Men det virker ikke ! Jeg var inde og kigge på forklaringen og jeg har ikke "Conditional Formatting" på format menuen. Jeg tror kun den findes i Access2000. Databasen er vel oprindeligt lavet i Access2000.
if you are using Access 2000 or XP then you can use conditional formatting. What version of Access do you have? You say the dB was originally made in 2000!
Lisette>If you dont know much about VBA (code) then this is going to be a problem. The example I sent was meant to give you some ideas but it requires some VBA coding and a bit of playing around to get it to work. An idea may be to have a YES/NO field in the dB. Then the field showing the COLOUR is BOUND to that field. IF the date is older than 1 year then set the Yes/no field to True and the colour will change!
Tak Terry - nu tror jeg godt jeg kan få det til at virke.
Desværre får jeg ikke kigget på det i dag - så du får lige point !
Tak for hjælpen !
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