# stats config file. Windows Users: DO NOT USE NOTEPAD TO EDIT THIS FILE! Use WORDPAD instead.
# NOTE: This file is not case sensitive & whitespace does not matter,
# unless noted. Set your tab size to \"8\" in your editor, if this
# file does not format correctly on your system.
# location of logs directory(s). \'logpath\' can have more then
# one directory listed. PsychoStats will parse through each directory
# for the number of days specified and read all logs found into one
# stats page. Note the \"{\", \"}\" are required, and each directory name
# must be on its own line. The directories are loaded in the order given.
LogPath = { /home/Sierra/Half-Life/cstrike }
# Destination HTML directory. This will usually be a path in your
# webserver root somewhere.
HtmlPath = /home/Inetpub/wwwroot/cs
# Define what type of server you\'re running.
# valid options: cstrike, dod
modType = cstrike
# Control the layout of the generated HTML pages. The word value given
# should be a directory name under the \'themes\' directory. Make sure
# you\'re using a theme that is compatable with the MOD you\'re using.
HTMLtheme = standard1.6
# \'picspath\' is where your thumbnail pictures are located for the
# map names. These should be full pathnames, NOT URLs.
# The \'dlpath\' directory marks the location of where you store your
# maps for download. If you don\'t provide maps for download, you don\'t
# need to worry about it.
PicsPath = /home/Inetpub/wwwroot/cs/images
DLPath = /home/httpd/html/cstrike/maps/
# If a theme has a \'copy\' option it will copy any files listed for it
# to the HTMLPATH if it does not already exist. Setting this option to
# 1 will force the files to be copied even if the file already exists
# in the HTMLPATH directory.
forcethemecopy = 0
# Ignore log files that were not closed properly? A log file that wasn\'t
# \'closed\' properly means that either the server crashed during the
# writting of the log file, or the log file is the most recent active
# log. PsychoStats will still gather correct information from \'unclosed\'
# log files and there is really no reason to ignore them, So the
# default for this is \"0\". This is provided for completeness only.
ClosedLogsOnly = 0
# Config file locations.
aliasesfile = aliases.cfg # define player aliases
awardfile = awards.cfg # setup award values and rules
clanlogofile = clanlogos.cfg # define clan logos
clannamefile = clannames.cfg # define clan names
clantagfile = clantags.cfg # setup clantag strings
denyfile = deny.cfg # deny players from ranking
denyclanfile = denyclan.cfg # deny players from ranking in CLANS
ignorefile = ignorelines.cfg # ignore lines from log files.
permitfile = permit.cfg # define players that will ALWAYS rank
permitclanfile = permitclan.cfg # define \"locked\" clan member listings
filterlistfile = playerfilter.cfg # *** Feature not used right now. ***
playerlogofile = playerlogos.cfg # define player logos
registeredfile = registered.cfg # only players in this file will RANK
rolenamefile = rolenames.cfg # define character roles/classes
weaponfile = weapons.cfg # setup weapon names
# server info.
serverName = MoonDuck
serverIP =
serverHost =
http://moonduckserverDomain =
# info on server admin/owner. leave anything blank to be anonymous.
# You can also edit the index file(s) for the theme and just remove
# these variables if you do not want them shown.
adminName = Your Admin
adminAlias = Your Alias
adminEMail = your@email.address
adminICQ = 12345678
ReportErrors = 1 # If enabled, NON-fatal errors will be logged
ReportCrashes = 0 # If enabled, server crashes (detected from logs)
# will be logged.
# Note, ReportErrors must be 1 for this to report anything.
ParseNewFirst = 0 # 1 = parse newest logs first (default in v1.1),
# 0 = parse oldest first. (new in v1.2)
# The order in which logs are parsed affects the skill
# totals for players. Old->New will result in more accurate
# skills for players and is recommended. This option will
# most likely be removed in a future version.
BaseSkill = 1000 # Base skill for all players.
# control how player stats are reported.
MaxDays = 14 # number of days of logs to scan.
MaxPlayers = 150 # MAX# of players shown in Ranking list.
MinConnected = 2 # min# of players that must be connected in order
# for stats to start gathering
MinSkill = 1000 # Skill rank needed. 1000 = base rank.
MinKills = 1 # min# of kills needed to appear in list
MinDeaths = 1 # min# of deaths needed to appear in list
MinKDR = 0.50 # min Kill:Death ratio needed to appear in list
MinTime = 1h # min game time needed to rank. format: \"1d1h1m\"
# where d=day,h=hour,m=minutes.
MinRounds = 0 # min# of rounds played needed to rank.
UseAliases = 1 # Toggle the use of the aliases file
RemovePlayers = 1 # 1 = Remove players that have ZERO kills + deaths.
# This is useful to save memory and to get rid of
# all those useless names. Most often people change
# their names to something for a few seconds as jokes
# and then changes back to their original name. There\'s
# no need for such names to be taking up memory in the
# stats.
PlayerHTMLtype = NAME # How to create player?.html files.
# RANK = use plr ranks
# NAME = use plr name.
ClanHTMLtype = NAME # Same as player html but for clan pages.
# PlayerID: How players are tracked and recorded.
# NAME = use player names as the unique ID for each player. (case sensitive)
# LCNAME = use player names (case in-sensitive)
# WON = use player WONIDs ...
# IP = use player IPs ...
# NOTE. IP tracking should only be used on LAN servers.
# Due to how the logs are scanned, IP tracking can be very buggy
# depending on the range of logs parsed. Sometimes a players IP will
# be unknown causing some stats to be ignored.
PlayerID = lcname
# Create Clan HTML stat pages. PsychoStats can try and figure out what
# clans have connected to the server and groups all the members in each
# clan together. This has side-effects since PsychoStats can\'t be 100%
# accurate as to what is a clan (it does a pretty good job, however).
# But with the settings below and the help from the clantags file you can
# help tweak what a clan is defined as.
CreateClans = 1 # 1 = Create clan stats. 0 = don\'t.
MinClanMembers = 3 # Min # of members needed to pass as a \'clan\'.
MinClanKills = 100 # Min # of combined kills needed to pass.
MinClanSkill = 900 # Min avg skill needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanKdr = 0.0 # Min Kill Ratio needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanRank = 0 # Min avg rank needed for the clan to pass.
MinClanMemberKills = 1 # Min kills needed for member to be included in clan
MinClanMemberDeaths = 1 # Min deaths ...
# Create detailed map stat pages. PsychoStats will create detailed pages
# for each map, showing the top players in many different views of the
# map. Such as most kills, hostage rescues, or bombings, etc.
# This requires some extra processing time and you can toggle this
# option on or off. Toggling this off does not effect the creation of
# the standard \'maps.html\' file.
CreateMapPages = 1
MapAwardMax = 10 # Maximum # of players to list for each detailed
# map player listing
# Maps that should NOT be included in stats. Partial words can be used to
# exclude all maps that match. e.g.: using \"es_\" would exclude all \"ES\" type maps.
# format: one line, each mapname or partial word is seperated by a space.
# e.g.: ExcludeMaps = cs_speedball de_suckmap as_
ExcludeMaps =
# default map used when the current map is unknown. This is only needed
# if you use the command \'log on\' in your server.cfg, instead of the
# \'autoexec.cfg\'. Its recommended you use the autoexec.cfg for the
# \'log on\'. If the server.cfg is used, then the HLDS engine will not
# report the first map loaded, and thus this option will need to be set
# to the map you use to start the server.
DefaultMap = de_dust
# Individual Weapon and Task Awards options
AwardAll = 1 # Output ALL weapons used on the server, otherwise only
# list those specified in the weapons.cfg file. This
# option does not effect the player awards.
AwardMax = 25 # Max # of players to list in \"top10\" pages.
# Toggle the display of some \'sensitive\' plr info:
ShowPlayerAliases = 1 # Player Aliases are visible
ShowPlayerWONIDs = 0 # Player WONIDs are visible
ShowPlayerIPs = 0 # Player IPs are visible
# map variables that specify what type of map images to use, and where
# your maps are available for download (used mainly in maps.html)
maplinkpath = /cstrike/maps/ # relative URL path to map DOWNLOADS
# (zip files usually)
maplinkext = zip # type of file to download
mapthumbnailpath = images/mappics/ # relative URL path to mappics.
mapthumbnailsize = 160x120 # image size
mapthumbnailext = gif # image type