Avatar billede eyeland Nybegynder
29. oktober 2001 - 14:22 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Kalender i Javasctipt eller lign.

Hej Eksperter

Jeg leder efter et script, der viser nuværende måned og på hvilke dage der sker noget, og selvfølgelig skriver hvad der sker den dag.

Jeg har ikke adgang til php, asp eller lign, og tror derfor at det er en JavasScript opgave.
Avatar billede jakoba Nybegynder
29. oktober 2001 - 14:41 #1
Til en begyndelse er her en kalender (på popop siden) der kan skrive månederne med korrekte datoer.

men det er kun en lille del af hvad du skal bruge. Den skal modificeres så der kan komme et antal notater ved hver dato. Og der skal findes en måde at huske de notater.

det kunne evt gøres i en .js fil hvor du definerer et array med oplysningerne:

var tider = new Array (
    \"2001-10-29;spørge om kalender\";
    \"2002-01-01;Skreve tak for julegaven brev til farmor\",
    ... osv
    \"2039-05-29;75 års fødselsdag\"    // ikke komma efter sidste.

der skal findes en måd at sikre at notaterne ikke \'tager overhånd\' et 200 ords notat vil totalt vride tabellen af led, måske blot et link og så vise notaterne et andet sted på siden?

mvh JakobA
Avatar billede eyeland Nybegynder
29. oktober 2001 - 15:00 #2
Jeg bruger nu dette script, men det fejler...


<script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">
<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
function numDaysIn(mth,yr) {
if (mth==3 || mth==5 || mth==8 || mth==10) return 30;
else if ((mth==1) && leapYear(yr)) return 29;
else if (mth==1) return 28;
else return 31;
function leapYear(yr) {
if (((yr % 4 == 0) && yr % 100 != 0) || yr % 400 == 0)
  return true;
  return false;
// fixes a Netscape 2 and 3 bug
function getFullYear(d) { // d is a date object
yr = d.getYear();
if (yr < 1000)
return yr;
function arr() {
for (n=0;n<arr.arguments.length;n++) {
  this[n] = arr.arguments[n];

//weekdays = new arr(\"Sun.\",\"Mon.\",\"Tues.\",\"Wed.\",
// \"Thurs.\",\"Fri.\",\"Sat.\");
// *** comment out the one you don\'t want to use ***
weekdays = new arr(\"Søndag\",\"Mandag\",\"Tirsdag\",\"Onsdag\",

//months = new arr(\"Jan.\",\"Feb.\",\"Mar.\",\"Apr.\",\"May\",
// \"June\",\"July\",\"Aug.\",\"Sep.\",\"Oct.\",\"Nov.\",\"Dec.\");
// *** comment out the one you don\'t want to use ***
months = new arr(\"January\",\"February\",\"March\",\"April\",\"May\",

// Change filename to be the name of this file
var filename=\"kalender.html\";
var flg=0;
var today = new Date();

/* You control the size of this calendar
  by specifying the font size (from 1
  through 7) in the var fs below. */
var fs=2;

/* The events array - E - below uses an
    array element for each month from
    Jan thru Dec. The string for each
    month is indexed with a tilde (~), the
    date and a space, followed by the
    event description.  Substitute the
    events you wish here. Use two lines
    (with <BR>) for each. */
* Note:
* This has now been expanded to a two dimensional array. The first index is
* the year and the second is the month.
E=new arr( 1999, 2000 );
E[1999]=new arr(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");
E[2000]=new arr(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");
E[2001]=new arr(\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\");
E[2000][0]=\"~6 Boller<br>i karry~13 Jægergryde~20 Gule ærter<br>m. flæsk<br>og pølse.~27 Fisk i fad<br>Udtrækning på<br>medlemskortet~\";
E[2000][1]=\"~3 Vinsmagning~10 Medisterpølse~17 Hamburgerryg m.<br>aspargessauce~24 Krebinetter m. stuvede<br>ærter og gulerødder.<br>VINDERE:<br>Gitte P.<br>Peter K.~\";
E[2000][2]=\"~2 Kylling i<br>karry~3 ROLLEPILSTUR~4 ROLLEPILSTUR~5 ROLLEPILSTUR~9 <a href=generalforsamling2000.htm>Generalforsamling</a><br>Svensk<br>pølseret~16 Hakkebøf~23 Brunkål~30 Skinke med<br>ærter og<br>gulerødder~\";
E[2000][3]=\"~6 Ribbensteg<br>m. surt~13 Roastbeef~\";
E[2000][8]=\"~14 Kam med<br>krydderier~21 Frikadeller<br>m. kål~28 ---->~29 Grillaften~\";
E[2000][9]=\"~5 Gryderet~12 Stegt<br>flæsk~19 EFTERÅRSFERIE<br>INGEN<br>LOKALHUS~26 Gule<br>ærter~\";
E[2000][10]=\"~2 Hakkebøf~9 Andesteg<br><font color=red>ALT UDSOLGT</font>~16 Medisterpølse~23 Krebinetter~30 Svensk<br>pølseret~\";
E[2000][11]=\"~7 Kødskovs~14 Flæskesteg<br><font color=red>ALT UDSOLGT</font>~24 Glædelig<br>Jul~\";
E[2001][0]=\"~1 Godt<br>nyt år!~4 Forloren<br>hare~11 Suppe~18 Boller<br>i<br>karry~25 Hamburgerryg~\";
E[2001][1]=\"~1 Vinsmagning<br><b><font color=red>OBS: </font></b>Vi har ikke online betilling til denne dag~8 Brunkål~15 Kylling~22 FERIELUKKET<br>pga.<br>ombygning~\";
E[2001][2]=\"~1 Brændende<br>kærlighed~8 Gullash~15 Kalvesteg~22 Kogt<br>flæsk~29 Beuf<br>Stroganoff~\";
E[2001][3]=\"~5 Indbagt mørbrad<br>NB: Sidste aften<br><font color=red>Madbillet 30,-</font>~\";
E[2001][8]=\"~13 LOKALHUS<br>SYD<br>STARTER<br>Forloren Hare~20 Hamburgerryg~27 Grill Aften<br><font color=red>Billetter kan ikke bestilles online</font>~\";
E[2001][9]=\"~4 Gullasch~11 Boller i Karry~25 Suppe~\";
E[2001][10]=\"~1 Hakkebøf~8 Andesteg<br><font color=red>Billetter kan ikke bestilles online</font>~15 Kogt Flæsk~22 Bøf Stroganoff~29 Kylling~\";
E[2001][11]=\"~6 Frikadeller~13 Flæskesteg<br><font color=red>Billetter kan ikke bestilles online</font>~\";

/* You can hard code the year by setting
  hard_code_year to true and then setting the
  hard_yr variable to the year you want */
hard_code_year = false; // change to true if desired
hard_yr = 1999; // specify your hard coded year if desired

/* You can hard code the month by setting
  hard_code_date to true and then setting the
  hard_mo variable to the month you want */
hard_code_date = false; // change to true if desired
hard_mo = 11; // 0=Jan, 1=Feb, etc.

* Determine the month that is required.
function getMonth()
  if( hard_code_date )
      return( hard_mo );

  if( location.search.length > 1 )
      index = location.search.indexOf(\",\");
      if( index != -1 )

      mon = parseInt(location.search.substring(1,endIndex) );
      if ( ((\"\"+mon).length<=2) && (mon >= 0) && (mon <= 11)) {
  return( month );

* Determine the year that is required.
function getYear()
  if (hard_code_year) {
      return( hard_yr );


  if( location.search.length > 1 )
      index = location.search.indexOf(\",\");
      if( index != -1 )
        yr = parseInt(location.search.substring(index+1) );
      if ( ((\"\"+yr).length<=4) && (yr >= 1900) && (yr <= 2010)) {
  return( year );

* Output HTML to provide a month selection choice.
function addMonthSelect()
  document.write( \"<SELECT NAME=\'monthSelect\' SIZE=1>\" );
  for( i=0; i<mo; i++ )
      document.write( \"<OPTION>\"+months[i] );
  document.write( \"<OPTION SELECTED>\"+months[mo] );
  for( i=mo+1; i<12; i++ )
      document.write( \"<OPTION>\"+months[i] );
  document.write( \"</SELECT>\" );

* Output HTML to provide a year selection choice.
function addYearSelect()
  document.write( \"<SELECT NAME=\'yearSelect\' SIZE=1>\" );
  for( i=2; i>0; i-- )
      document.write( \"<OPTION>\"+(yr-i) );
  document.write( \"<OPTION SELECTED>\"+yr );
  for( i=1; i<3; i++ )
      document.write( \"<OPTION>\"+(yr+i) );
  document.write( \"</SELECT>\" );

* Handle changing the date from month and year selects.
function changeDate(monthObj, yearObj)

* Main calendar generator.
function Calendar()

bgn=new Date(months[mo]+\" 1,\"+yr);

// Start table www
document.write(\"<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=\'#EEEEEE\'>\");
document.write(\"<TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=7 BGCOLOR=\'#eeeeee\'>\");
document.write(\"<FONT SIZE=\"+(fs+1)+\"><B>\"+months[mo]+\" \"+yr+\"</B></FONT>\");

for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  document.write(\"<TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=14% BGCOLOR=\'#DDDDDD\'>\"
  +\"<FONT SIZE=3>\"+weekdays[i]+\"</FONT></TD>\");
for (var i=0;i<7;i++) {
  /* If the ctr is less than the day of the
    week determined to be the first day
    of the month, print a space in
    this cell of the table. */
  if (i<dy){
  document.write(\"<TD ALIGN=CENTER>\"
  +\"<FONT SIZE=\"+fs+\">&nbsp;</FONT>\"
  /* Otherwise, write date and the event,
    if any, in this cell of the table. */
  else {
  di=i; // carry var i outside this routine

while (ctr<ld){
  for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
  /* If the ctr is greater than the last
      day of the month, print a space in
      this cell of the table. */
  if (ctr>ld){
    document.write(\"<TD ALIGN=CENTER>\"
  /* Otherwise, write date and the event,
      if any, in this cell of the table. */
    di=i; // carry var i outside this routine

// Create prev/next jump links
jump = \"\";
if( ! hard_code_date )
  document.write(\"<TD colspan=3 align=center>\");

  // Prev link
  prevMonth=(mo - 1);
  if( mo == 0 )
      prevYr=yr - 1;
  document.write(\'<a href=\"\'+filename+\'?\'+prevMonth+\',\'+prevYr+\'\">&lt;- \'+months[prevMonth]+\' </a>\');

  // Middle
  document.write(\" &nbsp; | &nbsp; \");

  // Next link
  nextMonth=(mo + 1);
  if( mo == 11 )
      nextYr=yr + 1;
  document.write(\'<a href=\"\'+filename+\'?\'+nextMonth+\',\'+nextYr+\'\"> \'+months[nextMonth]+\' -&gt;</a>\');


  // Create quick jump
  document.write( \"<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=4 BGCOLOR=\'#eeeeee\'>\" );
  document.write( \"<FORM Name=\'selectForm\'>\" );
  document.write( \"<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=\'Go\' onClick=\'changeDate(document.selectForm.monthSelect,document.selectForm.yearSelect)\'>\" );
  document.write( \"</FORM>\" );



function dupWrt() {
document.write(\"<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\'#DDDDDD\'><FONT SIZE=\"+fs);
if ( (mo==today.getMonth()) && (yr==todayYr) && (ctr==today.getDate()) )
  /* Change color to whatever color you wish
    for the current date to be differentiated on
    screen.  I used green here.  */
  document.write(\" COLOR=\'yellow\'\");
else if ( (di==0) )
  /* Change color to whatever color you wish
    for Sundays to be differentiated on
    screen.  I used red here.  */
  document.write(\" COLOR=\'GRAY\'\");
/* For dates without an event, an HTML padder
    that will align dates properly with dates
    having an event. Here, space break space. */
/* Then check for event in this month\'s events
    array for this date. If present, rewrite the
    tmp variable to contain the event. */
if( E[yr] )
  pos=E[yr][mo].indexOf(\"~\"+ctr+\" \");
  if (pos>-1){
  if (colorSet!=1){
    /* Change color to whatever color you wish
      for the events to be differentiated on
      screen.  I used blue here.  */
    document.write(\" COLOR=\'#005500\'\");
document.write(\"><B>\"+ctr+\"</B></FONT><BR><FONT SIZE=1>\"+tmp+\"</TD>\");
// End Hiding -->


I HTML\'en bruges

<!--Hide from JS-Impaired Browsers
// End Hiding -->

Er det en let bug??
Avatar billede eyeland Nybegynder
08. oktober 2004 - 11:16 #3
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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