Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
26. februar 2013 - 17:52 Der er 1 kommentar og
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PHP Galleri hjælp til programmering

Hej alle sammen. Jeg er igang med at lave min side for min fiskeklub som hedder www.balkanbarakuda.dk jeg har lånt CMS fra sitemagic og lavet om på grafik/design og det fungere fint. Det eneste problem jeg har er nu at det indbyggede galleri som medfølger i CMS'et mangler en lille vigtigt detalje (synes jeg ihvertfald). Og det er når man nu har trykket sig ind på et billed i et album, og efterfølgende trykket på det billed man vil havde vist, at der så ikke er mulighed for at man kan trykker så frem og tilbage med evt. pile for frem og tilbage.
Istedet skal man lukke popupvinduet ned, og trykke ind på det næste billed man vil se. Er her nogen som kan hjælpe mig med at få kodet/rettet filen så jeg kan få min ønske opfyldt håber virkeligt at der er nogen kloge hoveder herinde som har tid og lyst til at hjælpe mig og tjene pointene. Ellers bliver jeg simpelthen nød til at slette galleriet og finde et andet php galleri jeg kan erstatte som har den efterlyste funktion synes bare det er ærgerligt, da det hele jo er indbygget i CMS'et på forhånd tak


class SMGalleryFrmViewer implements SMIExtensionForm
    private $context;
    private $instanceId;
    private $galleryPreset;
    private $lang;

    private $images;

    private $lstGalleries;
    private $cmdBack;
    private $cmdForward;

    public function __construct(SMContext $context, $instanceId, $galleryPreset)
        SMTypeCheck::CheckObject(__METHOD__, "instanceId", $instanceId, SMTypeCheckType::$Integer);
        SMTypeCheck::CheckObject(__METHOD__, "galleryPreset", $galleryPreset, SMTypeCheckType::$String);

        $this->context = $context;
        $this->galleryPreset = $galleryPreset;
        $this->instanceId = (string)$instanceId;

        $this->lang = new SMLanguageHandler("SMGallery");

        // Only set title if extension is executed alone. Title will not be set if executed within a content page.
        if ($this->context->GetExtensionName() === "SMGallery")
            $this->context->GetTemplate()->ReplaceTag(new SMKeyValue("Title", $this->lang->GetTranslation("Title")));



    private function createControls()
        $this->images = array();


        $this->cmdBack = new SMLinkButton("SMGalleryBack" . $this->instanceId);
        $this->cmdBack->SetOnclick("smGalleryChangePage" . $this->instanceId . "('back')");

        $this->cmdForward = new SMLinkButton("SMGalleryForward" . $this->instanceId);
        $this->cmdForward->SetOnclick("smGalleryChangePage" . $this->instanceId . "('forward')");

    private function createGalleryList()
        $this->lstGalleries = new SMOptionList("SMGalleryList" . $this->instanceId);

        $this->lstGalleries->AddOption(new SMOptionListItem("SMGalleryOptionChoose" . $this->instanceId, $this->lang->GetTranslation("Choose"), ""));
        $this->lstGalleries->AddOption(new SMOptionListItem("SMGalleryOptionEmpty" . $this->instanceId, "", ""));

        if ($this->context->GetForm()->PostBack() === false && $this->galleryPreset !== "")

        $galleryFolder = SMEnvironment::GetFilesDirectory() . "/gallery";

        if (SMFileSystem::FolderExists($galleryFolder) === true)
            $galleries = SMFileSystem::GetFolders($galleryFolder);

            foreach ($galleries as $gallery)
                $this->lstGalleries->AddOption(new SMOptionListItem($gallery . $this->instanceId, $gallery, $gallery));

    private function handlePostBack()
        if ($this->context->GetForm()->PostBack() === true)

    private function loadImages()
        $gallery = $this->lstGalleries->GetSelectedValue();

        if ($gallery === null || $gallery === "")

        $this->images = SMFileSystem::GetFiles(SMEnvironment::GetFilesDirectory() . "/gallery/" . $gallery);

        for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($this->images) ; $i++)
            $this->images[$i] = SMEnvironment::GetFilesDirectory() . "/gallery/" . $gallery . "/" . $this->images[$i];

    private function getConfigValue($key, $defaultValue)
        SMTypeCheck::CheckObject(__METHOD__, "key", $key, SMTypeCheckType::$String);
        SMTypeCheck::CheckObject(__METHOD__, "defaultValue", $defaultValue, SMTypeCheckType::$String);

        $attribute = SMAttributes::GetAttribute($key);
        return (($attribute !== null && $attribute !== "") ? $attribute : $defaultValue);

    public function Render()
        $output = "";

        // Render gallery changer (drop down)

        $output .= $this->lstGalleries->Render();

        // Render first gallery page

        if (count($this->images) > 0)
            // Read configuration

            $columns = (int)$this->getConfigValue("SMGalleryColumns", "3");
            $rows = (int)$this->getConfigValue("SMGalleryRows", "3");
            $width = $this->getConfigValue("SMGalleryWidth", "");
            $height = $this->getConfigValue("SMGalleryHeight", "");
            $padding = $this->getConfigValue("SMGalleryPadding", "");

            // Prepare image styles

            if ($width === "" && $height === "")
                $width = "150";

            $width = (($width !== "") ? "width: " . $width . "px": "");
            $height = (($height !== "") ? "height: " . $height . "px": "");
            $padding = (($padding !== "") ? "padding: " . $padding . "px": "");

            $style = " style=\"border-width: 0px; cursor: pointer; float:left{;1}{width}{;2}{height}{;3}{padding}\"";
            $style = str_replace("{;1}", (($width !== "") ? "; " : ""), $style);
            $style = str_replace("{width}", $width, $style);
            $style = str_replace("{;2}", (($height !== "") ? "; " : ""), $style);
            $style = str_replace("{height}", $height, $style);
            $style = str_replace("{;3}", (($padding !== "") ? "; " : ""), $style);
            $style = str_replace("{padding}", $padding, $style);

            $pagesTotal = ceil(count($this->images) / ($columns * $rows)) - 1;

            // Render back/forward button and page status (x of y)

            $output .= " " . $this->cmdBack->Render();
            $output .= " " . $this->cmdForward->Render();

            $pageXY = $this->lang->GetTranslation("Page");
            $pageXY = str_replace("{x}", "<span id=\"smGalleryPage" . $this->instanceId . "\">1</span>", $pageXY);
            $pageXY = str_replace("{y}", (string)($pagesTotal + 1), $pageXY);
            $output .= " " . $pageXY;

            $output .= "<br><br>";

            // Render images on first page

            $imageCount = -1;
            $break = false;

            for ($i = 0 ; $i < $rows ; $i++)
                if ($break === true)

                // The style used below makes the div stretch to the height of the images. Notice: width=100% makes it difficult to center gallery in page editor.
                $output .= "<div style=\"overflow: auto; width: 100%\">";

                for ($j = 0 ; $j < $columns ; $j++)

                    if ($imageCount >= count($this->images))
                        $break = true;

                    $output .= "<img src=\"" . $this->images[$imageCount] . "\" id=\"smGalleryImage" . $imageCount . "_" . $this->instanceId . "\" onclick=\"smGalleryDisplayImage" . $this->instanceId . "(this.src)\" alt=\"\"" . $style . ">";

                $output .= "</div>";

            // Client side paging

            $imagesStr = "";
            for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($this->images) ; $i++)
                $imagesStr .= (($imagesStr !== "") ? ", " : "") . "\"" . $this->images[$i] . "\"";

            $imagesPerPage = $rows * $columns;

            $output .= "
            <script type=\"text/javascript\">
            smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " = 0;
            smGalleryImages" . $this->instanceId . " = new Array(" . $imagesStr . ");

            function smGalleryChangePage" . $this->instanceId . "(direction)
                var images = smGalleryGetImages" . $this->instanceId . "(direction);

                if (images === null)

                smGalleryClearImages" . $this->instanceId . "();
                smGalleryLoadImages" . $this->instanceId . "(images);

                smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " = ((direction === \"forward\") ? smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " + 1 : smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " - 1);
                document.getElementById(\"smGalleryPage" . $this->instanceId . "\").innerHTML = smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " + 1;

            function smGalleryGetImages" . $this->instanceId . "(direction)
                var offset = -1;

                if (direction === \"forward\")
                    offset = (smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " + 1) * " . $imagesPerPage . ";
                    offset = (smGalleryCurrentPage" . $this->instanceId . " - 1) * " . $imagesPerPage . ";

                var newImageSet = new Array();

                if (offset >= smGalleryImages" . $this->instanceId . ".length || offset < 0)
                    return null;

                for (var i = 0 ; i < " . $imagesPerPage . " ; i++)
                    if (offset + i === smGalleryImages" . $this->instanceId . ".length)

                    newImageSet.push(smGalleryImages" . $this->instanceId . "[offset + i]);

                return newImageSet;

            function smGalleryClearImages" . $this->instanceId . "()
                for (var i = 0 ; i < " . $imagesPerPage . " ; i++)
                    document.getElementById(\"smGalleryImage\" + i + \"_" . $this->instanceId . "\").style.display = \"none\";

            function smGalleryLoadImages" . $this->instanceId . "(images)
                for (var i = 0 ; i < images.length ; i++)
                    document.getElementById(\"smGalleryImage\" + i + \"_" . $this->instanceId . "\").src = images[i];
                    document.getElementById(\"smGalleryImage\" + i + \"_" . $this->instanceId . "\").style.display = \"block\";

            function smGalleryDisplayImage" . $this->instanceId . "(imgSrc)
                var image = new Image();
                image.onload = function()
                    var w = image.width;
                    var h = image.height;

                    if (w > 640)
                        h = (h / w) * 640;
                        w = 640;

                    if (h > 480)
                        w = (w / h) * 480;
                        h = 480;

                    var win = new SMWindow(\"smGalleryWindow\" + SMRandom.CreateGuid());
                    win.SetSize(Math.round(w), Math.round(h));
                image.src = imgSrc;

        return $output;

Avatar billede Madsen23 Nybegynder
04. maj 2013 - 22:39 #1
kan du ikke bare lave et i javascript ??
Avatar billede phpnoob Novice
17. februar 2015 - 09:33 #2
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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