Avatar billede miccar Nybegynder
11. november 2000 - 14:59 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Carmageddon 2

Jeg har downloaded en masse biler,men de fleste virker ikke.Det der sker er,at den går
ud af spillet hver gang jeg vælger en ny bil.

Jeg har Win98 og voodoo3 grafikkort
og jeg har brugt Carstocalypse til at installere bilerne.

Hvad gør jeg forkert?

Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
17. januar 2001 - 20:04 #1
Dette har jeg besvaret i så du kan afslutte spørgsmålet her ved at lave dit eget svar og efterfølgende acceptere det :)

Xtom` =)
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
19. januar 2001 - 05:57 #2
How do I install cars and things I have downloaded?

Here\'s a quick walkthrough on how to install new cars into Carmageddon 2:

1) First, download Carstockalypse (14 Kb) and unzip it in your Carmageddon 2 directory.

2) Next, download the car you want to add and unzip it in the carmageddon 2 directory.

3) Lastly, run Carstockalypse and use it to import the car into the game.

4) For multiplayer games, all players must have the same cars, and they must be added in the same order.

Other downloads and some cars may need to be installed in special ways for work correctly. Remember to read the instructions that come with each individual car for important information.
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
19. januar 2001 - 06:00 #3
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
19. januar 2001 - 06:18 #4
Carstockalypse v.1.0 (c) 1999 Ben Beard

NOTE: Carstockalypse can EASILY screw up your Carmageddon game just by pressing the wrong button, so backups of the DATA.TWT and DATA\\OPPONENT.TXT files are automatically generated the first time you run Carstockalypse and can be found in the following locations:

Original file                Backup file
DATA.TWT                      - DATA.TWAT


If the add-on car does not show up in the left list of Carstockalypse, the person who created the car probably did not include a *.C2C file. This can be easily fixed by creating it yourself. Just open up notepad and create a new *.C2C file in your Carmageddon II directory containing the following:

Drivers Name    // Enter the drivers name here
Name            // Enter the drivers short name here (only used to display the face)
Car Name        // Enter the name of the car here
4              // Strength rating (1-5)
340000          // Cost to buy it
all            // Network availability (\'eagle\', or \'all\') Generally you should use \'all\'
carname.TXT    // Enter the vehicle filename (This is the name of the cars .TXT file)
0-60MPH: 4.0 SECONDS
// TAG you can add any comments here
// TAG ...
// TAG ...

Fill in the values for each line as needed, save the *.C2C file and restart Carstockalypse to add the car.

Xtom` =)
Avatar billede xtom2 Nybegynder
25. februar 2001 - 18:31 #5
Avatar billede miccar Nybegynder
22. marts 2001 - 01:57 #6
Til xtom

Sorry my friend,

Jeg må erkende, at jeg har sovet gevaldigt i timen, jeg håber du bærer over med mig, når jeg hermed tildeler dig, dine velfortjente point.
Tak for hjælpen

Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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