Problem med IIYAMA ProLite XB2779QS
Hej,jeg har nogle store udfordringer med at forbinde min MacMini til denne skærm og opnå en opløsning på 2560x1440.
Jeg har tidligere skrevet til IIYAMA, men de kunne ikke hjælpe :-(
Jeg håber er der er nogen herinde, der kan hjælpe!
I have a MacMini with 2 video outputs (HDMI and MiniDisplay).
Scenario 1: I am connecting with HDMI (Mac) -> HDMI (monitor). This works, but I can only get a resolution of 1920x1080. See
Scenario 2: I am connecting with MiniDisplay (Mac) -> HDMI (monitor). This works, but I can only get a resolution of 1920x1080
Scenario 3: I am connecting with MiniDisplay (Mac) -> DP (monitor). This doesn't work. It just says "No Signal".
Scenario 4: I am connecting with HDMI (Mac) -> HDMI (monitor). Then boot the computer and connect MiniDisplay (Mac) -> DP (monitor) as well. This works, and I can get a resolution of 2560x1440, but after I restart the computer it just says "No Signal" again.
Obviously my goal is to be able to run 2560x1440 - also after I reboot my computer.