25. januar 2005 - 22:29Der er
8 kommentarer og 2 løsninger
Bestemt startup form
Hejsa, Hvis nu man sætter ens database op til, at starte med en bestemt form. F.eks. en form der beskriver databasen. Kan man så indsætte en chekbox, hvor man kan afkrydse, at man ikke vil se denne form når basen states næste gang ? vh Thjoe
Hvis du nu f.eks. har to forms "Førstestart" og Efterfølgendestart" - for nu bare at give dem nogen sigende navne :-) - så sætter du bare Førstestart til at være opstartsformen.
På eller andet event i "Førstestart" formen skriver du nu sådan her:
You could do this in a couple of ways, but lets say we keep it simple! You will ALWAYS need to open the form so that you can check the status of the checkbox. You will also need a table to hold the contents (status) of the checkbox. Then I am assuming that you have another form which gets opened when you press a button on the first form.
In the forms OPEN event you would use something like this
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If Me.YourCheckbox Then DoCmd.OpenForm "NextFormToOpen" Cancel = True End If
--> mugs: Jo, men sådan som jeg forstod spørgsmålet, så var det også meningen, at man skulle kunne markere en tjekbox og efterfølgende slippe for al den "introduktionssnak". Efter et stykke tid har man jo forstået budskabet, og ønsker ikke længere at blive betragtet som et børnehavebarn.
--> terry: No offence, but my solution is as simple as it gets! I see absolutely no reason why you would have to ALWAYS open the original form with the checkbox. When the user is fed up with being treated like an unknowing child, he will probably never want to see the intro again. In the event that another user, a newbie, wants to see the intro, it would be a more prudent solution to place the "give me that intro back" function that will reinstate the original startup form somewhere else, say on a setup form or menu.
--> charlotterj: Jeg ville måske nok snarere lave en tjekbox med teksten: "Vis også denne intro ved næste opstart." Tjekboxens initialværdi skulle så være checked. Når brugeren så fjerner tjekket, ændres opstartsformen. Koden ville så lyde:
If not Me!DinCheckboks then CurrentDb.Properties("StartupForm").Value = "Form.Efterfølgendestart" end if
Det er i hvert fald sådan mange programmer gør det...
--> terry: I hope you don't feel that I'm being overly argumentative :-) You wrote: "You will also need a table to hold the contents (status) of the checkbox." The status of the checkbox could be derived from the content of the StartUpForm property, ie. if currentdb.Properties("StartUpForm").Value = "Form.Førstestart" then it's safe to assume that the checkbox is still checked (in my version, as described above).
"sometimes the solution is so easy that it isnt known." Yes, there's a first for everything...
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