mss>1 column with a number combination? (1 kolonne med en talkombination) what does the number combination contain? If it contains the answer "svaret" then how do you know WHO answered?
I tabel 1 og tabel 2, findes der en kolonne, som har ngole af de samme værdier. Tabel 1 er en delmængde af tabel 2. Man er i tabel 1, hvis man har svaret.
In Table1 do you have a field named Key, and in table 2 do you have one fields named "Alle Keys" and another named "ID 2 nr." and in Tabel 3 a field named "ID 2 nr. and one named "e-mail" ?
If this is correct does [Table 1].[Key] = [Table 2].[Alle Keys]?
If this is correct then SELECT Key FROM [Table 1] WHERE NOT EXIST (SELECT 1 FROM [Table 2] WHERE [Table 1].Key = [Table 2].[Alle KeysI])
If this isnt correct then I want the CORRECT names of the tables and the CORRECT names of the fields and some examples of the data
mss> YOU must make sure that the tbale and field names ARE CORRECT! Notice I have used [] around the names! You should try not to use Danish characters such as Ø in table names.
SELECT ResponseText FROM Response WHERE NOT EXIST (SELECT 1 FROM Invitation WHERE [Response].[Responsetext] = [Invitation].[KrypteretNøgle])
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