15. august 2001 - 21:56Der er
18 kommentarer og 2 løsninger
Bios problemer
Hej jeg har en \"scumpaq\" 4131T, som jeg ikke kan nulstille poweron password på - og ja- jeg har prøvet at fjerne bios batteri og starte op uden. hvem kan hjælpe ??????????
--> Jasber P.. - det fungerer ikke. Hverken dit første eller andet forslag. Hader scumpaq :-( Håber der er nogen der har andre forslag! Jeg går i seng nu. Tak for hjælpen for nu. :-)
Using the Setup feature of your system, select the security features and Power-on password. You will be prompted to type in the password twice. Once to establish the password and the second time to confirm it.
To remove:
When your system boots up and asks you for the power-on password, enter your password followed by a forward slash ( / ). For example, if your password is \"HELLO,\" type HELLO/ to delete it.
To change:
When your system boots up and asks you for the power-on password, enter your password followed by a forward slash ( / ) and the new password. For example, if your password is \"HELLO,\" type HELLO/FRIEND. This will change the password from HELLO to FRIEND. Power-On Password Tips:
If you forget your power-on password, there are two ways to \"clear\" or delete it:
On certain models, change a switch setting and reboot the computer. On most models, disassemble the system and remove the date/clock battery for at least 20 minutes. This will totally clear all Setup options and will revert to default values.
der er visse bios hvor batteriet skal være ude i helt op til 24 timer før den bliver nulstillet har dog kun selv oplevet en der skulle være ude ca. 12 timer så tag svinet ud og lad den stå og hygge sig et pænt stykke tid.
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