Avatar billede pizzamania Nybegynder
27. januar 2003 - 21:37 Der er 1 kommentar

meta search script ?


Could anyone help me with a meta search script, that searches several search engines, and displays the results on one page ?

Avatar billede thomasledet Nybegynder
27. januar 2003 - 22:34 #1
yes, there are a whole buch of people here, who are willing to help you with such a script. The key word in that sentence being "help". If you want someone to code the whole darn thing for you, perhaps you should offer something more in return than just "points"...

If on the other hand you are having trouble with such a script that you've either 1) written yourself or 2) found somewhere on the net, we will be happy to help you.

Search google for such a script - you're probably not the only one who have come up with this particular idea. Further more please consider that such a script probably wouldn't be accepted by various search engines. They make a living from people visiting their site searching for stuff and clicking their advertisements.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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