Android SQLite bookshelf aplication
Hvordan eller hvor finder jeg en guide til SQLite, og hvordan vil I umiddelbart gribe den her opgave an? Det er en opgave stillet af min lærer i android app development - og jeg har rimelig godt styr på det hele, på nær SQLite delen. Alle input er velkomne.Functionality:
A user should be able to:
• see a list of all books in the database, sorted alphabetically by author
• enter a search term that filters the above list to only show books whose title or author contains
that term
• click a book from the list to see more details about it
• insert a new book into the database
• remove a book from the database
A book should have at least the following fields:
• title
• author
• number of pages
The book list only needs to show the title and author of each book, while the details view should
include all information.