Avatar billede dme Nybegynder
11. februar 2002 - 20:50 Der er 8 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Bruge ID'et fra recorden i samme SQL-sætning

Jeg har følgende SQL-sætning, som bruges fra ASP mod en Access 2000 database:

strSQL = "SELECT Posts.ID, Posts.Posted, Posts.Name, Posts.Subject, [her_skal_værdien_fra_Posts.ID_bruges] FROM Posts WHERE Posts.ParentDebate=" & DebateID & " AND Posts.ParentPost=0 AND Posts.Deleted=False ORDER BY Posts.Posted DESC"

Jeg skal bruge den værdi, der står i Posts.ID i en SQL-sætning, der er placeret, hvor der står: [her_skal_værdien_fra_Posts.ID_bruges]. Den ekstra sql-sætning skal lave en Count på samme tabel (Posts). Hvordan går man det?

Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 20:57 #1
dme> Are you trying to select from another table at the same time? or what is your problem
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 21:04 #2
strSQL = "SELECT Posts.ID, Posts.Posted, Posts.Name, Posts.Subject, Dcount("*", "Posts") as Cnt FROM Posts WHERE Posts.ParentDebate=" & DebateID & " AND Posts.ParentPost=0 AND Posts.Deleted=False ORDER BY Posts.Posted DESC"
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 21:07 #3
Dcount("*", "Posts") will return the total records in Posts if you only want to see those selected then you need to include a where clause in the dcount (you can see how thats done in HELP)
Avatar billede dme Nybegynder
11. februar 2002 - 21:13 #4
How do I get the value from Posts.ID into the dcount? I need to something like:

Dcount("ParentID","Posts", ParentID=[the value in Posts.ID])
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 21:26 #5
Same as in your SQL (WHERE Posts.ParentDebate=" & DebateID & ")
Dcount("ParentID","Posts", "ParentID = " & somefield)

But ther eis something I dont understand! you say  ParentID=[the value in Posts.ID]) !!! Posts.ID?

Do you have a table which is related to this table which has a field = Posts.ID? If this is the case then I would suggest you look at JOIN This is used to select data from two or more related tables
Avatar billede dme Nybegynder
11. februar 2002 - 21:49 #6
I have a table "Posts" that looks like this:
ID [Unique indentifier.]
ParentPost [0 = top post; >0 = id of parent post.]
Posted [Time of the posting.]
Name [Name of the person posting.]
Subject [Subject for the post.]

Each post can either be the top post or a child post (depending on the value in ParentPost). What I want to count is the number of childposts for each of the parentposts, but don't know how to do it when I don't have the ID of the parentpost in a variable (it is selected in the same SQL-sentence) ...
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 22:10 #7
? if you send the dB to terry@santhell.dk then I will take a look first thing tomorrow!
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
11. februar 2002 - 22:15 #8
You can make a query using the same table JOINing the ParentPost to the ID (parent)Thedn if you group on ID you can count the number of children
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
12. februar 2002 - 19:40 #9
This query counts the children which ARE NOT deleted.
SELECT Posts.ID, Posts.Posted, Posts.Name, DCount("*","Posts","ParentPost = " & [ID] & " and  [Deleted] = false ") AS Svar
FROM Posts
WHERE (((Posts.ParentPost)=0) AND ((Posts.Deleted)=False));

This counts all children for the ID.

You need to add Youw ParentDebate = .... bit
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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