Udviklingen indenfor skærme går hurtigt, og selv om meget af det som står i den "eaid" henvisning var sandt for 6-12 måneder siden, er der sket meget efterfølgende.
PVA paneler er blevet meget bedre, og Samsung bruger også andre panel-typer.
Det er rigtigt at 16MS laver mindre ghosting end 25ms, i teorien... men ifølge de fleste eksperter laver de nyeste PVA 25ms skærme et rigtigt godt resultat, tag f.eks. og søg på google på samsung 213T, og se bl.a. følgende udtalelse:
Gaming Performance
Perhaps the only reason you are reading this review is to see just how good or not this display handles today's games. We don't blame you either since the first thing we did with this display was put it to the test with UT2003, Halo, Call of Duty, and NFS: Underground. You have to remember that being an LCD display you will be limited to running your games at a few resolutions. We however simply cranked the resolution up to 1600x1200 and let the monitor do the talking, or walking in most cases.
With the specified 25ms pixel refresh rate we were ready to be faced with the obvious ghosting or blurring issues we all here about. Just as we had expected motion blur was visible but quite frankly it wasn't all that bad. We are confident enough to say that the 213T performs exceptionally well in this field and have no problem recommending it to the average gamer out there. The avid or hardcore gamers out there should probably stick with their tried, tested and true CRT displays if they are looking for the best gaming experience. We can however say that if you are looking for a large LCD display to game with, the 213T is most likely your best bet. Overall we were satisfied with the 213T's gaming performance.
eller prøv at finde test af 173T såsom:
http://www.extremeoverclocking.com/reviews/monitors/Samsung_173T_6.htmleller 173P for den sags skyld (den flotteste skærm på markedet), f.eks.:
http://www.atruereview.com/samsung173P/samsung.phpeller 172T eller 152B eller....osv.
Alle sammen skærme med 25ms, og så kan i glæde jer til den nye 193P med 20ms, 172X med 16ms (senere 12ms) 192X osv.
en STOR Samsung fan...