Avatar billede fredand Forsker
13. september 2012 - 11:31 Der er 7 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Suddenly I need to concat my sHQL instead of using setParameter??

Hello guys!

I ran into something strange yesterday that I have not solved in a pleasant way.

Some code that used to work stopped working.

As you see below I have comment-away the lines that used to work, and replacet it with one ugly concat row.

Then it worked, but of course I can not understand way and I do not like it.

public Payment getPaymentForReferens(final String referens) throws PaymentNotFoundException
  //final Query tPaymentQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Payment b WHERE b.referens = :referens");
  //tPaymentQuery.setParameter("referens", referens);
  final Query tPaymentQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Payment b WHERE b.referens = " + referens);
  Payment payment = null;
  final List<?> results = tPaymentQuery.getResultList();
  if(!results.isEmpty()) {
  payment = (Payment)results.get(0);

  if(payment == null) {
  throw new PaymentNotFoundException(PaymentNotFoundException.PAYMENT_WITH_THIS_REFERENS_CAN_NOT_BE_FOUND + referens);

  return payment;


All suggestions, comments and ideas what might have gone wrong is most welcome! 

The field/column in the database for 'referens' is char(36) in a Oracle.

Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
13. september 2012 - 15:09 #1

final Query tPaymentQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Payment b WHERE b.referens = " + referens);
works for a CHAR field, then referens variable must contain single quotes - otherwise you would get a syntax error.

If referens contains single quotes then:

final Query tPaymentQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Payment b WHERE b.referens = :referens");
tPaymentQuery.setParameter("referens", referens);

will treat the single quotes as being part of the value.

Possible cause??
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
13. september 2012 - 15:44 #2

Thanks for your reply, Arne!

Acctually the value referens does not contain any singel qoutes.
(In this case it is a string from System.currentTimeMill...)

Doesn't that sounds very strange as well!

When I run the SQL in Toad as I guess it should be:
select from payment b where b.referens = 13457519644437

...Toad does not complain about any missing single qoutes but it returns no rows.

But like:
select from payment b where b.referens = '13457519644437'
Toad returns the row.

To me it sounds there is something fishy with the setParameter method.

How ever strange it is..

Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
13. september 2012 - 20:33 #3
Have you tried specifying 3 arguments to setParameter?
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
14. september 2012 - 08:30 #4
Hello Arne!

I was thinking about that as well.
How ever I was surprised that I did not found any method like:

setParameter(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value, TemporalType temporalType)

...just for Calendar och Date instead of Object.

Or do you think of any other method that I miss:
I looked at the api at:

Best regards
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
14. september 2012 - 15:15 #5
is it JPA?

I thougth it was Hibernate

Avatar billede fredand Forsker
19. september 2012 - 12:24 #6
Hello Amigo!

Yes, my misstake, I wrote HQL in the topic but it should have bean JPQL.

How ever (and I think you were pointing me in this direction) there was something fishy about the char(36) field.

It turned out that there was a change in the lenght of varible 'referens'.
Before it was 36-chars, now it suddenly it was 21-chars.
That resulted that a the column referens got values with 15 empty chars at the end.
(I guess a varchar works in a diffrent way?)
Of course then my sql-select did not worked since I compared like 'aaa' = 'aaa  '.

I hope I made this clear and if it is ok with you I would like to give you the points Arne!

So please just leave a 'svar', and thank you very much for the help and input.

Best regards amigo!
Avatar billede arne_v Ekspert
20. september 2012 - 01:38 #7
no thanks this time
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
20. september 2012 - 08:20 #8

Thanks any way!

Best regards
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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