Avatar billede morten-markussen Praktikant
15. september 2014 - 12:24

Hjælp den viser ikke "sender" dato

ved det er en meget lille ting den mangler ved bare ikke hvor det skal være


* Define the from email

// email
define('TO_EMAIL', 'mail@mmfoto.dk');
define('FROM_EMAIL', 'noreply@mmfoto.dk'); 
define('FROM_NAME', 'Morten Markussen // MMFOTO');

* define the body of the email. You can add some shortcode, with this format: %ID%
* ID = the id have you insert on the html markup.
* e.g.
* <input type="text" name="email" />
* You can add on BODY, this:
* email: %email% 
define( 'BODY', '%message%<br /><br /><small>Navn: %name%, Email: %email%.</small>' );
define( 'SUBJECT', 'Mail sendt fra mmfoto.dk' );

// here the redirect, when the form is submitted
define( 'ERROR_URL', 'contatti_error.html' );
define( 'SUCCESS_URL', 'contatti_success.html' );
define( 'NOTSENT_URL', 'contatti_notsent.html' );         

// the message feedback of ajax request
$msg = array(
    'error' => '<p class="error">Advarsel! Udfyld felterne der er markeret med rødt korrekt</p>',
    'success' => '<p class="success">Email sendt korrekt, tak for deres mail!</p>',
    'not-sent' => '<p class="error">Der er opstået en fejl. Prøv venligst igen.</p>'
// the field required, by name
$required = array( 'name', 'email', 'message' );

* Send the email.
* SERVER-SIDE: the functions redirect to some URL, in base of result of control and send.
* The urls must be set in the constants above: ERROR_URL, SUCCESS_URL, NOTSENT_URL
* CLIENT-SIDE: in js/contact.js, there is already script for real-time checking of fields
* and for ajax request of send email, that request in this page (sendmail.php) and echo the feedback message.   
function sendemail()
    global $msg, $required;
    if ( isset( $_POST['ajax'] ) )
        $ajax = $_POST['ajax'];
        $ajax = false;
    if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) AND $_POST['action'] == 'sendmail' )
        $body = BODY;
        $post_data = array_map( 'stripslashes', $_POST );
//         print_r($post_data);
//         die;
        foreach ( $required as $id_field ) {
            if( $post_data[$id_field] == '' || is_null( $post_data[$id_field] ) ) {
                if ( $ajax )
                  end_ajax( $msg['error'] );
                  redirect( ERROR_URL );
        if( !is_email( $post_data['email'] ) OR $post_data['email'] == '' )
            if ( $ajax )
              end_ajax( $msg['error'] );
              redirect( ERROR_URL );
        foreach( $post_data as $id => $var )
            if( $id == 'message' ) $var = nl2br($var);
            $body = str_replace( "%$id%", $var, $body );   
        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";
        $headers .= 'From: '.FROM_NAME.' <'.FROM_EMAIL.'>' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $post_data['email'];
        $sendmail = mail( TO_EMAIL, SUBJECT, $body, $headers );
        if ( $sendmail )
            if ( $ajax )
              end_ajax( $msg['success'] );
              redirect( SUCCESS_URL );
            if ( $ajax )
              end_ajax( $msg['not-sent'] );
              redirect( NOTSENT_URL );

function is_email($email)
    if (!preg_match("/[a-z0-9][_.a-z0-9-]+@([a-z0-9][0-9a-z-]+.)+([a-z]{2,4})/" , $email))
        return false;
        return true;

function end_ajax( $msg = '' ) {
    echo $msg;

function redirect( $redirect = '' ) {
    header( 'Location: ' . $redirect );

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