Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 14:19 Der er 6 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Help with a form function

Hi There

I am trying to get my form to calculate a price for me
in my db the prices are in DK ie: 56,50
The form can calculate the price if it is a whole number like 43,00 <--  however when the price is like this 43,50 then the price does not get calculated ?

heres some of the code I use to work out the price
I dont know if this is an ASP error or javascript

<script language=\"JavaScript\">
function Wine(Pris)
  string = \"\" + Pris;
  number = string.length - string.indexOf(\',\');
  if (string.indexOf(\',\') == -1)
      return string + \',00\';
  if (number == 1)
      return string + \'00\';
  if (number == 2)
      return string + \'0\';
  if (number > 3)
      return string.substring(0,string.length-number+3);
return string;

function calculate()
document.multi.result1.value = Wine((document.multi.Artikel1.value)*(document.multi.Antal1.value))

and the input type looks like this

<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"<%=wine_info(\"Pris\")%>0\" name=\"Artikel1\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"calculate()\">

Anybody got a good idea ? or is there an easier way to do it
Thanks Guzzie
Avatar billede teepee Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 15:10 #1
Are you sure that your returned value of
((document.multi.Artikel1.value)*(document.multi.Antal1.value)) is a NaN or Not if any comma exists, try using . as comma instead. And when you converts to string, then look for the . instead of ,
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 15:52 #2
Hey There teepee

I cant really work it out
heres the javascript again :=)
<script language=\"JavaScript\">
function Wine(Pris)
  string = \"\" + Pris;
  number = string.length - string.indexOf(\',\');
  if (string.indexOf(\'.\') == -1)
      return string + \',00\';
  if (number == 1)
      return string + \'00\';
  if (number == 2)
      return string + \'0\';
  if (number > 3)
      return string.substring(0,string.length-number+3);
return string;

function calculate()
document.multi.result1.value = Wine((document.multi.Artikel1.value)*(document.multi.Antal1.value))

and here are the 3 areas from the form
the first is the price from my db
<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"<%=wine_info(\"Pris\")%>\" name=\"Artikel1\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"calculate()\">
the next is how many time it gets calculated
<SELECT ID=FORM name=\"Antal1\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"calculate()\">

And heres where the value get inserted
<INPUT type=text name=\"result1\" size=\"8\" value=\"0.00\" onfocus=this.blur() >

When I do choose a value like 45,50 then it gets displayed as NaN,00
you named it before(NaN) <-- but I dont know what NaN is :(
Any ideas
Avatar billede teepee Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 16:48 #3
NaN - not a number
It cannot time 45,50 with the number of items, for instance 3*45,50 => is not a number, however 45.50*3 => is a number! I\'m not sure whether regional settings can solve this problem, otherwise use a (.) instead of (,)
Avatar billede teepee Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 16:48 #4
Or replace at runtime before calculating
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 17:44 #5
hi there teepee

how would I go about replacing at runtime ?
or do you have a link to where there r examples ?
I think this would be a good idea as the database is already set up to accept DK
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 18:35 #6
no problem teepee I got the function working
thanks for the advice
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
16. august 2001 - 18:36 #7
this works great
FUNCTION fixComma( thisString )
    fixComma = Replace( thisString, \",\", \".\" )
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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