Avatar billede monster2000 Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:13 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Simpel Counter

simpel counter

Den skal køre fra min egen apache server og skal tælle antal besøgende og ikke andet.

Det kan da ikke være så svært


jeg regner med det er et cgi scribt eller et php.....

Skriv til mig HER eller på mail 3319621m001@mail1.stofanet.dk
Avatar billede limemedia Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:16 #1
Avatar billede monster2000 Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:25 #2
JA du næsten fortjent all 15 point men hvordan får jeg en counter.php
startet fra en INDEX.html

hvad skal der sættes i html koden for at den virker

Hilsen M2K
Avatar billede limemedia Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:27 #3
normalt bruger jeg en
<IMG SRC=\"counter.php\" HEIGHT=\"1\" WIDTH=\"1\">

i bunden af scriptet...

counter.php laver din count og returnerer en transperent gif
Avatar billede limemedia Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:27 #4
kommer an på hvordan du har lavet dit counter system
Avatar billede monster2000 Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:28 #5


#Simple Hit Counter, Copyright 2000 s@shat.net http://shat.net/php/
#This script may be FREELY DISTRIBUTED as long as all headers are kept
#intact, and no fee is charged.

#This text-based counter script will keep track of the number of hits
#to a web page. You can use it on multiple pages. For each page, this
#script will create a unique log file to track the number of visitors.
#Don\'t worry, each log file is very tiny, between 1 and 10 bytes.

#How to use the hit counter:

#Call the script as you would call a normal SSI,
#<!--#exec cgi=\"/path/to/count.php\"-->
#This won\'t work if your server doesn\'t recognize .php as executable.
#Or, you can call it from within a PHP document, using the PHP command

# You\'ll need to modify a couple of the variables below:

#$datadir is the directory where the counter log files will be kept.
#You should probably make this a dedicated directory, because a log
#file will be created for each page on which you\'re using this script.
#This needs to be the full system path to your data directory, including
#the trailing slash. This directory MUST EXIST with 755 permissions in
#order for the script to function.

$datadir = \"/home/shat/public_html/shaun/00/counters/\";

#If $snoop is set to 1, the counter will also keep a log of each visitor\'s
#IP address, browser type/version, and referring URL if available.
#The snoop logs are kept in the same directory as the counter logs.
#Watch out, if you have a high-traffic site, these logs grow fast.

$snoop = 1;

# DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE, unless you know what you\'re doing! #

#do_snoop() records the IP address, browser type, and referring
#URL of the visitor, if $snoop is set to 1.

  $filename = str_replace(\"/\",\"_\",$REQUEST_URI);
  if ( (substr($filename, -1)) == \"_\" )
    $filename .= \"index\";
  $date = date(\"m/d/Y h:i:s A\");
  $logfile = fopen(\"$datadir\" . \"$filename\" . \"-info.txt\", \"a+\");
  fputs(\"$logfile\", $date . \"\\t\" . $REMOTE_ADDR . \"\\t\" . $HTTP_USER_AGENT . \"\\t  \" . $HTTP_REFERER . \"\\n\");


#Get the name of the page being viewed, apache should send
#this through REQUEST_URI. The file name is then unslashed
#(the clean version is used in the name of the log file).

$filename = str_replace(\"/\",\"_\",$REQUEST_URI);
if ( (substr($filename, -1)) == \"_\" )
  $filename .= \"index\";

#Check to see if a counter log already exists for this page

$filetest = file_exists( \"$datadir\" . \"$filename\");
if (!$filetest)
  # If there\'s not a log file for this page, try to create one

  $logfile = fopen( \"$datadir\" . \"$filename\", \"w\");
      if (!$logfile)
          $count += 1; # increment count from 0 to 1
          fputs(\"$logfile\", $count); # write count to log file



#If a log file is already present, read the current count

  $logfile = fopen(\"$datadir\" . \"$filename\", \"r+\");
      if (!$logfile)
          $count = fgets(\"$logfile\", 8);
            if (!$count)
              $count += 1; #increment the count by 1

#This is where the script will send the count to the calling web page,
#if it\'s working properly. If you want to give the counter a consistent
#look across all your pages, you can edit the following echo statement,
#and add HTML tags before and after the variable name. For example:
#echo \"<font face=\\\"verdana\\\" size=2 color=\\\"#000000\\\"> $count </font>\";

              echo \"$count\";

              fseek(\"$logfile\", 0); #go to beginning of log
              fputs(\"$logfile\", $count); #replace old count with new one
              fclose($logfile); #close log file

#Snoop the visitor, if we want to

if ($snoop==1) do_snoop($datadir,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_USER_AGENT,$HTTP_REFERER,$REQUEST_URI);

#And we\'re done!



Avatar billede limemedia Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:33 #6
har du adgang til SSI ellers kan du rename dine dokumenter til PHP... Men en helt anden ting, hvorfor bruger du ikke \"bare\" en af de mange gratis countere på markedet ?
Avatar billede monster2000 Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:34 #7
for jeg vil have den på min server
og jeg kan da bare gemme den i php skulle det være et problem

counteren er fundet hos en der hedder
Avatar billede monster2000 Nybegynder
28. februar 2001 - 17:38 #8
Han har skrevet
oppe i scriptet at man skal skrive stien for hvor counteren skal ligge
Hvad mener han med
$datadir = \"/home/shat/public_html/shaun/00/counters/\";

skal jeg så bare skrive

$datadir = \"C:/apache/htdocs/counter

også skal jeg oprette et en mappe der hedder counter

Eller hvad skal man gøre med det script
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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