain2.dk.
@                      NS    ns1.domain.dk.
Avatar billede soth Nybegynder
12. april 2005 - 11:32 #1
It would seem that you are trying to make 3 different domains under the same zone. Try and make 3 new zones instead and then it should auto make the ns servers in each domain.
Avatar billede bette-arne Nybegynder
28. juli 2006 - 10:46 #2
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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