Avatar billede fredand Forsker
26. september 2017 - 15:37 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Debate over static methods

Hello guys!

We have a debate about use static methods or not use static methods.
In this case it is in a EJB-context, (but I do not think that matter, correct me if I'm wrong).
What do you think is the best way or pattern for this code below.
We have a method in a class where the class has no fields, similar to this.

imports ...

public class JmsUtil

      public String sendBytesMessage( byte[] messageBytes ) throws JMSException, NamingException
                        String jmsMessageID =null;
                        Connection connection = null;
                                    Context context = new InitialContext();
                                    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup( "ourfactory" );
                                    Queue queue = (Queue)context.lookup( "ourqueue" );
                                    connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
                                    Session session = connection.createSession(false,  Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
                                    MessageProducer messageProducer = session.createProducer( queue );
                                    BytesMessage bytesMessage = session.createBytesMessage();
                                    bytesMessage.writeBytes( messageBytes );
                                    messageProducer.send( bytesMessage );
                                    jmsMessageID = bytesMessage.getJMSMessageID();
                                    if(connection != null)
                        return jmsMessageID;

Would you prefer to use the code above like:

JmsUtil jmsUtil = new JmsUtil();
String jmsid = jmsUtil.sendBytesMessage( "Hello".getBytes() );

...or change the method to be static and use it like this...

String jmsid = JmsUtil.sendBytesMessage( "Hello".getBytes() );

Is there an pros or cons with one way or the other?

Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
26. september 2017 - 16:00 #1
This is a topic with a lot of subjective opinions.

My take is:
* In modern OOP / modern Java people realize that not everything is OO in nature but that there actually are things that are procedural in nature
* The way to do that in Java is static methods
* But one need to be careful - I have many times started static and later had to change to non-static, but never the other way around
* I would limit static methods to:
  - utility style classes with only static methods (and maybe a private constructor to prevent instantiation)
  - private static utility methods in other classes
  to keep things under control.
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
26. september 2017 - 20:17 #2
Hello Arne!
Thanks for your reply.
Really Interesting to get your thoughts about it.
I do agree with you that static is the way. Me myselef use it a lot in utillty classes.
But you also mention private static utillty methods in other classes. I must admitt that I do not think I have  used that. Could you explain it a bit more?
Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
27. september 2017 - 04:26 #3

    public class MyUtil {
        private MyUtil() {
        public static int giveMe42() {
            return 42;
    public class A {
        // ...
        public void something() {
            // ...
            int v = MyUtil.giveMe42();
            // ...
        // ...
    public class B {
        // ...
        public void somethingElse() {
            // ...
            int v = MyUtil.giveMe42();
            // ...
        // ...

    public class Foobar {
        private static int giveMe42() {
            return 42;
        // ...
        public void something() {
            // ...
            int v = giveMe42();
            // ...
        // ...
        public void somethingElse() {
            // ...
            int v = giveMe42();
            // ...
        // ...
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
27. september 2017 - 04:28 #4
And I am sure you have used that before.


By "other classes" I just meant "classes that are not utility classes".
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
27. september 2017 - 04:32 #5
If you need a well-known reference to utility classes with static methods being OK see
"Effective Java, 2nd Edition, Joshua Bloch" Item 4.
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
11. oktober 2017 - 08:30 #6
Hello Arne!

Thanks for you input about this.

1) I have now read a couple of items from Joshua Bloch, really interesting. How ever I also found some arguments while googling about this that only use "static" when a method is a "pure function". Does that mean that my example in this thread is disqualified to be a "static" since it use external resources as those for JMS? What do you think?
In other hand what could be the disadvantage/danger with using external resources in a static context? The only argument I have found is that it might be hard to test since it should be hard to mock.

2) Actuality after all these years I still have to admit that I have not used a private static method, but I think I see the the reason. Please correct me if I am wrong:
- If the method is only of interest for instances of the same class, and not to instances of  other classes and it performs work/value that is suitable on class level (for all instances)

Best regards'
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
11. oktober 2017 - 15:31 #7
re 1)

I am not sure how they define "pure function".

But I see multiple levels of "pureness".

A) No side effects aka calculation only.
B) External side effects - file system, database, message queues, singletons etc..
C) Internal side effects - static fields in class.

I consider both A and B to be OK (C smells of bad design).

They may only consider A to be OK.

But I believe that many actions of the B are truly procedural in nature.
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
11. oktober 2017 - 15:39 #8
re 2)

My point was just that while there are some cases where static methods make sense, then I like to have some restriction on it.

If it need to be called from multiple classes then a utility class with only static methods and name containing Util in it is a reasonable well documented approach.

If it only need to be called from one class then making it private within that class reduces scope of the method and I automatically consider it OK as anyone looking at that class  can easily see it.
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