Avatar billede Ikke-ekspert Ekspert
07. december 2018 - 21:53 Der er 5 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Amerikansk film om Quija Bræt (Fra 80'erne)

Der var en amerikansk gyser på TV -
Engang i 80'erne ...
Foregik muligvis i New York -
Men er ikke sikker ...

Filmen handler om et Quija Bræt ...

Sådan et, der nærmest skriver bogstaver og tal "Af sig selv".

Og "fortæller" - Hvad der "vil ske".

Ligesom "Ånden i glasset" ...

Men hvad hed den film ?

Jeg kusker ikke om det var en spillefilm -
eller om det var fra en serie.

Tror det var en film ....

God Weekend fra Jørn *
Avatar billede kurtba Ekspert
07. december 2018 - 22:06 #1
Her står noget om film og serier, hvor Quija har været med.
The Uninvited, made in 1944, features a scene with an impromptu board the characters put together. The 1973 blockbuster film, The Exorcist, also uses a ouija board to explain why the young girl becomes possessed. Alison's Birthday has one too, with its claustrophobia-inducing filming, as do the films Deadly Messages and Awakenings.
The earliest Western film to hinge its entire plot around the (mis)use of a Ouija board, Witchboard (1986), makes a nod to The Exorcist (where there is a sequence in which a board is used), with a main character called Linda, and her partner quipping "So what you're telling me is... that I'm living with Linda Blair?" Witchboard was so successful it spawned two sequels: Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway, and Witchboard III: The Possession. In the same year as the first of the trilogy, the film Spookies also had its own Ouija board scene.
What Lies Beneath (2000) also includes a séance scene with a board. Paranormal Activity (2007) involves a violent entity haunting a couple that becomes more powerful when the Ouija board is used. Another 2007 film, Ouija, depicted a group of adolescents whose use of the board causes a murderous spirit to follow them, while four years later, The Ouija Experiment portrayed a group of friends whose use of the board opens, and fails to close, a portal between the worlds of the living and the dead.[60] The 2014 film Ouija featured a group of friends whose use of the board prompted a series of deaths.[61] That film was followed by a 2016 prequel, Ouija: Origin of Evil, which also features the device.
I Am Zozo follows a group of people that run afoul of a demon (based on Pazuzu) after using a Ouija board.[62]
In season 1 episode 5 of The West Wing, the Ouija boards are mentioned by two characters who compare having a Ouija board to believing in UFOs.
In Season 3 Episode 8 of the TV series Reba, Barbra Jean and Reba use an Ouija Board to try and clean Barbra Jean and Brock’s house after Reba convinced her that the house was haunted. While holding the séance Reba pretended to be a ghost causing Barbra Jean to scream and run up stairs. The electric then goes out and Barbra Jean screams once again. At the end of the episode Barbra Jean asked Reba if they should ask the board if Brock was being a good husband in Vegas and the planchette moved. Reba then jumped across the table into Barbra Jean’s arms.
The National Geographic show Brain Games Season 5 episode "Paranormal" clearly showed the board did not work when all participants were blindfolded.[63]
Avatar billede Ikke-ekspert Ekspert
08. december 2018 - 09:36 #2
Tak ...
Avatar billede 220661 Ekspert
08. december 2018 - 09:56 #3
Avatar billede 220661 Ekspert
08. december 2018 - 10:49 #4
Ups. Så ikke lige den også stod i det 1 indlæg. Sorry :-)
Avatar billede Ikke-ekspert Ekspert
08. december 2018 - 19:34 #5
Jeg siger tak - Ikke nogen af de film
(Men tæt på)
Heller ikke Witchboard - Mener jeg så den - før 1986 ... (?)

men heller ikke Exorcisten ...
Men jeg vil nærlæse link fra kurtba ...

Avatar billede Ikke-ekspert Ekspert
09. december 2018 - 13:01 #6
Min søster siger, at det er denne her :


Den første film - Korrekt.

Tak for jeres deltagelse ...
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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