04. februar 2002 - 19:18Der er
9 kommentarer og 2 løsninger
Hjælp til at udvide en SELECT
Hej Jeg har følgende SELECT: SELECT Tabel1.navn, Tabel2.sdato, Tabel2.type FROM Tabel1 INNER JOIN Tabel2 ON Tabel1.nummer=Tabel2.nummer WHERE Tabel2.sdato=DMax('(sdato)','Tabel2','nummer=' & Tabel1.nummer);
MEN istedet for bare MAX vil jeg gerne have MAX af alle sdato hvor sdato er større end newdate
>Terry: The logic is - I want the maximal value of sdato that's less than newdate... and that has to be found by every tabel1.nummer... So the newdate-part has to come in the DMax.
It could be that [newdate] has to be converted to a format([newdate],"mm-dd-yyyy")
yes I thought the logic was as you mentioned it too, but when I couldnt get it to work decided on the solution I could get to work. I think you are right about formatting the date though!
Kom du videre med dette, og kan vi få spørgsmålet lukket?
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