Avatar billede fredand Forsker
13. december 2012 - 13:43 Der er 3 kommentarer

How to create custom tag taht supports %{


(I'm from sweden so I write in english, but feel free to answer in danish)

Using struts-tags you can pass parameters within %{} like:
<img src="<s:url action='ImageAction?imageId=%{product.id}' />" />

But how do you do that with a custom  tag of your own?

I tried:
<my_custom_tags:OrderCounterTag productId="%{product.id}" title="Orders for "/>

But it do not work.

Do I need to put some extra support in my tag or is this impossible?

Best regards
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
13. december 2012 - 14:22 #1

I found out that:

"EL support
has to be coded into your tag handler, it's not magically provided by
default unfortunately. Either use standard jsp <%= someValue %> to provide
the value, or add in EL support."


I will look into it.

How ever I looks like struts uses %{} and custom tags use ${}, correct me if I'm wrong.

It would be great if I could get hold of the same objects that struts manage from ${}.

I will look into EL and see what I find.

Best regards
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
13. december 2012 - 15:04 #2

In my case the queryString to this page got the param I was looking for.
Then I could do it like:
<albinoni:OrderCounterTag productId="${productid}" title="Orders for "/>

How ever
1) I think it would be nice if I could use %{product.id} instead.
2) Oops it doesn't work in Chrome or Firefox, strange this should only be server side?

Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
14. december 2012 - 05:04 #3
Hvis du er paa JSP >= 2.0, saa skal EL expandes inden din tag handler kaldes.

Hvis du er paa JSP 1.x, saa skal du selv expande EL.
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