Avatar billede gazzo Nybegynder
06. oktober 2003 - 21:25 Der er 6 kommentarer

Linkster fejl Hvad er der galdt.

Jeg har et problem når jeg vil opret ny tabel i database så kommer den med en fejl. Hvad er der galdt.


SQL-forespørgsel : 

* ? * / Copyright2001Steve Gliebe.All rights reserved.require(


MySQL returnerede:

You have an error in your SQL syntax near '<? // Copyright 2001 Steve Gliebe. All rights reserved.
require("common.php")' at line 1

Her er tablen:

<? // Copyright 2001 Steve Gliebe. All rights reserved.
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $cat_table (ID int(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, Count int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, Category varchar(50) NOT NULL, Description varchar(200), UNIQUE ID (ID))") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $link_table (ID int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, Cat_ID int(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, Clicks int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, Website varchar(50) NOT NULL, URL varchar(150) NOT NULL, Description varchar(200), UNIQUE ID (ID))") or die(mysql_error());
echo "<p>";
print_title_message("Tables Created", "Linkster's tables ($cat_table and $link_table) have been successfully created in your database ($database).\n<p>Remove this file from you server and continue with the installation instructions.</p>");
echo "</p>";
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
06. oktober 2003 - 21:35 #1
du skal køre det som php-script, og ikke som direkte SQL.
Avatar billede gazzo Nybegynder
07. oktober 2003 - 11:47 #2
Ok jeg glemmet måske at skrive at jeg er nybegynder, det er da på (phpmyadmin)
at jeg skal ligge det ind, men køre det som php-script, ved jeg ikke lige hvordan.
Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
07. oktober 2003 - 11:53 #3
Du lægger det på serveren, og afvikler det i en browser
Avatar billede gazzo Nybegynder
07. oktober 2003 - 19:27 #4
Okay så virkker det. Men når jeg klikker på et link som jeg har lagt ind kommer den men en fejl.

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/jacker.dk/jacker.dk/httpd.www/linkster/linkster.php:1) in /customers/jacker.dk/jacker.dk/httpd.www/linkster/linkster.php on line 37

Please edit header.inc and footer.inc.
Add a link

Her er linkster.php

<a href="admin.php">Admin</a><?

# linkster.php
# *******************************************************
# *                                                    *
# *  Linkster 1.0 - a PHP/MySQL link indexing script  *
# *                                                    *
# *                [ March 21, 2001 ]                  *
# *                                                    *
# *******************************************************
# Copyright 2001 Steve Gliebe. All rights reserved.
# Linkster 1.0 is distributed by Dream Dolphin Studio (http://dreamdolphin.com) as freeware.
# It may be used and modified for your own use as long as this copyright/usage note remains
# intact and unchanged in each place it appears. You may not sell or distribute the code of
# Linkster 1.0, in whole or part, without the expressed written consent of Steve Gliebe and
# Dream Dolphin Studio.
# By using Linkster 1.0 you agree to indemnify Steve Gliebe and Dream Dolphin Studio from
# any liability.
# Being freeware, support for this script is not offered by Steve Gliebe or Dream Dolphin
# Studio. Installation is offered for a small fee by Dream Dolphin Studio as well as custom
# programming, web design, and graphic design services. Visit http://dreamdolphin.com for
# more information.


######### CLICK COUNT #########
if ($QUERY_STRING && $LID && $URL) {
  mysql_query("UPDATE $link_table SET Clicks = Clicks+1 WHERE ID = $LID");  // add 1 to click count
  header("Location: $URL");  // send user to website

######### PRINT HEADER/MENU #########
if ($public_add == "yes" || $QUERY_STRING) {
  echo "\n<p align=$tbl_align>\n";
  echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=$tbl_width>\n";
  echo "  <tr>\n";
  echo "    <td>\n";
if ($public_add == "yes" && $action != "add_link") {
  echo "    <li><a href=$PHP_SELF?action=add_link>Add a link</a></li>\n";
if ($mode == "flat" && $action == "add_link") {
  echo "    <li><a href=$PHP_SELF>Back to links</a></li>\n";
if ($mode == "leveled" && $QUERY_STRING) {
  echo "    <li><a href=$PHP_SELF>Back to categories</a></li>\n";
if ($public_add == "yes" || $QUERY_STRING) {
  echo "    </td>\n";
  echo "  </tr>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";
  echo "</p>\n";

######### FLAT MODE #########
if ($mode == "flat" && !$QUERY_STRING) {
  $query = "SELECT $link_table.ID AS LID, Clicks, Website, URL, $link_table.Description AS LDescription, $cat_table.ID AS CID, Category, $cat_table.Description AS CDescription FROM $cat_table, $link_table WHERE $cat_table.ID = $link_table.Cat_ID ORDER BY $cat_order, $links_order";
  print_table ($query, $PHP_SELF, $tbl_border, $tbl_cellpadding, $tbl_cellspacing, $tbl_width, $tbl_align, $row1_color, $row2_color, $row3_color, $Category, $CDescription, $LID, $URL, $Website, $LDescription, $Clicks, $show_clicks, $show_credit, $credit_html, $new_window, $cat_table, $link_table);

######### LEVELED MODE #########
if ($mode == "leveled" && !$LID && !$URL) {
  // print categories
  if (!$QUERY_STRING) {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $cat_table ORDER BY $cat_order";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("<p><b>Error:</b> No data exists.</p>\n</body>\n</html>\n\n");
    echo "<p align='$tbl_align'>\n";
    echo "<table border='$tbl_border' cellpadding='$tbl_cellpadding' cellspacing='$tbl_cellspacing' width='$tbl_width'>\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td colspan=2 bgcolor='$row1_color'><div id=linkster-title-large>Categories</div></td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td align=center id=linkster-title-small bgcolor='$row2_color'>Category/Description</td>\n";
    echo "    <td align=center id=linkster-title-small bgcolor='$row2_color'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Links&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    while (list($CID, $Count, $Category, $Description) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
      if ($Count > 0) {
        $Category = "<a href=$PHP_SELF?CID=$CID>$Category</a>";
      if ($Description) {
        $Description = "- $Description";
      echo "  <tr>\n";
      echo "    <td bgcolor='$row3_color' id=linkster-list>$Category $Description</td>\n";
      echo "    <td bgcolor='$row3_color' align=center id=linkster-count>$Count</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
    if ($show_credit == "yes") {
      echo "  <tr>\n";
      echo "    <td colspan=2><br>$credit_html</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    echo "</p>\n";
  // print links for specific category
  if ($CID) {
  $query = "SELECT $link_table.ID AS LID, Clicks, Website, URL, $link_table.Description AS LDescription, $cat_table.ID AS CID, Category, $cat_table.Description AS CDescription";
  $query .= " FROM $cat_table, $link_table";
  $query .= " WHERE $cat_table.ID = $link_table.Cat_ID AND $cat_table.ID = $CID";
  $query .= " ORDER BY $links_order";
  print_table ($query, $PHP_SELF, $tbl_border, $tbl_cellpadding, $tbl_cellspacing, $tbl_width, $tbl_align, $row1_color, $row2_color, $row3_color, $Category, $CDescription, $LID, $URL, $Website, $LDescription, $Clicks, $show_clicks, $show_credit, $credit_html, $new_window, $cat_table, $link_table);

######### ADD LINK (PUBLIC) #########
if ($action == "add_link" && $public_add == "yes") {
  // process form
  if ($submit) {
    // check for errors
    if (!$Website) {
      $error = "<li>Website Name cannot be left blank</li>\n";
    if (!$URL) {
      $error .= "<li>Website URL cannot be left blank</li>\n";
    if (eregi("http://", $URL) && eregi("\.", $URL)) {  // URL must contain http:// and . to be valid
      $validURL = 1;
    if ($URL && !$validURL) {
      $error .= "<li>Website URL is invalid</li>\n";
    if (strlen($Description) > 200) {
      $error .= "<li>Description cannot exceed 200 characters (length: " . strlen($Description) . ")</li>\n";
    // add link to database
    if (!$error) {
      $Website = escape_quotes($Website);
      $URL = escape_quotes($URL);
      $Description = escape_quotes($Description);
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO $link_table (Cat_ID, Website, URL, Description) VALUES ('$CID','$Website','$URL','$Description')");
      mysql_query("UPDATE $cat_table SET Count = Count+1 WHERE ID = $CID");
    else {
      $Website = strip_quotes($Website);
      $URL = strip_quotes($URL);
      $Description = strip_quotes($Description);
  // print title and message
  $title = "Add a Link";
  $message = "Fill out the form below to add a link.";
  if ($error) {
    $title = "Error Adding Link";
    $message = "The following error(s) occured:\n <ul>$error</ul>Please correct any errors and try again.";
  if ($submit && !$error) {
    $title = "Link Added";
    $message = "Your link has been added.";
  print_title_message($title, $message);
  // print form
  if (!$submit) {  // sets URL before user touches it
    $URL = "http://";
  if (!$submit || $error) {
    echo "<form method=post action=$PHP_SELF?$QUERY_STRING>\n";
    link_form($db, $Cat_ID, $CID, $Website, $URL, $Description, $cat_table);
    echo "<input type=submit name=submit value=' Add Link '>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";

########### FOOTER/CLOSE DB ###########
mysql_close($db);  // close db connection

Avatar billede erikjacobsen Ekspert
07. oktober 2003 - 19:29 #5
Du skulle overveje at fjerne
<a href="admin.php">Admin</a>
Avatar billede gazzo Nybegynder
07. oktober 2003 - 19:33 #6
Tak. så skulle der hvis ikke være mere.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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Tilladte BB-code-tags: [b]fed[/b] [i]kursiv[/i] [u]understreget[/u] Web- og emailadresser omdannes automatisk til links. Der sættes "nofollow" på alle links.

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