07. august 2001 - 13:29
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13 kommentarer og 1 løsning
VPN Server på ISA / TDC ADSL / SpeedStream Router
Hej, Hvilke porte skal jeg åbne for at køre VPN igennem min router?
Annonceindlæg fra Novataris
07. august 2001 - 13:35
Umidelbart mener jeg ikke det burde være nødvendigt at åbne for noget (det var det ikke for mig - jeg har en SpeadStream 5711)
07. august 2001 - 13:36
PPTP (VPN): tcp1723 (ip port id 47)
07. august 2001 - 13:47
Ingen, Jeg kører selv vpn gennem speedstream router til en Cisco Concentrator.
07. august 2001 - 14:21
OK, dvs. at jeg skal sørge for at TCP port nummer 1723 & 47 skal være åbnet inbound på min router? og den skal selvfølgelig lave statisk nat ned i srv\'s interne ip
07. august 2001 - 14:35
yes. 1723 TCP and 43 IP (you need both)
10. august 2001 - 01:51
Er du også tvunget til at betale TDC en formue hvergang routeren skal omkonfigureres det mindste, eller har du fundet en anden vej?
10. august 2001 - 01:55
never never chose TDC for exactly that reason! others have complained here that they can\'t use net meeting with TDC\'s routers. All other ISPs allow you to configure your router as much as you want. M
10. august 2001 - 01:58
I actually didn\'t want TDC in the first place, but ... they are the only ones that could deliver. (the old somg about no raw cobber on location :-( ) How about the others, do they still use NAT, or do you get the REAL IP address?
10. august 2001 - 02:00
still use NAT which is fine. it\'s an OK security feature. I know from my work that Cyber city had just made a deal with TDC where they can reach where ever TDC can. worth checking it out.
10. august 2001 - 02:03
I tried CyberCity, but the couldn\'t deliver :-( The reason for me asking for the NAT is that our company\'s current version of VPN does not support clients that are being translated.
10. august 2001 - 02:05
I mean that even if you were already rejected once, there is a chance that it is now changed. which VPN is that? MS VPN can work through NAT
10. august 2001 - 02:08
I just got my aDSL line installed 3 weeks ago, so I\'ll give it a chance... Proberly find an ATM router somewhere and configure it myself. It is a vpn froM Netware, and you need Bordermanager version 3,6 to use VPN clients with NAT.
10. august 2001 - 02:11
I see. ATM router is a good idea! I had that 2½ years ago when I was forced to use TDC. it does give you more freedom but it\'s a bit expensive, for private use anyway.
01. oktober 2001 - 22:16
har heldigvis fået et siemens modem med ethernet interface så jeg bruger ikke routeren :)
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