Avatar billede hojben Novice
12. september 2001 - 11:30 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

.nu opfølgning og lad os så ikke få flere spørgsmål ok :-D

Special Notice

To .DK Technical Managers
From: \"NUNAMES Hostmaster\" <hostmaster@nunames.nu>
Subject: Pre-registration of .NU Domain Names


There has apparently been some confusion among some Internet users as
well as technical managers in Denmark about recent additions made to
the .NU database. This email will clear up the confusion.

Changes have been made to the .NU database are part of a special .NU Domain
Danish Promotion which we plan to announce next week and which
will be exclusively for Internet users in Denmark. Under this special
offer, any user in Denmark will be permitted to register a .NU domain
name and to use any of our services on a trial basis for 30 days for
free - at no cost. This free trial offer will be available to internet
users in Denmark starting on Sept. 17 and ending on Oct. 17.

As a precaution, and to protect existing domain name holders in Denmark
from cybersquatters, trademark violations, and other abuse of existing
domain names and Web addresses, the .NU Domain Network Information
Center (NUNIC) has blocked the registration of existing .DK names under
the Free Trial program until Oct. 1st.

To do this, we have pre-registered these names in the .NU database.
These names are merely listed in our database, and are *not* part of our
nightly .NU domain zone file generation in our name servers.

These pre-registered names are held solely to be uses by their current
.DK holders and will not be made available to the public for the special free
trial registration promotion until Oct. 1st, unless the .NU
pre-registration holder decides to delete their pre-registered .NU
name before that. After that, we will allow others to register
the domain name.

I am contacting you about this in order to give you the opportunity to
notify your customers directly about it. We don\'t want to have to contact
your customers directly with this information, so I hope you
will contact them instead ...

Since you are technical contact for your customers’ .DK domain names,
you will have authority to manage, modify or delete any of these pre-
registered \"reserved\" .NU domain names during this trial period.
Within the next 2 or  3 days, you can log in at our customer
modification page using the email address at which you received
this email as your username, after requesting a password, at

Once you receive the password, you will be able to change any information
relating to your customers\' data. Your customers will also be able to take
the same actions to modify the data using their contact email address
and password as well.

It is important to understand NUNIC\'s policies with respect to
protecting customer data and privacy, as well as our intentions with
respect to the future use of any customer information about these
pre-registered or \"blocked\" domain names. I hope you will communicate
these policies to your customers.

1.    .NU domain has a strong customer privacy policy, and does not
release any customer data at our Whois server at whois.nic.nu.
2.    .NU domain will not distribute data about any .NU domain name
holder without cause (a police request about the illegal use of a
domain name, for example);
3.    All the data and information associated with the domain names
which have been pre-registered as part of the \"sunrise period\" for the
.NU Domain Danish Promotion will be deleted from our database after
Oct. 1st.

After Oct. 1st, we will not maintain this data, nor will we have
access to it ourselves. However, it is also important for your
customers to understand that once this data is deleted from
our database, registration of these names will no longer be blocked
from the general public, unless customers extend their trial or register
the names through you or on our site.

The .NU Domain Danish Promotion will last from Sept. 17 until Oct. 17
and will give a 30 day Free Trial Registration to residents or businesses
located in Denmark of any available domain name (excluding those being
blocked until Oct. 1st) as well as all the other services available from
.NU Domain at http://www.nunames.nu, such as URL redirect, frame forwarding,
email forwarding, and Multilingual Web Address services. If, after the
30 day free trial period ends, customers decide not to extend their trial or
not to register their Trial .NU domain name(s), the name(s) will be released
for others to register and use.

Normally, registration of a .NU domain name including all these
services would require customers register for a two-year period at
a combined cost of US $149.95. At the end of the 30 day Free Trial
Registration period, customers can extend the trial period for another
6 months for just US $10 by going to
http://www.nunames.nu/cgi-bin/secure/renew/ and requesting our special
6 month trial rate. If you are managing your customer\'s registration,
you will be able to extend the pre-registration for 6 months at the
same price. In addition, at any time during the trial, you or your
customers can change the domain name\'s configuration to use your
name servers and other services.

For information on how to become a .NU Certified Registrar, go to
If you are an ICANN approved Registrar for .com, .net and .org, you
can already register .NU domain names directly at Verisign Global
Registry Services, a .NU Distributor, using your existing RRP APIs.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any concerns or questions.

Best regards,

Bill Semich
President and Founder
.NU Domain Ltd
Avatar billede victor44 Nybegynder
12. september 2001 - 16:52 #1
As a precaution, and to protect existing --->domain name holders in Denmark
from cybersquatters, trademark violations, and other abuse of existing
domain names and Web addresses, the .NU Domain Network Information
Center (NUNIC) has blocked the registration of existing .DK names under
the Free Trial program until Oct. 1st.<---

Det er løgn, jeg har registreret et .nu domæne som allerede var et registreret .dk domæne.

Avatar billede hojben Novice
12. september 2001 - 17:02 #2
The .NU Domain Danish Promotion will last from Sept. 17 until Oct. 17

Det er jo ikke trådt i kraft endnu....
Avatar billede victor44 Nybegynder
12. september 2001 - 17:56 #3
højben > De skriver at man ikke kan registrere et registreret .dk domain indtil d. 1 okt.
Jeg registrerede mit d. 1/9 så bob bob.
.dk domainet var registeret allerede d. 2/8


Nuvel, ikke mere fra mig i denne sag.
Avatar billede acrosomolius Nybegynder
13. september 2001 - 20:36 #4

Alle ejere af webhoteller kan nu støtte siden og taste deres domæne ind, og almindelige mennesker kan støtte siden ved at \"underskrive\" med e-mail-adresse.

Sidens adresse er nu www.judoo.dk/nunames og fra imorgen, fredag d. 14 sep. åbner siden som www.stop-nunames.dk, hvorfor siden også først åbner officielt imorgen, ligenu kan du altså ikke være sikker på indholdet.

Med venlig hilsen

Troels Thomsen
Stop Nunames
Avatar billede cellaneous Nybegynder
14. september 2001 - 02:10 #5
at skrive

\"I am contacting you about this in order to give you the opportunity to
notify your customers directly about it. We don\'t want to have to contact
your customers directly with this information, so I hope you
will contact them instead ...\"

er bare en anden måde at sige på:

\"det er desværre ulovlig markedsføring i dk at vi sender spam til alle de folk vi har generet, så vil du genere dem for os istedet\"

Avatar billede hojben Novice
02. oktober 2001 - 04:06 #6
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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