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02. april 2013 - 10:58 Der er 1 kommentar

Can I change the out-put-package from xmlbeans-maven-plugin?

(I'm from sweden, feel free to answer in danish.)
Embarrassing, I think I have done this before but now I can not remeber how.

We got system A that communcate with system B with xml in JMS.
The interface-spec is an xsd that we generate the interface classes from.

How ever system B has now updated ths xsd, but uses the same package names like: systemb.version1.XObject, instead of

Since system B is not sure if they need to roll-back we would like to be able to use different versions of the interfaces like in an app.properties-file like:

... Then we easily could shift between the implementations.

Correct me if I'm wrong when I say that I could change the output of the package name with xmlbeans-maven-plugin. So even if the xsd says something in "xmlns:" I can override it?
(We use xmlbeans-maven-plugin 2.3.3 btw.)

If you guys got any info about this please let me know!
Best regards
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02. april 2013 - 11:53 #1
Hello Guys!

I think I found it in some old projects.

It looks you can do this with xsdconfig.

Best regards
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