Fårk det var en gammel tråd du har taget fat i.
Det er nok ca. 6mdr siden, jeg fik det til at virke.
Jeg vil squ godt give dig 200point for det....hehe
Brugte IBM software, ændrede nogle filer med Hex editor.
Står her hvis andre kan bruge det:
I found some interesting information on the internet for "fixing" bluetooth
software with diffrent bluetooth dongles.
This describes how to us an Microsoft Bluetooth dongle that comes with the
Microsoft Intellimouse (bluetooth version) together with IBM Bluetooth
I already own a MS Bluetooth mouse with dongle and bought a secondhand
thinkpad whithout bluetooth.
I wanted to use the IBM Bluetooth software but it seems only working with
IBM bluetooth hardware and not the Microsoft bluetooth dongle.
Here is what you need to fix so the Microsoft dongle work with IBM Bluetooth
software :
1) Download the IBM bluetooth software from :
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/bthwxp1o.exe 2) Get an hex editor, for example ultraedit :
http://www.ultraedit.com/downloads/index.html 3) Install the IBM bluetooth software. Dont press the Bluetooth icon in the
system tray! (It will prompt you for a .lic file!)
4) In the files below you need to replace 2 string sequences:
BTTray.exe (typically in C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software )
BTStackServer.exe (lives in the same directory as BTTray.exe)
WBTAPI.DLL (lives in c:\windows\system32 or c:\winnt\system32)
Note!! the .DLL files may be locked(read only used by system), but I got
dual boot so a started another os to access thoose files. Maybe "Safe mode"
startup will help.
You need to replace the 2 string sequence values described below in all the
above files!
In your hex editor search for the string 83 C4 08 85 F6 0F 85 EF 00 00 00
and replace 0F 85 EF 00 00 00 in the sequence with 90 90 90 90 90 90
In your hex editor search for the string 8B F0 83 C4 0C 3B F5 75 0E 3B FD 75
and replace 75 0E in the sequence with 90 90
and replace 75 0A in the sequence with 90 90
5) Done! Reboot! Enjoy!