Bat fil
Hejsa.Jeg har købt et brugt Rollei 100 actioncam. Det viser en forkert dato. Der er en vejledning med som ser sådan ud:
***************************************Time Adjusting manual*********************************
Please update the new system time when the time footmark on the photos or videos is wrong.
1. This CD has two tools including£º
A¡¢TimeCMF_Turn on time stamp.bat£ºto be used for time updating, will add a time stamp on
the videos and images
B¡¢TimeCMF_Turn off time stamp.bat£ºto be used for time updating, will cancel the time stamp
from the video and images
2. Connect with computer by USB cable;
3. Open U-disk;
4. Please copy the 'TimeCMF***.bat'£¨TimeCMF_Turn on time stamp.bat or TimeCMF_Turn off time stamp.bat£©
from the CD to root of the movable disk,and then double click the 'TimeCMF***.bat',
a 'time.txt' file will be created;
5. Delete the 'TimeCMF***.bat' from the movable disk, and then safely exit the movable disk;
6. Then turns on the power, the system time will be updated;
Note: When the battery unused for long time and the battery used up,
the system time will be restore back to the factory defaults.
Selvom jeg gør som der står, sætter den tiden til 30/12 2000 kl 23:00
Bat filen ser sådan ud:
@echo off
set date=%date:~0,4%.%date:~5,2%.%date:~8,2%
set hh=%time:~0,2%
if /i %hh% LSS 10 (set hh=0%time:~1,1%)
set mm=%time:~3,2%
set ss=%time:~6,2%
echo %date% %hh%:%mm%:%ss% Y>time.txt
Er der en der kan hjælpe mig med at få den til at sætte den rigtige dato og tid?