her er koden.
color : #003366;
<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">
<td width=\"100%\">
<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#003366\"><b><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
// Copyright 2001 Dan Molberg
// Homepage: <
http://www.scaninvestor.com/PHPsource>/ //
// E-mail: Webmaster@scanivestor.com <mailto:Webmaster@scanivestor.com>
// You may do what you want with this script as long as these lines remain.
// Usages of this script is the users responsibility not the author(s).
// Sender email.
$sender = \"SMS.dk <mailto:SMS@.dk>\";
// Webmaster GSM number.
$webmasternummer = ;
// SMS message length.
$messagelength = \"135\";
if($action == \"send\"){
if ($numb == \"webmaster\") {
$numb = $webmasternummer;
$numb = (($numb+1)-1);
if (!$from) {
echo \"Angiv dit navn!\";
elseif(!$message) {
echo \"Du mangler beskeden!\";
else {
$prov = \"\";
if ((20100000<$numb) and ($numb<=20169999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((20190000<=$numb) and ($numb<=20339999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((20400000<=$numb) and ($numb<=20409999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((20600000<=$numb) and ($numb<=20999999)) { $prov = \"note.sonofon.dk\"; }
elseif ((21200000<=$numb) and ($numb<=21299999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((21400000<=$numb) and ($numb<=21499999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((21600000<=$numb) and ($numb<=21999999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((22100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=22999999)) { $prov = \"note.sonofon.dk\"; }
elseif ((23200000<=$numb) and ($numb<=23999999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((24100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=24999999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((25100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=25399999)) { $prov = \"note.sonofon.dk\"; }
elseif ((25500000<=$numb) and ($numb<=25599999)) { echo \"$numb er ikke kendt af databasen af numre hos www..dk.<br><br>\"; }
elseif ((25700000<=$numb) and ($numb<=25799999)) { echo \"$numb er ikke kendt af databasen af numre hos www..dk.<br><br>\"; }
elseif ((25910000<=$numb) and ($numb<=25929999)) { echo \"$numb er ikke kendt af databasen af numre hos www..dk.<br><br>\"; }
elseif ((26100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=26999999)) { $prov = \"sms.mobilix.dk\"; }
elseif ((27100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=27399999)) { $prov = \"sms.mobilix.dk\"; }
elseif ((28100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=28899999)) { $prov = \"sm1800.telia.dk\"; }
elseif ((29100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=29999999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((40100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=40119999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((40130000<=$numb) and ($numb<=40219999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((40250000<=$numb) and ($numb<=40469999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((40500000<=$numb) and ($numb<=40999999)) { $prov = \"note.sonofon.dk\"; }
elseif ((51100000<=$numb) and ($numb<=51399999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((51600000<=$numb) and ($numb<=51999999)) { $prov = \"sms.tdm.dk\"; }
elseif ((52200000<=$numb) and ($numb<=52299999)) { echo \"$numb er ikke kendt af databasen af numre hos www..dk<br><br>\"; }
else { echo \"$numb er ikke kendt af databasen af numre hos www..dk.<br><br>\"; }
$email = $numb.\"@\".$prov;
if (!$prov==\"\") {
mail(\"$email\", \"\", \" * Fra: $from * \".\"$message\", \"From: $sender\");
echo \"Din besked er blevet sendt.<br><br>\";
echo \"\";
else {
<script language=\"JavaScript\">
function check() {
document.SMS.charleft.value = <? echo $messagelength; ?> - document.SMS.message.value.length;
if (document.SMS.charleft.value < 0) {
alert(\"The message kan only be <? echo $messagelength; ?>\");
Virker kun til danske mobil telefoner - 135 tegn er fordi der er taget højde
for nummer og navn<br>
Skriv til webmasters mobil, bare skriv "webmaster" i nummer boksen.</b></font>
<form action=\"<? echo $PHP_SELF; ?>?action=send\" method=\"post\" name=\"SMS\" id=\"SMS\">
<div align=\"center\">
<td><font color=\"#003366\"><b>Mobil nummer:</b></font></td>
<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#003366\"><b><input type=\"text\" name=\"numb\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"9\" style=\"color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold\"></b></font></p>
<td><font color=\"#003366\"><b>Navn:</b></font></td>
<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#003366\"><b><input type=\"text\" name=\"from\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"10\" style=\"color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold\"></b></font></p>
<td><font color=\"#003366\"><b>Din besked:</b></font></td>
<p align=\"center\">
<select name=\"S1\" onchange=\"document.SMS.message.value=document.SMS.S1.options[document.SMS.S1.selectedIndex].value\" size=\"1\" tabindex=\"12\" style=\"color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold\">
<option>Standartbeskeder - .dk</option>
<option value=\"Jeg kører nu, vi ses om lidt.\">Afgang</option>
<option value=\"Kan du huske dengang....\">Historie</option>
<option value=\"Jeg elsker dig, husk altid det, for det er sandheden *ss*\">Kærlighed</option>
<option value=\"Hvis dette var et købmarked ville du være en herregårds bøf *g*\">Score
<p align=\"center\">
<textarea rows=\"6\" name=\"message\" cols=\"28\" style=\"color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold\" ></textarea><font color=\"#003366\"><b> </b></font>
<td><font color=\"#003366\"><b>Tegn tilbage:</b></font></td><td>
<p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#003366\"><b><input type=\"text\" name=\"charleft\" value=\"<? echo $messagelength; ?>\" size=\"3\" readonly style=\"color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold\">
Tælleren midlertidt ude af drift</b></font></p>
<td><font color=\"#003366\"><b><input type=\"Submit\" value=\" Send SMS \" style=\"background-color: #003366; font-size: 8 pt; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; border-style: dashed; border-color: #003366\"></b></font></td><td><font color=\"#003366\"><b><input type=\"Reset\" value=\" Slet \" style=\"background-color: #003366; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 8 pt; font-weight: bold; border-style: dashed; border-color: #003366\"></b></font></td>
<font color=\"#003366\"><b>