01. juni 2012 - 10:33Der er
15 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Opdatering af data i tabel
Hej alle,
Jeg er ret ny i access.
Jeg sidder med reservedelsdatabase. Jeg har en post, der hedder lagerantal. Denne post vil jeg gerne kunne opdatere når jeg sælger eller køber en reservedel.
Jeg har to formularer og tabeller med hhv. købs- og salgsordrer.
Hvordan kan jeg få opdateret lagerantallet ved køb og salg?
As I am quet new to Access, I have no idea what I need to write. I am trying to look at both the link above and also the code written for the Northwind example database. Neither is super helpful as I am not sure how much code I need.
You could use something like this and you need to alter name of table/field as this is justan example. ValueTouWantToApplyToStockLevel also needs to be altered to the anem of the field on the form where you have entered the "købs- og salgsordrer" quantity. And dont forget to alter sign (+/-) accordingly.
I would suggest in the After insert event for both køb and salg forms. IE after a record is entered into the appropriate table you also update your stock table
I have now written the code as an AfterInsert event. It works fine - except that the line cannot read the ID from the sparepart table. It pops up and asks for the value and regardsless what I write in this field (just to test if it works) it will update the stock for all spareparts in my list. :S
My code for purchases is: DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblLageroversigtKundelager SET [Antal på lager] = [Antal på lager] + [Antal] WHERE [Reservedels_ID] = [Produkt]"
Where: tblLageroversigtKundelager is my spareparts list. Antal på lager is the actual stock. Antal is the amount to add. Reservedels_ID is the Primary key for the spareparts table. Produkt is a looked up field for products in the purchase table.
Strangely the problem seems to have disappeared after I cut and pasted the the line.
I would like though that the amount is not withdrawn or added until I have sent and recieved the orders respectively. Could I obtain this by moving the code from AfterInsert to OnDirty?
"Strangely the problem seems to have disappeared after I cut and pasted the the line" I dont see how the problem has gone if you havent made any alterations to the SQL.
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblLageroversigtKundelager SET [Antal på lager] = [Antal på lager] + [Antal] WHERE [Reservedels_ID] = [Produkt]"
The reason you are being asked for Reservedels-ID is because you need to replace Reservedels-ID in th eSQL with the actual vale of Reservedels-ID. At the moment it is just text.
Something like this.
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblLageroversigtKundelager SET [Antal på lager] = [Antal på lager] + " & [Antal] & " WHERE [Reservedels_ID] = '" & [Produkt] & "'"
Actually an idea would be to put the SQL in a string variable so that you can see what it contains before executing th eSQL
Dim sSQL as string
sSQL = "UPDATE tblLageroversigtKundelager SET [Antal på lager] = [Antal på lager] + " & [Antal] & " WHERE [Reservedels_ID] = '" & [Produkt] & "'"
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