19. marts 2012 - 09:19Der er
2 kommentarer og 1 løsning
På vores Navisionserver kører vi en forholdsvis stor driftdatabase, ligesom vi tidligere har kørt blandt andet testdatabaser på denne server. Disse er (for at spare ressourcer) nu lukket ned. Hvordan administrerer man disse databaseserver services (hvilke filer databasefiler bruger de m.v.)? Hvis man vil lave en ny testdatabase på baggrund af nye data (som ligger i en række backupfiler (FBK), hvordan gøres dette så bedst/lettest?
Two Servers on the Same Computer, Both Using TCP/IP
To run two servers, both running TCP/IP, on the same computer, follow the procedure outlined below to configure the computer correctly.
Install the Navision Database Server in two different folders as follows:
The servers
1 Install the first server (det er sikkert sket).
2 Make a copy of the folder where Navision Database Server was just installed and rename it. You must do this because you cannot install two versions of Navision Database Server on the same computer.
3 Select a unique server name for the second server.
Once the two servers have been installed, proceed as follows:
1 Locate the SERVICES file. On Windows 2000 Server and on Windows Server 2003 the services file is stored in: C:Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
2 Edit the SERVICES file to include statements such as:
servername1 2407/tcp servername2 2408/tcp
The server names shown should be replaced with your actual server names.
3 Start the first server in the first folder, using the following parameters:
server servername=servername1, nettype=tcp, cache=xxx, commitcache=yes, database=AAAA
4 Start the second server in the second folder, using the following parameters:
server servername=servername2, nettype=tcp, cache=xxx, commitcache=yes, database=BBBB
In these examples, xxx represents the cache size, and AAAA and BBBB are the names of the databases. Remember to write out the full path for each database file.
(flere database filer: database=del1.fdb+del2.fdb+del3.fdb osv. husk hele stien for hver fil)
5 Edit the SERVICES file on the client as follows:
servername1 2407/tcp servername2 2408/tcp
6 Start the first client, using the following parameters: fin servername=servername1, nettype=tcp
7 Start the second client by using the following parameters: fin servername=servername2, nettype=tcp
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