Avatar billede fredand Forsker
15. februar 2012 - 08:48 Der er 1 løsning

Where to put a call to the database in a struts2+springapp

Hello guys!

Hope you could help me with some giudelines with struts2 and spring.

I would like to get som text from a database, but I can not figure out how to do that at the right place in my struts2 app.

I got this "LinkAction":
<action name="*Link" method="{1}" class="test.LinkAction">
    <result name="page1" type="tiles">tiles_for_page1</result>
    <result name="page2" type="tiles">tiles_for_page2</result>
...that responds on links like:
<a href="<s:url action="page1Link"/>" >Page 1</a>

How ever in one page that tiles_for_page1 consists of I would like to fetch some data (list of products) from the database for example like:
<s:iterator value="products">
    <tr id="row_<s:property value="id"/>">
            <s:property value="name" />
            <s:property value="description" />

I guess I should do the call, for example, findAll in the ProductsServiceImpl in a *Action class.
But where should I put this call so this data is fetched and populated in the page before the page is rendered?

Hope I made this description of the problem understandable,

Best regards
Avatar billede fredand Forsker
15. februar 2012 - 21:16 #1
Hello guys!

I solved it with 2 actions like:

Called from a a href:
        <action name="page1" class="page1Action" method="execute">
            <result name="success" type="tiles">page1</result>
Called from an form
        <action name="page2" class="page2Action"
            <result name="input" type="tiles">page1</result>
            <result name="success" type="tiles">page2</result>

In page1Action I call the database and fetch some texts.
In page2Action a store some date from a form into the database.

How ever I did not mange to get from my LinkAction to the page1Axtion.

So if any one got any idea how to do that please let me know.

Best regards

Best regards
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