Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:29 Der er 15 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Count of Recordsets

I use the following sql
strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"
Set rs = Con.Execute(strSQL)

Here how I thought the countSQL should be
but recieve errors :(

countSQL = \"Select Count(ID) FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

RS2 = Con.Execute(countSQL)

here the error i get
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in WHERE clause.
/WEE_guzzie/search_advanceret.asp, line 233

line 233 is the following
RS2 = Con.Execute(countSQL)

Any help would be welcomed
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:30 #1
Du skal starte med:

\"Select Count(ID) as Antal FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:31 #2
Og så vil rs2(\"antal\") være antallet du skal bruge :)
Avatar billede madd Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:31 #3
countSQL = \"Select Count(ID) FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\'\"

Try that.. dont know if it works..!

Avatar billede nute Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:31 #4
can you print out the whole SQL. Before you execute it, do:

response.write countSQL

and post the SQL here...

Avatar billede madd Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:33 #5
Ah ja.. self. som prof2 siger :)

countSQL = \"Select Count(ID) AS Count FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

Sådan vil den se ud..
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:33 #6
I think I\'m right. Just use this:

\"Select Count(ID) as Antal FROM fspSearch WHERE\"

and RS2(\"antal\") will be the number you want !
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:40 #7
//prof2 that didnt work :(
//madd nor did yours
//hey nute
heres the whole sql :)

strKeyword = Trim(Request.Form(\"VNavn\"))
strKeyworda = Trim(Request.Form(\"KNavn\"))
strKeywordvsp = Trim(Request.Form(\"VSocialPart\"))
strVArbTyp1 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp1\"))
strVArbTyp2 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp2\"))
strVArbTyp3 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp3\"))
strVArbTyp4 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp4\"))
strVArbTyp5 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp5\"))
strVArbTyp6 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp6\"))
strVArbTyp7 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp7\"))
strVArbTyp8 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp8\"))
strVArbTyp9 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp9\"))
strVArbTyp10 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp10\"))
strVArbTyp11 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp11\"))
strVArbTyp12 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp12\"))
strVArbTyp13 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VArbTyp13\"))
strVJobOrd1 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd1\"))
strVJobOrd2 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd2\"))
strVJobOrd3 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd3\"))
strVJobOrd4 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd4\"))
strVJobOrd5 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd5\"))
strVJobOrd6 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd6\"))
strVJobOrd7 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd7\"))
strVJobOrd8 = Trim(Request.Form(\"VJobOrd8\"))

If Len(strKeyword) = 0 Then
\'    Response.Clear
\'    Response.Redirect(\"default.asp\")
\'    strKeyword = Replace(strKeyword,strKeyworda,strKeywordt)
    strKeyword = Replace(strKeyword,\"\",\"\")
End If
strSQL = \"SELECT * FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

\'Con.Execute strSQL
Set rs = Con.Execute(strSQL)

countSQL = \"Select Count(ID) As count FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"
response.write countSQL
RS2 = Con.Execute(countSQL)

If Not (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then

    Response.Write \"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=\'767\'><tr><td width=\'127\' valign=top><img src=images/stamdata.gif></td><td valign=top><b>Søge resultater:</b>&nbsp;\"&strKeyword&\" &nbsp; \"&strKeyworda&\" &nbsp;\"&strKeywordt&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd1&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd2&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd3&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd4&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd5&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd6&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd7&\"&nbsp;\"&strVJobOrd8&\"<br><table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>\"
    Response.Write \"<tr align=\'left\' class=\"\"type\"\"><th><img src=images/s_virksomhed.gif></th><th><img src=images/s_kontaktperson.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_socialpartner.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_kontorarbejde.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_lager.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_rengoring.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type4.gif></th><th><img src=images/s_type5.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type6.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type7.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type8.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type9.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type10.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type11.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type12.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_type13.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_ordinar.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_sprogskolejob.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_praktik.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_elev.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_lontilskud.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_revalidering.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_fleksjob.gif></th><th align=center><img src=images/s_skanejob.gif></th></tr>\"
    i = 0
    if rs.BOF and rs.EOF Then
    if NOT rs.BOF then
do while Not rs.EOF
i = i + 1
if (i mod 2 = 0) then
  BColor = \"#E9E9E9\"
  BColor = \"#E0E0E0\"
end if

It works fine without the count :)

hope this helps a little
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:45 #8
Is it the same error again ?
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:45 #9
There is a field in fspSearch called ID right ??
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:46 #10
Avatar billede nute Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 13:49 #11

Select Count(*) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 14:03 #12
prof same error the field is called VID but I get the same error
Select Count(VID) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error \'80040e14\'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in WHERE clause.

/WEE_guzzie/search_advanceret.asp, line 233

nute I also tried your suggestion but got the same error

I will have a look at the link you sent me
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 14:14 #13
Try this where the count thing is:

strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 14:24 #14
Here are som stuff you can try!

This maybe?:
strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM [fspSearch] WHERE\"

or this:

strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\'  and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

or this:

strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE (\"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

or this:

strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE\"
strSQL = strSQL & \" (VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\' and VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\' and VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\' and VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\' and VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\' and VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\' and VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\' and VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\' and VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\' and VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\' and VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\' and VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\' and VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\' and VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"
Avatar billede prof2 Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 14:26 #15
Maybe you can\'t see any changes but copy it all, and test it. There\'s something changed.

The last one can maybe work, because I have removed some spaces! Try it!
Avatar billede guzzie Nybegynder
06. august 2001 - 15:00 #16
Yippeeeeeeee :)

this one worked perfectly :)
strSQL = \"SELECT count(vid) as antal FROM fspSearch WHERE (\"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyword & \"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"KNavn LIKE \'%\" & strKeyworda & \"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VSocialPart LIKE \'%\" & strKeywordvsp &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp1 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp1 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp2 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp2 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp3 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp3 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp4 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp4 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp5 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp5 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp6 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp6 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp7 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp7 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp8 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp8 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp9 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp9 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp10 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp10 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp11 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp11 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp12 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp12 &\"%\'  and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VArbTyp13 LIKE \'%\" & strVArbTyp13 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd1 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd1 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd2 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd2 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd3 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd3 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd4 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd4 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd5 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd5 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd6 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd6 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd7 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd7 &\"%\' and \"
strSQL = strSQL & \"VJobOrd8 LIKE \'%\" & strVJobOrd8 &\"%\')\"

thanks again
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