Avatar billede php_newbie Nybegynder
19. januar 2003 - 11:29 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

UR der blir opdateret hele tiden...

Hejsa... jeg skal bruge et ur som "går"/bliver opdateret hele tiden hvordan gør jeg dette??

Selve scripten skal lige i min scriptfil.
Avatar billede php_newbie Nybegynder
19. januar 2003 - 11:30 #1
Glemte lige at sige at på selve siden skal der kun stå fx 11:28
Avatar billede askhoej Praktikant
19. januar 2003 - 11:37 #2
Du kan vel låne det inde fra www.ht.dk (oppe i højre hjørne)

Avatar billede php_newbie Nybegynder
19. januar 2003 - 11:43 #3
Lige præcis sådan et....

Kan du ikke tage det ud af koden for mig.. kan sq ikke finde rundt i siden...
Avatar billede sostack Nybegynder
19. januar 2003 - 11:48 #4
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">

var digit_images;        // The array of digits 0-9
var separator_images;        // The array for blank and colon images
var ampm_images;        // The array of am and pm images

var image_base = "/html/images/";    // The directory where your digit images are located
var image_type = ".gif";        // The format your digit images are stored as (.gif , .jpg , etc.)
var image_height = 35;        // The height of all of your images
var digit_width =12;        // The width of your digits 0-9 images
var ampm_width = 38;        // The width of your AM and PM images
var separator_width = 6;    // The width of your colon separator image
var clockDelay = 30000;        // The delay in milliseconds between clock updates. Because of delays
                //    in changing the image source this should be set to about 800-900
                //    for a one second delay and about 300-400 for a half second delay

var hour1 = "blank";        // The first digit in the hour of the day
var hour2 = "blank";        // The second digit in the hour of the day
var minute1 = "blank";        // The first digit in the minute of the day
var minute2 = "blank";        // The second digit in the minute of the day
var ampm;            // Holds value to tell if it's AM or PM

var now;            // Used in getting the current date
var cur_hour;            // Used in getting the current hour from the date
var cur_minute;            // Used in getting the current minutes from the date

function makeImageArray(length, ImageWidth, ImageHeight){    // Returns an array of Images where
  this.length = length;                        //  the index of the 1st array element is 0
  for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
    this[i] = new Image(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
  return this;

nowserver = new Date();
datediff=nowserver-new Date();

function UpdateClock(hr1, hr2, min1, min2, separator){        // Updates the clock

  now = new Date(new Date().valueOf()+datediff);        // Get the current date
  cur_hour = now.getHours();        // Get the current hour from the date
  cur_minute = now.getMinutes();    // Get the current minutes from the date

  // First determine if it is in the morning or afternoon
//  if (cur_hour >= 12){ampm = "pm";}
//  else{ampm = "am";}

  // Then adjust the time to reflect "regular" time (i.e. hours 1-12 instead of the military 0-23)
//  if (cur_hour >= 13){cur_hour = cur_hour - 12;}
//  if (cur_hour == 0){cur_hour = 12;}

  // Before we can break up the hours and minutes into individual digits
  // we need to convert cur_hour and cur_minute to strings
  cur_hour += "";
  cur_minute += "";

  // Now assign the individual hour digits to variables hour1 and hour2
  if (cur_hour >= 10){
    hour1 = cur_hour.charAt(0);
    hour2 = cur_hour.charAt(1);
    hour1 = "0";
    hour2 = cur_hour.charAt(0);

  // Now assign the individual minute digits to variables minute1 and minute2
  if (cur_minute >= 10){
    minute1 = cur_minute.charAt(0);
    minute2 = cur_minute.charAt(1);
    minute1 = "0";
    minute2 = cur_minute.charAt(0);

  // At this point we have all the variables assigned so we need to check and see if the any of the digits in the time has
  // changed. If any of them have, then change the image source to reflect the digit that changed. NOTE: This only works
  // with Netscape 3.0 or above, so check first to see what browser the user has

  if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1))>=3) {    // Netscape 3.0 or greater
    if (hour1 == "0"){document.clock1.src = image_base + "blank" + image_type;}
      else {document.clock1.src = digit_images[hour1].src;}
    document.clock2.src = digit_images[hour2].src;
    if (separator == "blank"){document.clock3.src = separator_images[0].src;}
      else {document.clock3.src = separator_images[1].src;}
    document.clock4.src = digit_images[minute1].src;
    document.clock5.src = digit_images[minute2].src;
  // if (ampm == "am"){document.clock7.src = ampm_images[0].src;}
  //  else {document.clock7.src = ampm_images[1].src;}

  // The time has been updated for this go around of the function call, so now call the function again recursively so that it
  // can check for the next second. To avoid calling the function a gazillion times we will use setTimeout to pause for the
  // time reflected in clockDelay before this function calls itself again. Doing it this way also allows us to change the
  // separator image to reflect the seconds ticking away.

  if (separator == "blank"){setTimeout("UpdateClock(hour1, hour2, minute1, minute2, 'colon')", clockDelay);}
  else{setTimeout("UpdateClock(hour1, hour2, minute1, minute2, 'blank')", clockDelay);}
} // This bracket ends the UpdateClock function

// This script only works with Netscape 3.0 or above, so first check to see what browser the user has to make sure it's ok
//    to make the calls to write to the document.

if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1))>=3) {        // Netscape 3.0 or greater

  digit_images = new makeImageArray(10, digit_width, image_height);
  separator_images = new makeImageArray(2, separator_width, image_height);
//  ampm_images = new makeImageArray(2, ampm_width, image_height);

  for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){digit_images[i].src = image_base + i + image_type;}
  separator_images[0].src = image_base + "colon" + image_type;
  separator_images[1].src = image_base + "colon" + image_type;
  //ampm_images[0].src = image_base + "am" + image_type;
  //ampm_images[1].src = image_base + "pm" + image_type;

  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock1" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock2" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock3" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock4" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock5" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  document.write('<IMG NAME="clock6" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" BORDER="0">');
  //document.write('<IMG NAME="clock7" SRC="' + image_base + 'blank' + image_type + '" WIDTH="' + ampm_width + '" HEIGHT="' + image_height + '" BORDER="0">');

  // Finally, start the clock running using the UpdateClock function
  UpdateClock("blank", "blank", "blank", "blank", "blank");
} // This bracket ends the Netscape 3.0 or above check

Avatar billede Slettet bruger
19. januar 2003 - 12:13 #5
Og hvis du vil have en, der ikke kører med billeder:

function klokken() {
nu = new Date();
str = ((nu.getHours() < 10) ? "0" : "") + nu.getHours() + ":" + ((nu.getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" : "") + nu.getMinutes();
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("ur").innerHTML = str;
else if (document.all)
document.all.ur.innerHTML = str;
setTimeout("klokken();", 1000);
<body onLoad="klokken();">
<span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 18px;" id="ur"></span>
Avatar billede php_newbie Nybegynder
19. januar 2003 - 13:47 #6
phoenixv> Vil du ikke have point det var din jeg fik til at virke!

Tak for hjælpen alle sammen..
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
20. januar 2003 - 14:54 #7
Jo tak! :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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